Is it possible to change a picture resolution with Python?



Is it possible to change a picture resolution with Python?
Let's say I have a picture with a resolution of 96 dpi and I would like
to increase to 256dpi or higher.
Thank you for your reply.


Is it possible to change a picture resolution with Python?
Let's say I have a picture with a resolution of 96 dpi and I would like
to increase to 256dpi or higher.

"Resolution" is a too much overloaded word, from some point of view
increasing the resolution of images is a very difficult thing, that may
need deblurring, etc. So let's talk in a simpler way, about the len of
the sides of the image measured in pixels.
To increase such len, you can use PIL library, the resize method from

This is some example code:

from PIL import Image
im ="1.jpg")
nx, ny = im.size
im2 = im.resize((int(nx*1.5), int(ny*1.5)), Image.BICUBIC)"2.png")




This is some example code:

from PIL import Image
im ="1.jpg")
nx, ny = im.size
im2 = im.resize((int(nx*1.5), int(ny*1.5)), Image.BICUBIC)"2.png")

Thank you for your reply.
But the above code increases size only , but not DPI resolutions(
vertical nad horizontal).I need a higher vertical and horisontal
Any idea how to do that?
Thank you


But the above code increases size only , but not DPI resolutions(
vertical nad horizontal).I need a higher vertical and horisontal
Any idea how to do that?

Do you need to overwrite the DPI tag contained in the header of a
Jpeg/PNG image?
Then you can probably find some library to modify such jpeg/png tags.
(I think Photoshop is able to do it.)


Diez B. Roggisch

Thank you for your reply.
But the above code increases size only , but not DPI resolutions(
vertical nad horizontal).I need a higher vertical and horisontal
Any idea how to do that?

The DPI is nothing an image contains by itself - it depends on the
resolution of the rendering device!

So - without knowing what DPI the output device produces, and which
resolution the image was acquired in, you can't do anything.

If you know these two quantities, you can scale the image by the appropriate

Bearophile suggested that there might be a DPI-information stored in the
image itself. If so, it is hopefully the DPI the image was e.g. scanned in.
But if you for example afterwards scaled it by half, this information must
be altered accordingly, to reflect the changes.


Max Erickson

Lad said:
Thank you for your reply.
But the above code increases size only , but not DPI resolutions(
vertical nad horizontal).I need a higher vertical and horisontal
Any idea how to do that?
Thank you

If you just want to change the dpi flag that some software uses to
interpret the size of the image when rendering it, something like:'c:/tmp/out.jpg', dpi=(100,100))

might work. You can get lots of info on why this doesn't really change
the resolution of the image from google.


Tim Roberts

Lad said:
Thank you for your reply.
But the above code increases size only , but not DPI resolutions(
vertical nad horizontal).I need a higher vertical and horisontal

I'm not convinced that you know what you are asking for.

Let's say you have an image that is 300x300 pixels, that is tagged as being
100 dpi. Such an image is expected to be printed at a 3" x 3" size.

Now, if you want to increase the dpi to 300 dpi, what does that mean? Does
it mean you want that same picture to be printed at a 1" x 1" size? If so,
then all you need to change is the picture header. It will still be
300x300 pixels, and the file will be the same number of bytes.

Or, do you mean that you want the picture to continue to print as 3" x 3",
but to have three times as many pixels in each direction? That means you
have to increase the number of pixels to 900x900. That's exactly what the
code above is doing. The image file will be 9 times larger.


Tim said:
I'm not convinced that you know what you are asking for.

Let's say you have an image that is 300x300 pixels, that is tagged as being
100 dpi. Such an image is expected to be printed at a 3" x 3" size.

Now, if you want to increase the dpi to 300 dpi, what does that mean? Does
it mean you want that same picture to be printed at a 1" x 1" size? If so,
then all you need to change is the picture header. It will still be
300x300 pixels, and the file will be the same number of bytes.

Or, do you mean that you want the picture to continue to print as 3" x 3",
but to have three times as many pixels in each direction? That means you
have to increase the number of pixels to 900x900. That's exactly what the
code above is doing. The image file will be 9 times larger.

Tim ,
Thank you for the explanation,
And I must also thank you all you others, who helped me.
Particularly, bearophile and Max.

Now I use the following code , that provided bearophile,

from PIL import Image
im ="output3.jpg")
nx, ny = im.size
im2 = im.resize((int(nx*2.5), int(ny*2.5)), Image.BICUBIC)"2000.png",dpi=(520,520))

and very important thing was dpi=(520,520) that provided Max,

Dennis Lee Bieber

and very important thing was dpi=(520,520) that provided Max,

Which leads this one to wonder what use that one has for 520DPI
images... National Geographic grade photos run around 300PPI (150
halftone LPI) when printed (that's the equivalent of 2400 PRINTER DPI on
a CMYK printer... a good photo printer -- CcMmYK, for example -- can
produce good results down to 200PPI).

600/720DPI is, OTOH, ideal for 8-color (black, red, green, blue,
yellow, magenta, cyan, white) line art, as most inkjet/laser printers
operate with that as a native level.
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG
(e-mail address removed) (e-mail address removed)
(Bestiaria Support Staff: (e-mail address removed))

Tim Roberts

Lad said:
Tim ,
Thank you for the explanation,
And I must also thank you all you others, who helped me.
Particularly, bearophile and Max.

Now I use the following code , that provided bearophile,

from PIL import Image
im ="output3.jpg")
nx, ny = im.size
im2 = im.resize((int(nx*2.5), int(ny*2.5)), Image.BICUBIC)"2000.png",dpi=(520,520))

and very important thing was dpi=(520,520) that provided Max,

I'm glad that you achieved your goal, but I don't think we have quite made
our point yet. I want to make sure this is clear, in case you need to do
this again.

The dpi=(520,520) is NOT the "very important thing". The only thing that
does is change the number in the header. It doesn't change the image at
all. The "very important thing" in this script is the "im.resize", which
smoothly stretches the image so that it has 2.5 times as many pixels as
before. It is that stretching which allows you to change the DPI in the
header, and yet still have it print at the same size.

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