include page based on week of year.



I have to update a page every week. I get the page ahead of time so I used
the "scheduled includes" webbot in Frontpage only to find that I would have
to refresh the page every week to have it work. That is silly, it should run
by itself. so...
I asked the question in the FP group and I was offered this pseudocode
to do it by month which would work if it's possible to do it by week without
writing 52 seperate lines, one for each week which would change each year
and have to be rewritten each year.

<% If Now()>date("1/3/2005") then %>
<!-- #include file="includes/mar.asp" -->
<% elseif Now()>date("1/2/2005") then %>
<!-- #include file="includes/feb.asp" -->
<% else %>
<!-- #include file="includes/jan.asp" -->
<% endif %>

Now the goal for me would be something that would calculate which week of
the year (any year) it is.
i.e. Jan 1-7 = w1.htm , Jan 8-15= w2.htm etc. and return a Wx.htm for each
That way all I have to do is save a wx.htm file where x= week of year.
so ... how can I caclulate what week of the year it is?

Chris Hohmann

.:mmac:. said:
I have to update a page every week. I get the page ahead of time so I used
the "scheduled includes" webbot in Frontpage only to find that I would have
to refresh the page every week to have it work. That is silly, it should run
by itself. so...
I asked the question in the FP group and I was offered this pseudocode
to do it by month which would work if it's possible to do it by week without
writing 52 seperate lines, one for each week which would change each year
and have to be rewritten each year.

<% If Now()>date("1/3/2005") then %>
<!-- #include file="includes/mar.asp" -->
<% elseif Now()>date("1/2/2005") then %>
<!-- #include file="includes/feb.asp" -->
<% else %>
<!-- #include file="includes/jan.asp" -->
<% endif %>

Now the goal for me would be something that would calculate which week of
the year (any year) it is.
i.e. Jan 1-7 = w1.htm , Jan 8-15= w2.htm etc. and return a Wx.htm for each
That way all I have to do is save a wx.htm file where x= week of year.
so ... how can I caclulate what week of the year it is?
Use the DatePart function. Here's the online documentation:


.:mmac:. said:
I have to update a page every week. I get the page ahead of time so I used
the "scheduled includes" webbot in Frontpage only to find that I would have
to refresh the page every week to have it work. That is silly, it should run
by itself. so...
I asked the question in the FP group and I was offered this pseudocode
to do it by month which would work if it's possible to do it by week without
writing 52 seperate lines, one for each week which would change each year
and have to be rewritten each year.

<% If Now()>date("1/3/2005") then %>
<!-- #include file="includes/mar.asp" -->
<% elseif Now()>date("1/2/2005") then %>
<!-- #include file="includes/feb.asp" -->
<% else %>
<!-- #include file="includes/jan.asp" -->
<% endif %>

Now the goal for me would be something that would calculate which week of
the year (any year) it is.
i.e. Jan 1-7 = w1.htm , Jan 8-15= w2.htm etc. and return a Wx.htm for each
That way all I have to do is save a wx.htm file where x= week of year.
so ... how can I caclulate what week of the year it is?

Will January 1 - 7 always be Week 1?

Will Week 53 always consist of just one or two days?

Mark Schupp

Are the includes just generating static HTML (as is hinted in the later part
of the post)?

If so use script to compute the name of the file based on the date and use
the filesystem object to read the contents, then write it out to the client
(may be able to use server.execute as well). If the included html is the
same for all pages then you might even want to cache it in an application
variable and only read the file on the first day of the week.


McKirahan said:
Will January 1 - 7 always be Week 1?

Will Week 53 always consist of just one or two days?

This will generate an "include file" statement.

Dim incl
incl = "<!--#include file=" & Chr(34) & "w##.htm" & Chr(34) & "-->"
Dim week
week = Replace(incl,"##",Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7))
Response.Write week & vbCrLf

However, AFAIK, you can't generate an "include file" from within ASP then
have it do its thing.

"... server side include files are inserted into their holding file before
any of the holding file is ... processed by ASP..." --



However, instead of generating an "include file", you could just open the
file via FSO:

<% Option Explicit
Dim strOTF
strOTF = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")
strOTF = Left(strOTF,InStrRev(strOTF,"\"))
strOTF = strOTF & "w" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FilExists(strOTF) Then
Dim objOTF
Set objOTF = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOTF,1)
strOTF = objOTF.ReadAll()
Set objOTF = Nothing
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write strOTF


McKirahan said:
Will January 1 - 7 always be Week 1?

Will Week 53 always consist of just one or two days?

yes , for this application it will.
week 53 would be bundled into week 52


mmac said:
yes , for this application it will.
week 53 would be bundled into week 52


Then insert this line just before "Dim objFSO" in the solution I posted

strOTF = Replace(strOTF,"\w53.htm","\w52.htm")


I tried the example you gave and it generates the following line this week :
<!--#include file="w3.htm"-->
which looks great but yet there is nothing included in the page?!
the page is an ASP page but the included page is htm so the warning about
dynamic include wouldn't apply right?
What did I miss?
I am going to try your other (FSO) example next but this was so easy I don't
see what I could have missed.


The included file is a doc file, created by a secretary, converted to a .htm
web page within Word and then dropped into a directory on the server and
then it's my job to "include" it on the page. It isn't generated by any
automated process.
If I understand the question.
The VB script solution is testing the limit of my knowledge but I am keeping
up so far. :)


This script generated an error that looks familar to me as a silly mistake
in my application of it but I can't recall what it was:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'

Expected statement

/OYB/Test.asp, line 40

Option Explicitand it points to the First "O" in Option
McKirahan said:
mmac said:
yes , for this application it will.
week 53 would be bundled into week 52


Then insert this line just before "Dim objFSO" in the solution I posted

strOTF = Replace(strOTF,"\w53.htm","\w52.htm")


.:mmac:. said:
This script generated an error that looks familar to me as a silly mistake
in my application of it but I can't recall what it was:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'

Expected statement

/OYB/Test.asp, line 40

Option Explicitand it points to the First "O" in Option
McKirahan said:
mmac said:
Will January 1 - 7 always be Week 1?

Will Week 53 always consist of just one or two days?

yes , for this application it will.
week 53 would be bundled into week 52


Then insert this line just before "Dim objFSO" in the solution I posted

strOTF = Replace(strOTF,"\w53.htm","\w52.htm")

Oops, I used the wrong variable a I didn't test it; try this:

Dim strHTM
strHTM = "w" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
strHTM = Replace(strHTM,"w53.htm","w52.htm")


Ummm... Where?
It looks like you are replacing the strOTF with strHTM but the strOTF is
used in more places. Should I replace all?
Where precisely should I replace it? i.e. the Response.Write still writes
the strOTF var.
here is the script as it is now,
<% Option Explicit
Dim strOTF
strOTF = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")
strOTF = Left(strOTF,InStrRev(strOTF,"\"))
strOTF = strOTF & "w" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FilExists(strOTF) Then
Dim objOTF
Set objOTF = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOTF,1)
strOTF = objOTF.ReadAll()
Set objOTF = Nothing
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write strOTF

BTW, there is no Line 40 on the page as written, the server must be
recompiling something so I don't know where to look for Line 40 as refernced
in the error message.
This script generated an error that looks familar to me as a silly
in my application of it but I can't recall what it was:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'

Expected statement

/OYB/Test.asp, line 40

Option Explicitand it points to the First "O" in Option
McKirahan said:
Will January 1 - 7 always be Week 1?

Will Week 53 always consist of just one or two days?

yes , for this application it will.
week 53 would be bundled into week 52


Then insert this line just before "Dim objFSO" in the solution I posted

strOTF = Replace(strOTF,"\w53.htm","\w52.htm")

Oops, I used the wrong variable a I didn't test it; try this:

Dim strHTM
strHTM = "w" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
strHTM = Replace(strHTM,"w53.htm","w52.htm")


error still,

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'
Expected statement
/OYB/Test1.asp, line 39
Option Explicit
Also there is NO line 39 in the code, Thats annoying. It's like I'm not
closing a tag.

McKirahan said:
.:mmac:. said:
Ummm... Where?
It looks like you are replacing the strOTF with strHTM but the strOTF is
used in more places. Should I replace all?
Where precisely should I replace it? i.e. the Response.Write still writes
the strOTF var.
here is the script as it is now,
<% Option Explicit
Dim strOTF
strOTF = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")
strOTF = Left(strOTF,InStrRev(strOTF,"\"))
strOTF = strOTF & "w" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FilExists(strOTF) Then
Dim objOTF
Set objOTF = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOTF,1)
strOTF = objOTF.ReadAll()
Set objOTF = Nothing
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write strOTF

BTW, there is no Line 40 on the page as written, the server must be
recompiling something so I don't know where to look for Line 40 as refernced
in the error message.


Sorry, about "strHTM"; I must have had it left over from something.

The above is missing an "e" in "FileExists"; perhaps that's the error.

Also, I'd forgottne about Server.MapPath() -- brain cramp.

Try this and let me know.

<% Option Explicit
Dim strOTF
strOTF = "w" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
strOTF = Replace(strOTF,"w53.htm","w52.htm")
strOTF = Server.MapPath(strOTF)
Response.Write strOTF & "<br>"
'* remove the above line after testing.
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(strOTF) Then
Dim objOTF
Set objOTF = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOTF,1)
strOTF = objOTF.ReadAll()
Set objOTF = Nothing
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write strOTF


One more note,
If I comment out "Option Explicit" then I get the path to the file printed
on the web page
i.e. E:/www/
SO that looks like the script is doing the job but the presentation is
wrong. Hmmm.

McKirahan said:
.:mmac:. said:
Ummm... Where?
It looks like you are replacing the strOTF with strHTM but the strOTF is
used in more places. Should I replace all?
Where precisely should I replace it? i.e. the Response.Write still writes
the strOTF var.
here is the script as it is now,
<% Option Explicit
Dim strOTF
strOTF = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")
strOTF = Left(strOTF,InStrRev(strOTF,"\"))
strOTF = strOTF & "w" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FilExists(strOTF) Then
Dim objOTF
Set objOTF = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOTF,1)
strOTF = objOTF.ReadAll()
Set objOTF = Nothing
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write strOTF

BTW, there is no Line 40 on the page as written, the server must be
recompiling something so I don't know where to look for Line 40 as refernced
in the error message.


Sorry, about "strHTM"; I must have had it left over from something.

The above is missing an "e" in "FileExists"; perhaps that's the error.

Also, I'd forgottne about Server.MapPath() -- brain cramp.

Try this and let me know.

<% Option Explicit
Dim strOTF
strOTF = "w" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
strOTF = Replace(strOTF,"w53.htm","w52.htm")
strOTF = Server.MapPath(strOTF)
Response.Write strOTF & "<br>"
'* remove the above line after testing.
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(strOTF) Then
Dim objOTF
Set objOTF = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOTF,1)
strOTF = objOTF.ReadAll()
Set objOTF = Nothing
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write strOTF


.:mmac:. said:
One more note,
If I comment out "Option Explicit" then I get the path to the file printed
on the web page
i.e. E:/www/
SO that looks like the script is doing the job but the presentation is
wrong. Hmmm.

Try this and let me know.

<% Option Explicit
Dim strOTF
strOTF = "w" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
strOTF = Replace(strOTF,"w53.htm","w52.htm")
strOTF = Server.MapPath(strOTF)
Response.Write strOTF & "<br>"
'* remove the above line after testing.
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(strOTF) Then
Dim objOTF
Set objOTF = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOTF,1)
strOTF = objOTF.ReadAll()
Set objOTF = Nothing
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write strOTF

Did you add any other code above my script?
"Option Explicit" should be the first line in the script or try:

<%@ Language="VBScript" %>
<% Option Explicit

The reason you see the path+filename is because of the first Response.Write
(for testing).

If the file doesn't exist then the script won't do anything more per:

"If objFSO.FileExists(strOTF) Then"

Does the file exist?

Also, please try the latest version which uses "Server.MapPath()".

Mark Schupp

The other respondents are working with you on the code to read and send the
file contents. Just one note:

If the html files are being created from word documents by word then they
will contain a complete HTML document. If you include that in a page that
also generates an HTML document then you will end up with duplicate <HTML>,
</HTML>, <BODY>, </BODY> tags. This may confuse the browser. You will need
to extract the data that you want to embed in your page from the HTML
document that you read in.

If you are only going to display the page as it was created by word then
just do a response.redirect to it once you determine the path.


Thanks for your persistance with this.
here is the whole page of code:

<%@ Language="VBScript" %>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
<title>Using FSO</title>
<meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="111, default">
<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="tlb, default">


<% 'Option Explicit
' This Works!!! 1-17-05
Dim strOTF
strOTF = "Week" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
strOTF = Replace(strOTF,"Week53.htm","Week52.htm")
strOTF = Server.MapPath(strOTF)
' Response.Write strOTF & "<br>"
'* remove the above line after testing.
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(strOTF) Then
Dim objOTF
Set objOTF = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOTF,1)
strOTF = objOTF.ReadAll()
Set objOTF = Nothing
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write strOTF

If I comment out the "Option Explicit" as shown above, the page runs fine
now, (not sure what changed, but it works, thank you. :~}but..

If I don't comment out the "Option Explicit" I get this error:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'
Expected statement
/OYB/Test1.asp, line 41
Option Explicit
Is this going to be a problem?

McKirahan said:
.:mmac:. said:
One more note,
If I comment out "Option Explicit" then I get the path to the file
on the web page
i.e. E:/www/
SO that looks like the script is doing the job but the presentation is
wrong. Hmmm.

Try this and let me know.

<% Option Explicit
Dim strOTF
strOTF = "w" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
strOTF = Replace(strOTF,"w53.htm","w52.htm")
strOTF = Server.MapPath(strOTF)
Response.Write strOTF & "<br>"
'* remove the above line after testing.
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(strOTF) Then
Dim objOTF
Set objOTF = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOTF,1)
strOTF = objOTF.ReadAll()
Set objOTF = Nothing
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write strOTF

Did you add any other code above my script?
"Option Explicit" should be the first line in the script or try:

<%@ Language="VBScript" %>
<% Option Explicit

The reason you see the path+filename is because of the first
(for testing).

If the file doesn't exist then the script won't do anything more per:

"If objFSO.FileExists(strOTF) Then"

Does the file exist?

Also, please try the latest version which uses "Server.MapPath()".


.:mmac:. said:
Thanks for your persistance with this.
here is the whole page of code:

<%@ Language="VBScript" %>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
<title>Using FSO</title>
<meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="111, default">
<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="tlb, default">


<% 'Option Explicit
' This Works!!! 1-17-05
Dim strOTF
strOTF = "Week" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
strOTF = Replace(strOTF,"Week53.htm","Week52.htm")
strOTF = Server.MapPath(strOTF)
' Response.Write strOTF & "<br>"
'* remove the above line after testing.
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(strOTF) Then
Dim objOTF
Set objOTF = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOTF,1)
strOTF = objOTF.ReadAll()
Set objOTF = Nothing
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write strOTF

If I comment out the "Option Explicit" as shown above, the page runs fine
now, (not sure what changed, but it works, thank you. :~}but..

If I don't comment out the "Option Explicit" I get this error:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'
Expected statement
/OYB/Test1.asp, line 41
Option Explicit
Is this going to be a problem?


"Option Explicit" is used to ensure that all variables are declared before
they're used.

If it only works without then remove it.

I'd probably write it like the following:

<%@ Language="VBScript" %>
<% Option Explicit
Dim strOTF
strOTF = "Week" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
strOTF = Replace(strOTF,"Week53.htm","Week52.htm")
strOTF = Server.MapPath(strOTF)
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(strOTF) Then
Dim objOTF
Set objOTF = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOTF,1)
strOTF = objOTF.ReadAll()
Set objOTF = Nothing
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
<title>Using FSO</title>


I see... put it before all the HTML and then call the result?
I moved it and now I can leave "Option Explicit" alone (uncommented) and it
works perfect!
Must be neccessary to put it above all the html processing?
" <%=strOTF%> " is a powerful command! What is that? Does that mean to put
the contents of "strOTF" here?
However it works, this is great and has saved me a real nusiance every week.

Thank You so much for your help.

McKirahan said:
.:mmac:. said:
Thanks for your persistance with this.
here is the whole page of code:

<%@ Language="VBScript" %>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
<title>Using FSO</title>
<meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="111, default">
<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="tlb, default">


<% 'Option Explicit
' This Works!!! 1-17-05
Dim strOTF
strOTF = "Week" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
strOTF = Replace(strOTF,"Week53.htm","Week52.htm")
strOTF = Server.MapPath(strOTF)
' Response.Write strOTF & "<br>"
'* remove the above line after testing.
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(strOTF) Then
Dim objOTF
Set objOTF = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOTF,1)
strOTF = objOTF.ReadAll()
Set objOTF = Nothing
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write strOTF

If I comment out the "Option Explicit" as shown above, the page runs fine
now, (not sure what changed, but it works, thank you. :~}but..

If I don't comment out the "Option Explicit" I get this error:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'
Expected statement
/OYB/Test1.asp, line 41
Option Explicit
Is this going to be a problem?


"Option Explicit" is used to ensure that all variables are declared before
they're used.

If it only works without then remove it.

I'd probably write it like the following:

<%@ Language="VBScript" %>
<% Option Explicit
Dim strOTF
strOTF = "Week" & Int((DatePart("y",Date())+6)/7) & ".htm"
strOTF = Replace(strOTF,"Week53.htm","Week52.htm")
strOTF = Server.MapPath(strOTF)
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(strOTF) Then
Dim objOTF
Set objOTF = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOTF,1)
strOTF = objOTF.ReadAll()
Set objOTF = Nothing
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
<title>Using FSO</title>

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