IDLE question


Rolf Wester


I would like to use IDLE as interactively as I can with Emacs. In Emacs
I can send a marked region to the Python interpreter. Is there any way
to do the same thing with IDLE?

Thank you in advance


Rolf Wester



IDLE presents you with an interactive python prompt where you can enter
your code : single statments, class definitions, functions and it will
execute interactively.
From the IDLE editor, I doubt if you can do what you want. In fact IDLE
will force you to save your code in a file before you can execute it.

To achieve what you describe (select a portion and execute) in IDLE, I
use exec() or alternatively the compiler module both of which can take
statements in a string variable and execute it. This works for me; may
be there is a better way.




I would like to use IDLE as interactively as I can with Emacs. In Emacs
I can send a marked region to the Python interpreter. Is there any way
to do the same thing with IDLE?
Although i don't use anything much beside IDLE, vim for coding, AFAIK
IDLE can't do that.
IDLE opens up python shell. Within that shell you type in your script
, commands and create objects as such......The interpreter will
execute your code then.
IDLE looks like this when you fire it up.

Python 2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.

Personal firewall software may warn about the connection IDLE
makes to its subprocess using this computer's internal loopback
interface. This connection is not visible on any external
interface and no data is sent to or received from the Internet.

IDLE 1.1
# this is the Python shell.

l = ['spam','eggs'] # you assign and create a list variable called l
l # prints the content of l.
['spam', 'eggs']


Kurt B. Kaiser

Ishwor said:
Although i don't use anything much beside IDLE, vim for coding, AFAIK
IDLE can't do that.
IDLE opens up python shell. Within that shell you type in your script
, commands and create objects as such......The interpreter will
execute your code then.

Copy. Paste at shell prompt. <enter>.

I'm thinking about adding copy and paste to right click menu.
Maybe paste/exec would be cool in the shell window.

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