I'm in search of a fairly lightweight GPS device to carry around and use in
combination with a Sony NEX camera.
Are there are some command line Perl utilities that append geo-coordinates
onto Exif data of a set of images?
I've not used any GPS device before but I imagine the device would collect
GPS data once a minute or every few seconds. The data should thereafter
easily be exported into some standard format and merged with a collection
Jpegs in a directory where a 'merge' command can run.
I imagine it could be done by synchronizing the time settings of the camera
and the GPS device and after having saved a collection of Jpegs and GPS
data in a directory, running the procedure against the two data sets would
write the closest by-time geo-coordinate into an Exif field of each Jpeg.
Can anyone recommend some perl applications or modules for this?
Many thanks,
PS: I would like to avoid any Windows-only applications or other
proprietary GUI solutions etc. Also, any recommendations on actual GPS
hardware would be much appreciated.
I'm in search of a fairly lightweight GPS device to carry around and use in
combination with a Sony NEX camera.
Are there are some command line Perl utilities that append geo-coordinates
onto Exif data of a set of images?
I've not used any GPS device before but I imagine the device would collect
GPS data once a minute or every few seconds. The data should thereafter
easily be exported into some standard format and merged with a collection
Jpegs in a directory where a 'merge' command can run.
I imagine it could be done by synchronizing the time settings of the camera
and the GPS device and after having saved a collection of Jpegs and GPS
data in a directory, running the procedure against the two data sets would
write the closest by-time geo-coordinate into an Exif field of each Jpeg.
Can anyone recommend some perl applications or modules for this?
Many thanks,
PS: I would like to avoid any Windows-only applications or other
proprietary GUI solutions etc. Also, any recommendations on actual GPS
hardware would be much appreciated.