"i = i|0"


Stefan Ram

Newsgroups: comp.lang.c,comp.lang.javascript

I have read this in a World-Wide Web encyclopedia:

For example, given the following C code:

int f(int i) {
return i + 1;

Emscripten would output the following JS code:

function f(i) {
i = i|0;
return (i + 1)|0;

Do you think that the »|0« is necessary to express the
C semantics in JavaScript, or could the speed of the
generated code be improved by omitting it?

Newsgroups: comp.lang.c,comp.lang.javascript

Malcolm McLean

Newsgroups: comp.lang.c,comp.lang.javascript

I have read this in a World-Wide Web encyclopedia:

For example, given the following C code:

int f(int i) {
return i + 1;

Emscripten would output the following JS code:

function f(i) {
i = i|0;
return (i + 1)|0;

Do you think that the �|0� is necessary to express the
C semantics in JavaScript, or could the speed of the
generated code be improved by omitting it?
I don't have much knowledge of the underlying system.
But my guess is that since Javascript uses a weakly typed
system, "i +1" can mean several things depending on the
type of i. i|0 probably forces it to an integer, and the
converter just adds that to every integer expression, whether
strictly required or not.

Stefan Ram

Newsgroups: comp.lang.c,comp.lang.javascript

Malcolm McLean said:
type of i. i|0 probably forces it to an integer, and the

Yes, but if it was compiled from a correct C program, then
every call within that program should already have an
integer as its argument - and authors of other clients in
JavaScript can be instructed to use only integer arguments.

When they then call the function with non-integer arguments
its their fault. (Or they can write a |0 wrapper instead
of requiring each and every function to do |0 and thereby
possibly slowing down execution and enlarging code size.)

Newsgroups: comp.lang.c,comp.lang.javascript

Ike Naar

When they then call the function with non-integer arguments
its their fault. (Or they can write a |0 wrapper instead
of requiring each and every function to do |0 and thereby
possibly slowing down execution and enlarging code size.)

With a decent optimizing compiler, do you think that |0 would
slow down execution or enlarge code size?

James Kuyper

With a decent optimizing compiler, do you think that |0 would
slow down execution or enlarge code size?

I'm no JS experts, but so far I haven't seen any responses from those
who are, so I'll throw in my guesses.

It seems reasonable to me that it would - in javascript, |0 doesn't just
cause the integer value to be unchanged (something a smart compiler
could drop) - it also (and first) causes conversion to a 32-bit integer
type, if necessary. The compiler can't be expected to know that such a
conversion will not, in fact, be necessary. This is a substantial
difference from the original C code, where such conversions would occur,
if necessary, in the calling code, where the compiler can be sure. A JS
compiler would have to generate code to check the type of the argument,
and code to perform the conversion. The checking part, at least, will
have to be executed even though the conversion code will not.

Christoph Michael Becker

Stefan said:
I have read this in a World-Wide Web encyclopedia:

For example, given the following C code:

int f(int i) {
return i + 1;

Emscripten would output the following JS code:

function f(i) {
i = i|0;
return (i + 1)|0;

Do you think that the »|0« is necessary to express the
C semantics in JavaScript, or could the speed of the
generated code be improved by omitting it?

At least the C semantics are better matched; consider arbitrary input to
the function, or an overflow occuring in the calculation.

I'm not sure about the performance. Actually, this idiom is quite
common, so it might cause performance improvements in some ECMAScript
implementations. At least it is used in asm.js to enforce the type of i
and the return value to be an integer type.

[xpost & fup2 comp.lang.javascript]

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

[F'up2 comp.lang.javascript]

Stefan said:
I have read this in a World-Wide Web encyclopedia:

For example, given the following C code:

int f(int i) {
return i + 1;

Emscripten would output the following JS code:

function f(i) {
i = i|0;
return (i + 1)|0;

Do you think that the »|0« is necessary to express the
C semantics in JavaScript, or could the speed of the
generated code be improved by omitting it?

First of all, this does _not_ express the C semantics in JavaScript, and
there is no other way. “int†is a *generic* type in C/C++; IIUC, the result
could be a 32-bit integer when compiled for a 32-bit platform or a 64-bit
integer when compiled for a 64-bit platform.


By contrast, using the binary bitwise OR operator, as with all ECMAScript
binary bitwise operators, *always* creates an IEEE-754 double-precision
*floating-point* value representing a *32-bit* integer value. Also, not
only the result will be such a value, but also the operands are converted
to such values internally, before the operation is performed.


Conversion to an integer value of the ECMAScript Number type (i.e., where
the fractional part of the mantissa is zero), which appears to be the goal
here, can be better achieved with the Math.floor() and Math.ceil()
functions, e.g.:

if (typeof Number.prototype.toInteger != "undefined")
Number.prototype.toInteger = function () {
return (this < 0 ? Math.ceil(this) : Math.floor(this));

* Frobnicates this value
* @return {int} i
* The value to be frobnicated
* @return {int}
* The frobnicated value
function f (i)
return (+i).toInteger() + 42;

[JSX:array.js features another converter, for
jsx.array.BigArray.prototype.slice() & friends¹, that for practical reasons
more closely matches the Specification (ToInt32), but does not convert to
32-bit floating-point integer.]

Of course, this still does not remotely implement the C semantics. One
aspect of it is that code where you pass a non-integer would not compile.
Since ECMAScript uses dynamic type-checking, it is not possible to prevent
compilation. But at the very least passing unsuitable values should cause
an exception to be thrown, so that it becomes unnecessary to handle them,

function f (i)
if (i % 1 != 0)
/* JSX:eek:bject.js provides jsx.InvalidArgumentError instead */
throw new TypeError('f: Invalid argument for "i": ' + i + ':'
+ typeof i + '[' + _getClass(i) + ']'
+ (i != null ? ' by ' + (_getFunctionName(i.constructor) || '?')
: '')
+ '; expected integer');

return i + 42;

¹ supports arrays with up to 2âµÂ³âˆ’1 numerically indexed elements²
² Because 2âµÂ³+1 is indistinguishable from 2âµÂ³ due to precision limits,
so that element overflow could not be detected, I had to reduce
jsx.array.BigArray.MAX_LENGTH to Math.pow(2, 53) - 1 recently.
(This is also the reason why standard Array instances can hold only
up to 2³²_−1_ elements, so that the largest possible index is
Math.pow(2, 32) _- 2_.)

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

[F'up2 comp.lang.javascript]

James said:
I'm no JS experts,

That much is obvious.
but so far I haven't seen any responses from those who are,

Usenet is not a real-time communications medium. Besides, what one sees may
very well be different from what someone else sees, due to different feeds
(different speeds and Paths), scorefiles, killfiles, and so on.
so I'll throw in my guesses.

The reference material is freely available; there is no need to guess. If
you are not sure, just refrain from posting. Nobody is being helped by wild
guesses from people who have a smattering; you do not have to save the world
It seems reasonable to me that it would - in javascript, |0 doesn't just

There is no javascript. [0]
cause the integer value to be unchanged (something a smart compiler
could drop) - it also (and first) causes conversion to a 32-bit integer
type, if necessary.

No, it causes conversion to a 64-bit floating-point value that represents a
32-bit integer value.


I'm no JS experts, but so far I haven't seen any responses from those
who are, so I'll throw in my guesses.

no JS expert either...

but, I had been working on writing a VM which can run C and supports JS
as a target...

but, yeah, "|0" if anything, makes code faster, by offering a useful
hint (and being trivial to optimize away). besides this, it also helps
enforce integer semantics.

It seems reasonable to me that it would - in javascript, |0 doesn't just
cause the integer value to be unchanged (something a smart compiler
could drop) - it also (and first) causes conversion to a 32-bit integer
type, if necessary. The compiler can't be expected to know that such a
conversion will not, in fact, be necessary. This is a substantial
difference from the original C code, where such conversions would occur,
if necessary, in the calling code, where the compiler can be sure. A JS
compiler would have to generate code to check the type of the argument,
and code to perform the conversion. The checking part, at least, will
have to be executed even though the conversion code will not.


the numeric type in JS isn't really all that well-defined (in terms of
how it is implemented), but is generally implemented, essentially, as a
64-bit double (nevermind if implementations may use integer-types
internally when they can get away with it, but this is mostly invisible
at the JS level).

"|0" basically then effectively means (besides "OR with 0") "truncate
value range to that of a 32-bit integer", but may indirectly serve as a
hint to the JS engine that it may safely use a 32-bit integer
representation internally (it may, but need not necessarily, imply a
type conversion, depending mostly on the "phase of the moon" and "the
current feelings of the JS engine at this particular moment in time",
and need not involve a runtime check, say, if the JS-engine already
knows that the caller calls this code with an integer value, ...).

different JS engines generally implement numbers internally in different
NaN-tagged values (pretty much all numbers are double but NaN encodes
special cases, such as object-pointers/references);
tagged-reference types (where we have a value and a few tag bits
indicate what it is, ex: pointer/integer/double/...);
inferred basic types (untagged integer or double values, ...);

or such...


First of all, this does _not_ express the C semantics in JavaScript, and
there is no other way. “int†is a *generic* type in C/C++; IIUC, the result
could be a 32-bit integer when compiled for a 32-bit platform or a 64-bit
integer when compiled for a 64-bit platform.

AFAIU, ILP64 platforms are rare, and SILP64 even more so.
By contrast, using the binary bitwise OR operator, as with all ECMAScript
binary bitwise operators, *always* creates an IEEE-754 double-precision
*floating-point* value representing a *32-bit* integer value. Also, not
only the result will be such a value, but also the operands are converted
to such values internally, before the operation is performed.

FWIW, in C, operands of bitwise operators "shall have integer type"
(otherwise it is a constraint violation).

I'm not quite sure what the semantics of ORing two floating-point
value should be (in a different language).


James Kuyper

On 6/11/2014 4:37 PM, James Kuyper wrote: ....


the numeric type in JS isn't really all that well-defined (in terms of
how it is implemented), but is generally implemented, essentially, as a
64-bit double (nevermind if implementations may use integer-types
internally when they can get away with it, but this is mostly invisible
at the JS level).

"|0" basically then effectively means (besides "OR with 0") "truncate
value range to that of a 32-bit integer", but may indirectly serve as a
hint to the JS engine that it may safely use a 32-bit integer
representation internally (it may, but need not necessarily, imply a
type conversion, depending mostly on the "phase of the moon" and "the
current feelings of the JS engine at this particular moment in time",
and need not involve a runtime check, say, if the JS-engine already
knows that the caller calls this code with an integer value, ...).

With the javascript definition given by the OP, could f() be passed an
argument which is not of numeric type, but which can be converted? Your
argument seems to suggest that the compiler need not worry about
performing such a conversion.

James Kuyper

[F'up2 comp.lang.javascript]

James said:
I'm no JS experts,

That much is obvious.
but so far I haven't seen any responses from those who are,

Usenet is not a real-time communications medium. Besides, what one sees may
very well be different from what someone else sees, due to different feeds
(different speeds and Paths), scorefiles, killfiles, and so on.

Yes, know all of that. But I was getting impatient for someone to reply.
The reference material is freely available; there is no need to guess.

My comments were not pure guesses. I searched for reference materials,
found one (I didn't take notes, so I'm not sure which one) that was
identified as an official standard (though possibly not the relevant
one). It defined the behavior of bit-wise or in terms of calls to
ToInt32() for each operand.
you are not sure, just refrain from posting. Nobody is being helped by wild
guesses from people who have a smattering; you do not have to save the world
It seems reasonable to me that it would - in javascript, |0 doesn't just

There is no javascript. [0]

That comment requires explanation. What you meant by it may be perfectly
obvious to those who monitor comp.lang.javascript, but for this
particular C expert, the very existence of comp.lang.javascript seems to
contradict the most obvious meaning for that comment.

The [0] seems to be intended as a cross-reference, but I couldn't locate it.
No, it causes conversion to a 64-bit floating-point value that represents a
32-bit integer value.

If I'd bothered to look up what ToInt32() did, I would have noticed, but
the name seemed perfectly clear, so I didn't bother. It would never have
occurred to me that ToInt32() might have such behavior. From a C
perspective, that's a mind-bogglingly inefficient way of doing things,
though I suppose it makes sense from a javascript perspective (Sorry - I
couldn't figure out how to write that sentence without referring to the
thing you've said is non-existent).

That doesn't change my main point: the conversion is still required - it
can't be optimized away. Or am I wrong about that, too?

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

[F'up2 comp.lang.javascript]

James Kuyper wrote in comp.lang.c:
James said:
It seems reasonable to me that it would - in javascript, |0 doesn't just

There is no javascript. [0]

That comment requires explanation. What you meant by it may be perfectly
obvious to those who monitor comp.lang.javascript,

It should.
but for this particular C expert, the very existence of
comp.lang.javascript seems to contradict the most obvious meaning for that

Yes, that only seems to be so. The newsgroup name, charter and tagline are
both historic considering what is being discussed there now (and rightly
so), and the newsgroup name is case-insensitive as newsgroup names usually
go. (You would not talk about “c†either, would you?)
The [0] seems to be intended as a cross-reference, but I couldn't locate

It was in my signature; the URI still is.
That doesn't change my main point: the conversion is still required - it
can't be optimized away. Or am I wrong about that, too?

The only possible optimization of

function f(i) {
i = i|0;
return (i + 1)|0;

function f(i) {
return ((i|0) + 1)|0;

(Source code optimization could either add pretty printing or strip almost
all whitespace.)

The “| 0†operation itself cannot be optimized away, but as I indicated it
can be replaced for greater flexibility (and a closer-to-C/C++-int

F'up2 had been set. Please stop cross-posting (without F'up2).

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

[F'up2 comp.lang.javascript]

James Kuyper wrote in comp.lang.c:
James said:
It seems reasonable to me that it would - in javascript, |0 doesn't just

There is no javascript. [0]

That comment requires explanation. What you meant by it may be perfectly
obvious to those who monitor comp.lang.javascript,

It should.
but for this particular C expert, the very existence of
comp.lang.javascript seems to contradict the most obvious meaning for that

Yes, that only seems to be so. The newsgroup name, charter and tagline are
both historic considering what is being discussed there now (and rightly
so), and the newsgroup name is case-insensitive as newsgroup names usually
go. (You would not talk about “c†either, would you?)
The [0] seems to be intended as a cross-reference, but I couldn't locate

It was in my signature; the URI still is.
That doesn't change my main point: the conversion is still required - it
can't be optimized away. Or am I wrong about that, too?

The only possible optimization of

function f(i) {
i = i|0;
return (i + 1)|0;

in terms of runtime is

function f(i) {
return ((i|0) + 1)|0;

(Source code optimization could either add pretty printing or strip almost
all whitespace.)

The “| 0†operation itself cannot be optimized away, but as I indicated it
can be replaced for greater flexibility (and a closer-to-C/C++-int

F'up2 had been set. Please stop cross-posting (without F'up2).

James Kuyper

[F'up2 comp.lang.javascript]

Noted, and ignored. Explanation in last paragraph.
James Kuyper wrote in comp.lang.c: ....
The [0] seems to be intended as a cross-reference, but I couldn't locate

It was in my signature; the URI still is.

I've found it, but I don't think it was reasonable to have expected
someone to be able to find it there, without more of a clue about where
to look. I routinely ignore signatures, I suspect that this is
commonplace. My newsreader, like many, displays signatures in ways
designed to avoid drawing attention to them. Specifically, it displays
them in light grey text on a white background.

The corresponding link brings up a blank screen on my system, so I'm
still not sure what the cross-reference was intended to convey. From
your comments earlier, I assume it's something about the case. Is
Javascript better? Or should it be JavaScript?
F'up2 had been set. Please stop cross-posting (without F'up2).

The original question, and everything I've ever had to say about this
thread, has always been about whether the translation of a particular
example of C code to a particular bit of Javascript was correct. I don't
understand why you consider it inappropriate to cross-post such a
discussion to both a C oriented newsgroup and a Javascript oriented one.
I can't imagine a better case for cross-posting.


With the javascript definition given by the OP, could f() be passed an
argument which is not of numeric type, but which can be converted? Your
argument seems to suggest that the compiler need not worry about
performing such a conversion.

JS is weird, and if it *is* passed an integer value, often any
checks/conversions can be optimized away.

internally, a given function might end up compiled into several
different internal functions:
one which takes an integer value;
one which takes a double, and converts it;
one which blows up (known invalid types);
one which performs a run-time check;

then, if the caller passes an integer, it will internally call the
version which accepts an integer (and thus no checks/conversion needed),
rather than the version which takes other types.

so, for example:
function f(i) {
i = i|0;
return (i + 1)|0;

could potentially end up as 3-5 different functions internally.

ex, in a C equivalent:
int f_i(int i) {
return (i + 1);
int f_d(double i) {
int t_i;
return (t_i + 1);

might become effectively:

usually, the argument lists the callers make use of will indicate which
version of a function are generated, so if a function is only ever
called with a particular combination of argument types, only this
version will be compiled for.

in less-trivial cases (those involving objects and closures, ...), lots
of other wackiness may come up though.


Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn said:
[F'up2 comp.lang.javascript]

James Kuyper wrote in comp.lang.c:
but for this particular C expert, the very existence of
comp.lang.javascript seems to contradict the most obvious meaning for
so), and the newsgroup name is case-insensitive as newsgroup names usually
go. (You would not talk about “c†either, would you?)

"c" by itself is ambiguous. "javascript" considerably less so; even without
context, people will know what you were on about (ie. the language formerly
known as Javascript).
The only possible optimization of

function f(i) {
i = i|0;
return (i + 1)|0;

in terms of runtime is

function f(i) {
return ((i|0) + 1)|0;

If that function is being called as a=f(b), then another optimisation might

a = b+1;

if the function source is visible at the call-site (especially if being
converted from c source code).

But, how important is that |0 anyway; what would happen if the function was

function f(i) }
return i+1;
} ?

(I assume that in this language, it is possible to write such a function,
but would anyone actually bother with sticking |0 everywhere? If called with
an invalid argument, it would still fail wouldn't it?)

Richard Bos

James Kuyper said:
The corresponding link brings up a blank screen on my system, so I'm
still not sure what the cross-reference was intended to convey. From
your comments earlier, I assume it's something about the case. Is
Javascript better? Or should it be JavaScript?

My guess is that he wants to be called an EcmaScript(tm) Developer.


Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

[F'up2 comp.lang.javascript]

BartC wrote in comp.lang.javascript, comp.lang.c:

It's attribution *line*, _not_ attribution novel.
[F'up2 comp.lang.javascript]

Why have you ignored that? This discussion has nothing to do with C
"c" by itself is ambiguous. "javascript" considerably less so; even
without context, people will know what you were on about (ie. the language
formerly known as Javascript).

So those “people†are adopting a new term for a non-existing language that
is thought to be a successor to some other non-existing language?

(You have no clue what you are talking about. Visit the ECMAScript Support
Matrix website to get a minimum one.)
function f(i) {
i = i|0;
return (i + 1)|0;

If that function is being called as a=f(b), then another optimisation
might be:

a = b+1;

if the function source is visible at the call-site (especially if being
converted from c source code).

No, as that would change the semantics considerably. I also think inlining
was not what was being asked for here; it is too obvious.
But, how important is that |0 anyway; what would happen if the function
was just:

function f(i) }
return i+1;
} ?

Then the value of the “i†parameter would not necessarily be a numeric value
whose fractional part is zero, neither would be the return value.
(I assume that in this language, it is possible to write such a function,
but would anyone actually bother with sticking |0 everywhere? If called
with an invalid argument, it would still fail wouldn't it?)

What is “this language�

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