How to check the size of each files that are being uploaded



I am developing cgi perl script for uploading files with uploading
progress bar.
Now i have script that do this good.
While uploading i must to know total size of the file that is being
It is not problem becouse there is global variable
$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} that contains the lenght of the attachment.

The problem is when 2 or more files are bieng uploaded.

How can i know the size of each file?
I use CGI->new(\&hook) method to catch file uploading process.


I am developing cgi perl script for uploading files with uploading
progress bar.
Now i have script that do this good.

How does it work? Does it use a separate frame for the monitoring?
While uploading i must to know total size of the file that is being
It is not problem becouse there is global variable
$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} that contains the lenght of the attachment.

The problem is when 2 or more files are bieng uploaded.

How can i know the size of each file?

Strictly on the server, you can't. At least not until each file is done
being sucked down by the server and the next "multipart/form-data" starts

You might be able to craft some javascript running on the client side that
will check on the local file size and encoded it into the form submission.

But I don't see the point. As a user, I'd want to know when the upload is
likely to be done. What do I gain by knowing what each individual
component is doing?
I use CGI->new(\&hook) method to catch file uploading process.


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Partial solution is to use javascript to check file sizes before user click on
Send button. But be sure to warn users which have javascript disabled in
browser. It is very simple:

<div style="border: 2px solid red">You have not javascript enabled, please
enable it.</div>
I tried to get file size with javascrip but i found that it is
imposiblem. Browsers don't allow this operation.
Do you know how to do this?

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