Hyperlink HREF


Alex Nitulescu

Hi. I have the following question - is it possible (I assume it is, but I
have no idea how to do it) to HIDE the href text which automatically shows
in the status bar of IE ?

I have build a templated, data-bound custom control. Using it, I am showing
a list of names from the Authors table, using hypertext links with the text
set to the name of the person, such as:
each of the links pointing to a Details form, with the syntax:

<a id=lnkOdd style="COLOR: #ff0066" href= '<%#
string.format("Details.aspx?id={0}", container.dataitem("au_id"))%>'>
<%# container.dataitem("au_lname") & ", " &
container.dataitem("au_fname") %>

Now when I move the mouse over such a link, I see in the status bar
something like:

I imagine that in some situations I would NOT like the users to see the
(supposedly secret) ID. How can I convince IE NOT to show the href of the
link I'm hovering over ?

Should I write some JScript to kill/modify the onmouseover event ? If so,
how would one do that ? Or is there some property to set ? (I haven't found

Thank you.



Write a script to scroll some text in the staus bar...this will hide the
href text in the staus bar of IE during mouse over on the links.


Jerome. M

Malik Asif Joyia

to hide the link in the status bar you should user Java Script in your
Anchor Tag.
Write a Event of Onclick in the tag .
2nd is in which situation you are redirecting to that id ,
if you are redirecting to some page with that id in Query String then you
should change your form data posting method,,,Save this id in some Text
Field and submit the form on the page.
Malik Asif



Even yu can use "Link button" too..to hide the link text appearing in the
staus bar.


Jerome. M

Peter Rilling

There are ways to do this with JavaScript. JavaScript does allow you to
control the contents of the status bar, but I would like to offer a more
broad view of your request. There is nothing to prevent the user from
viewing the source of the webpage and seeing the parameters. In fact, that
is what I do all the time when a webpage tries to hide the contents of a
URL. I gets suspicions when a site does not want me to know what the URL of
a link is. Does it go to an adult site? Does it go to a spam site? Does
it go to a link that attempts to install a virus? All legitimate concerns
these days.

If you truly want to obfuscate the parameters, you might want to store them
in a database and send a "key" down in the querystring that represents those
querystrings. Then if the link is clicked, the parameters are gotten from
the database and used based on the "key". That key would be valid for a
period of time like the duration of the users session.

Or if you don't need that much security, you could simply BASE64 encode each
"secret" parameter and decode it when it returns to the server.

Alex Nitulescu

I found a very simple method by searching the net:

onmouseover="OnMouseOverScript();return true"


<script language="javascript">
function OnMouseOverScript()

The key here is the "return true" stuff.... I'm working now on the second
part of the problem - passing the ID in a different manner.

Alex Nitulescu

Yes, great idea, Peter, especially the first one. I'm working right now on
an algorithm to generate these keys dynamically.

Thanks ! :))))

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