Graph algorithms - DFS, generators callbacks, and optimisation


Paul Moore

I'm trying to check a graph (represented in the usual Python adjacency
list format) for loops. This is dead simple - you use a depth-first
search, and look out for "back edges" (edges from a vertex "back" to
one you've already seen).

I already have a DFS algorithm which generates each edge in turn. It's
great for what it does, but it ignores back edges.

def DFS(graph, start, seen = None):
if not seen:
seen = {start: 1}
for v in graph[start]:
if v not in seen:
seen[v] = 1
yield start, v
if v in graph:
for e in DFS(graph, v, seen):
yield e

I could code a variation on this, just for this one problem, but that
sort of cut and paste coding offends me (and DFS is *just* fiddly
enough that I'm not confident of getting it right each time I
reimplement it). So what I'd rather do is enhance my existing code to
be a bit more general.

I have a C++ reference which implements a highly general DFS
algorithm, using the visitor pattern (pass a visitor object to the
function, and various callback methods are called at points in the
algorithm - there are discover_vertex, discover_edge, back_edge, etc

I could code something like this (the pseudocode for the algorithm is
almost executable in Python!) but it doesn't feel particularly
"pythonic". Having to write a visitor class for each use case feels
unwieldy (as well as being perceptibly slower than the generator
implementation). Having the various callbacks as arguments (pass a
callable or None) isn't much faster or cleaner.

Can anybody think of a good way of making the DFS code above a little
more generic, without losing the efficient and simple (from the
caller's POV) approach of the current version?


Robin Becker

Well in this case couldn't you make seen do the detection for you.
If I understand your analysis you could make the seen dictionary a
special kind of dictionary.


class DFSSeen(dict):
def __contains__(self,x):
r = super(DFSSeen,self).__contains__(x)
if r:
print 'back link to',x
return r

G = {
1: (2,3),
2: (3,5),
3: (4,),
4: (6,),
5: (2,6),
6: (1,),
for v in DFS(G,1,DFSSeen({1:1})):
print v

using the above I get
(1, 2)
(2, 3)
(3, 4)
(4, 6)
back link to 1
(2, 5)
back link to 2
back link to 6
back link to 3

so cycle detection is possible without altering the original code, but
it probably isn't sufficient for your purposes in that we don't have the
start vertex.


I'm trying to check a graph (represented in the usual Python adjacency
list format) for loops. This is dead simple - you use a depth-first
search, and look out for "back edges" (edges from a vertex "back" to
one you've already seen).

I already have a DFS algorithm which generates each edge in turn. It's
great for what it does, but it ignores back edges.

def DFS(graph, start, seen = None):
if not seen:
seen = {start: 1}
for v in graph[start]:
if v not in seen:
seen[v] = 1
yield start, v
if v in graph:
for e in DFS(graph, v, seen):
yield e

I could code a variation on this, just for this one problem, but that
sort of cut and paste coding offends me (and DFS is *just* fiddly
enough that I'm not confident of getting it right each time I
reimplement it). So what I'd rather do is enhance my existing code to
be a bit more general.

I have a C++ reference which implements a highly general DFS
algorithm, using the visitor pattern (pass a visitor object to the
function, and various callback methods are called at points in the
algorithm - there are discover_vertex, discover_edge, back_edge, etc

I could code something like this (the pseudocode for the algorithm is
almost executable in Python!) but it doesn't feel particularly
"pythonic". Having to write a visitor class for each use case feels
unwieldy (as well as being perceptibly slower than the generator
implementation). Having the various callbacks as arguments (pass a
callable or None) isn't much faster or cleaner.

Can anybody think of a good way of making the DFS code above a little
more generic, without losing the efficient and simple (from the
caller's POV) approach of the current version?


Paul Moore

Robin Becker said:
Well in this case couldn't you make seen do the detection for you.
If I understand your analysis you could make the seen dictionary a
special kind of dictionary.

Interesting trick. I hadn't thought of this, mainly because "seen" is
only in the parameter list to allow the recursive call to work - I'd
never intended it to be passed by the user. (I have a non-recursive
version of DFS without a "seen" parameter).

More general DFS algorithms have a "colour" dictionary, where vertices
can be "White" (not seen) "Black" (seen) or "Grey" (essentially,
"still being looked at"). I'm not sure how that would interact with
this trick.

Hmm. I wish I had a "big" use case where issues like this matter. But
all of my uses are small - the sort of thing where a general library
helps a lot, because the whole project is too small to justify
(re-)implementing the algorithm. But with just small examples, you
never get the breadth of use cases to make the optimal design obvious.

Or maybe I'm just a lousy library designer :)

Time to stop rambling and do something productive...


Bengt Richter

I'm trying to check a graph (represented in the usual Python adjacency
list format) for loops. This is dead simple - you use a depth-first
search, and look out for "back edges" (edges from a vertex "back" to
one you've already seen).

I already have a DFS algorithm which generates each edge in turn. It's
great for what it does, but it ignores back edges.

def DFS(graph, start, seen = None):
if not seen:
seen = {start: 1}
for v in graph[start]:
if v not in seen:
seen[v] = 1
yield start, v
if v in graph:
for e in DFS(graph, v, seen):
yield e

I could code a variation on this, just for this one problem, but that
sort of cut and paste coding offends me (and DFS is *just* fiddly
enough that I'm not confident of getting it right each time I
reimplement it). So what I'd rather do is enhance my existing code to
be a bit more general.
Not very tested, but how about (borrowing Robin's example data):

====< >=============================================
def DFS2(graph, start, rlevel=0, seen = None):
if seen is None: seen = {}
seen[start] = 1 # allow for jumping into arbitrary subtrees with
# same seen dict in new generator ?
for v in graph[start]:
is_back = v in seen
seen[v] = True # ok if redundant
yield (start, v), is_back, rlevel
if not is_back:
if v in graph:
for e in DFS2(graph, v, rlevel+1, seen):
yield e

if __name__ == '__main__':
G = {
1: (2,3),
2: (3,5),
3: (4,),
4: (6,),
5: (2,6),
6: (1,),
for e, is_back, level in DFS2(G, 1):
print '%s%s -> %s%s' %(level*' ',e[0], e[1], ('',' (back)')[is_back])

The output is:

[15:15] C:\pywk\clp>
1 -> 2
2 -> 3
3 -> 4
4 -> 6
6 -> 1 (back)
2 -> 5
5 -> 2 (back)
5 -> 6 (back)
1 -> 3 (back)
Can anybody think of a good way of making the DFS code above a little
more generic, without losing the efficient and simple (from the
caller's POV) approach of the current version?
My .02 above ;-)

Bengt Richter

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