Graph library for Web (applet / WebStart)



Hi group,

We are looking for a graph and layout library (in Java). Some

- There must be no runtime royalties, but we are willing to pay for
the IDE / development libraries. But there must be no fees to
distribute the written programs, which are part of a bigger solution
and will be part of commercial solution.
- The graph shall be displayed as WebStart application or applet.
- We need different layout algorithms. The nodes shall be rendered in
different ways.
- Speed is the key. The rendering must be fast for graphs with 1000+
- GPL is not possible, since it will be part of a commercial solution.
- Access to the data will be handled via XML or WebServices.
- The framework shall have a good look and feel, and nice layout.

Has somebody succesfully implemeted something similar and kindly give
us a hint which framework might be a good solution.

Regards Horst

Reference: JavaGraphToolxx

Arne Vajhøj

We are looking for a graph and layout library (in Java). Some

- There must be no runtime royalties, but we are willing to pay for
the IDE / development libraries. But there must be no fees to
distribute the written programs, which are part of a bigger solution
and will be part of commercial solution.
- The graph shall be displayed as WebStart application or applet.
- We need different layout algorithms. The nodes shall be rendered in
different ways.
- Speed is the key. The rendering must be fast for graphs with 1000+
- GPL is not possible, since it will be part of a commercial solution.
- Access to the data will be handled via XML or WebServices.
- The framework shall have a good look and feel, and nice layout.

Has somebody succesfully implemeted something similar and kindly give
us a hint which framework might be a good solution.

You should absolutely consider JFreeChart for the graphics library.



Thanks for the feedback, JFreeChart is an excellent framework, but it
does not support graph layout but only charts.
Regards HW

Arne Vajhøj

> Thanks for the feedback, JFreeChart is an excellent framework, but it
> does not support graph layout but only charts.

What do you mean by graph layout ? In my experience you can
customize the look of graphs in JFreeChart a lot.


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