issue with gem


Simon Schuster

whenever I install something via gem which presents a menu of options
to me (versions, and 'ruby' vs 'mswin32' , I make my selection and it
gives me this:
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
extconf.rb:4:in `require': no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError)
from extconf.rb:4

ERROR: While executing gem ... (RuntimeError)
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
Gem files will remain installed in
/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/fxruby-1.6.11 for inspection.

Results logged to /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/fxruby-1.6.11/ext/fox16/gem_make.out

(gem_make.out is empty, by the way. er, well, 1 byte.)

not sure what's going on... gem installs fine when there's no option
menu, but maybe that's a misleading correlation, no clue... new to
ruby and programming in general here.

erm, another thing, somewhat ruby-related... is that scite won't let
me use 'irb' like it's supposed to, and I have no idea why. it says
irb sh: irb: not found
Exit code: 127

thanks! and btw- WOW, what an amazing community. keep it up. :)

Lyle Johnson

whenever I install something via gem which presents a menu of options
to me (versions, and 'ruby' vs 'mswin32' , I make my selection and it
gives me this:

Building native extensions. This could take a while...
extconf.rb:4:in `require': no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError)
from extconf.rb:4

The "mkmf" library is part of the standard Ruby library; this error
message suggests that you have an incomplete Ruby installation. Can
you tell us some more about what operating system you're running, and
how you installed Ruby?

Todd Benson

whenever I install something via gem which presents a menu of options
to me (versions, and 'ruby' vs 'mswin32' , I make my selection and it
gives me this:

Building native extensions. This could take a while...
extconf.rb:4:in `require': no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError)
from extconf.rb:4

It sort of looks like you built ruby without some necessary libraries
and/or development tools.


Simon Schuster

I did it from repositories, so I'd assume that that would all be taken
care of. after reinstalling ruby, ruby1.8, and ruby1.9 again from the
repositories, and using gem to try and install fxruby I again get
stopped after choosing an option on the menu, but this time with a
different error.
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of
necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more
details. You may need configuration options.

Provided configuration options:

ERROR: While executing gem ... (RuntimeError)
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
Gem files will remain installed in
/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/fxruby-1.6.11 for inspection.

and of course I can't check mkmf.log, because it doesn't seem to exist anywhere.

Todd Benson

I did it from repositories, so I'd assume that that would all be taken
care of. after reinstalling ruby, ruby1.8, and ruby1.9 again from the
repositories, and using gem to try and install fxruby I again get
stopped after choosing an option on the menu, but this time with a
different error.

What OS/distribution are you running?

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