David Segall
I was intrigued by a reference to QR codes
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_Code> in Martin Streicher's article
in Linux Magazine
<http://www.linux-magazine.com/Issues/2008/97/WEB-GRAPHER>. The
article is really about using Google Charts
I rushed to the site of my mobile (cell) phone provider and discovered
that my phone could decode QR codes and, in addition, they provided an
easy-to-use generator for the code
<http://www.telstra.com.au/codes/create_your_own_code.cfm>. The result
is at <http://www.profectus.com.au/contact.html#QR>.
The question is about making the QR code look pretty. A Google image
search for QR codes produced some with background images and some with
logos embedded in the image. Does anyone know where I can find out how
to do this? I would like the Profectus logo included in the QR code
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_Code> in Martin Streicher's article
in Linux Magazine
<http://www.linux-magazine.com/Issues/2008/97/WEB-GRAPHER>. The
article is really about using Google Charts
I rushed to the site of my mobile (cell) phone provider and discovered
that my phone could decode QR codes and, in addition, they provided an
easy-to-use generator for the code
<http://www.telstra.com.au/codes/create_your_own_code.cfm>. The result
is at <http://www.profectus.com.au/contact.html#QR>.
The question is about making the QR code look pretty. A Google image
search for QR codes produced some with background images and some with
logos embedded in the image. Does anyone know where I can find out how
to do this? I would like the Profectus logo included in the QR code