How can the Login control stop authenticating?



This control can be dragged and dropped from the VS2008 Toolbox and if
Membership is setup correctly the Login control will login authenticated
users --and-- display a message and stop the form from processing when
unknown credentials are submitted, i.e. validation.

Any attempt to use any code in any of the supported event handlers for this
control causes the Login control to stop authenticating known users. There's
other stuff going on but I didn't think or didn't know I would have to write
all of the authentication code to authenticate a user trying to login simply
because I was also using some other event handler for the Login control.

Gregory A. Beamer

This control can be dragged and dropped from the VS2008 Toolbox and if
Membership is setup correctly the Login control will login
authenticated users --and-- display a message and stop the form from
processing when unknown credentials are submitted, i.e. validation.

Any attempt to use any code in any of the supported event handlers for
this control causes the Login control to stop authenticating known
users. There's other stuff going on but I didn't think or didn't know
I would have to write all of the authentication code to authenticate a
user trying to login simply because I was also using some other event
handler for the Login control.

You don't have to rewrite everything if you are using the standard
authentication method. If you are using custom tables, a database other
than Access or SQL Server or completely changing authentication, then
you do have to write a custom provider, but not for changing validation.

You want to use the validating method and set e.Cancel = true when the
user fails your scheme. That will not alter the normal operation for
anyone you allow to pass through the gate.

If I have missed the nail, post a follow up.


Not even using the template but bringing it right down to the basics noting
the Login.aspx control is loaded into a Panel and the Panel is in the

// will login but I do not know if it is using validation to catch unknown
<asp:Login ID="MemberLogin" runat="server" />

I do not know how to code this anymore because any event handler will cause
the control to no longer authenticate and login a known user

<asp:Login ID="MemberLogin" runat="server"
OnAuthenticate="OnAuthenticate" />

Gregory A. Beamer

Not even using the template but bringing it right down to the basics
noting the Login.aspx control is loaded into a Panel and the Panel is
in the MasterPage

// will login but I do not know if it is using validation to catch
unknown credentials
<asp:Login ID="MemberLogin" runat="server" />

I do not know how to code this anymore because any event handler will
cause the control to no longer authenticate and login a known user

<asp:Login ID="MemberLogin" runat="server"
OnAuthenticate="OnAuthenticate" />

That is used for custom authentication only. If you want to do your own
check and then allow normal authentication, then use OnLoggingIn. You can
set e.Cancel = true when it breaks your rules. If you want to do something
after a log in, you can use OnLoggedIn instead.


I've got something to work tonight thanks for bringing some choices to my

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