It does not look good for Target. Web Accessibility news



Can you provide an example of OS software that "didn't help"??

I mean, didn't actually bring anything new to the table. Where has
almost all the desktop innovation been over the last 5 or 6 years? OS
X... which is not open source. MS have steadily made Windows worse,
and most Linux desktops are poor Windows clones. Innovation... please?
The biggest innovation in desktops we're going to see THIS year is OS
X Leopard.

As for browsers... Opera, which is not Open Source, is the only place
we've seen any browser innovation in 5 or 6 years.

So from the point of view of the end user, Open Source has added a big
fat zero *directly* to the experience that they get when they use a
computer, although you could argue FireFox's market penetration
indirectly "encouraged" MS to re-vamp IE.

Phil Payne

I mean, didn't actually bring anything new to the table. Where has
almost all the desktop innovation been over the last 5 or 6 years? OS
X... which is not open source. MS have steadily made Windows worse,
and most Linux desktops are poor Windows clones. Innovation... please?
The biggest innovation in desktops we're going to see THIS year is OS
X Leopard.

Because desktops are no longer the focus?

"Google has not make any official comment on the rumours surrounding
its mobile plans, but the company's chief executive Eric Schmidt has
said several times that the mobile market represents the biggest
potential growth area for the company."


Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 04:16:26
GMT dorayme scribed:
No, I can't say I feel any better... got any ideas about helping
the flu abate? I have not done anything to deserve this!

Believe it or not, something that's always helped to relieve my discomfort
during ailments is watching "The Three Stooges" for hours on the couch
while wearing pajamas with a flap in the back. I guess it soothes the
mental strain of reality while alleviating certain difficulties related to


Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 09:07:16 GMT
Travis Newbury scribed:
Nope, he is alone with it now. I have gotten bored with his mantra.

Mantras are generally boring, anyway, but oh those womantras!


Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 06:18:11
GMT Chaddy2222 scribed:

Does absolutely nothing on my box.
Well, yeah their is not much content but I can read what it says with
my screenreader.


Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 16:58:38
GMT SpaceGirl scribed:

That's for sure. They do a good job in... well at least in providing a
reasonable alternative to IE we're in a situation where we are moving
towards standards being rendered "kind of" the same everywhere. But
you are right; the standards themselves are terrible, badly formed,
very hard to understand.

Yes, so how can you call it a "good job"? The fact is they're a bunch of
idiots on-a-par with the "top-5%-of-the-graduating-class" idiots
Microsoft hires to **** up their company. There is more to intelligence
than high IQ and academic productivity, but, unfortunately, the schleps
of the world haven't seemed to learn this yet.

Even Onideus, with all his self-image-degrading rants, has shown me more
brains than any w3c mope.
Yeah kinda crazy. The XHTML1.0 standards have been around since 1999 -
not ONE major browser supports the full spec yet. Not a single one! In
EIGHT years!? So much for standards... They do get 99% of it right,
but it's just... a mess really.

Xhtml? Well, it would be fair to say that xhtml's full intent or
capabilities are beyond my ken, but from what I've seen so far, it is
completely superfluous and actually detrimental to the standardization of
hypertext rendering in general.

Or AIR... that looks promising (if it gets pst the whole "who the hell
will install this anyway? hurdle).

Can't fairly comment - don't know it. I need to learn Flex (which will
surely take some time.)


Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 16:43:49
GMT SpaceGirl scribed:
You have to keep in mind how worthless the USD is right now, so not
sure what that works out in real terms. If this was 1.5 years ago, in
UK money it would be around $55 a month plus $480 for the phone.

Hmm, right now the lb. is worth almost exactly $2.04. I remember a smaller
(numeric) divergence, but I also remember when the lb. was more'n 3$ worth
of gelt, too. Anyway, 1.5 years ago may as well be in the Jurassic so just
admit you're getting snookered.

:) -But it's true. To wit: your emphasis on cell phonery.

Jerry Stuckle

Travis said:
Your wasting me time now.

Still evading, I see, troll. Can't even be bothered to go back and
read. You expect everyone to do things for you.

You are a waste of time.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
(e-mail address removed)

Jerry Stuckle

Travis said:
Nope, he is alone with it now. I have gotten bored with his mantra.

And you never did answer the question. And now you're bowing out.

Thank you for leaving, troll. Don't let the door slam you in the arse
on the way out.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
(e-mail address removed)

Ben C

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 16:58:38
GMT SpaceGirl scribed:

Yes, so how can you call it a "good job"?

You have to bear in mind how difficult a job it is, diplomatically as
well as technically. Then you have to ask how could it have been done
better, and if you can't come up with too many ideas, conclude that they
are probably are actually doing a good job.

How does the box model suck anyway? If you didn't have to worry about
history or what existing browsers did, what box model would you design?


Jerry Stuckle said:
Still evading, I see, troll. Can't even be bothered to go back and
read. You expect everyone to do things for you.

You are a waste of time.

OK, you don't want to discuss trolling, and you seem not to be
having any luck with Travis. How about... about... say... er...
discussing what is and what is not a waste of time in life? This
is not an uninteresting subject to pursue considering it touches
on what a being ought and ought not to be, what are the truly
worthwhile things...? Eh?


mbstevens said:
Does anyone know a setting to keep from opening
a thread view of this monster thread (in both a.html and a.w.webmaster)
when I open Thunderbird? It's like being renditioned!

In the online reader MT-Newswatcher, it is beaut, in two ways:

(1) All the read posts have disappeared and are not even on the

(2) When the reader is opened, only the thread name shows, not
the unread individual posts and one can just read one after the
other without ever having to even see the list of unreads. Each
post has a next button, or the space bar is used to go forward.

I settled on this newsreader in Egypt to cope with things when
flown there by the CIA in one its sweeps of Newtown, Sydney. I
also have extensive techniques for surviving and yes,
flourishing, in killfiles.

Travis Newbury

OK, you don't want to discuss trolling, and you seem not to be
having any luck with Travis.

I got bored... I would much rather fill your HR with more Travis

Speaking of that (ok this really has nothing to do with that but I
needed a transition to a new topic)

It seems Siemens is considering me to do a world tour training their
people in the use of Flash and Flash video in training. One of my
stops would be Siemens AG in Australia. I believe I would be staying
in Archerville? Of course this is not until Spring 08.

So.... what are you doing in the spring...


Travis Newbury said:
I got bored... I would much rather fill your HR with more Travis

Speaking of that (ok this really has nothing to do with that but I
needed a transition to a new topic)

It seems Siemens is considering me to do a world tour training their
people in the use of Flash and Flash video in training. One of my
stops would be Siemens AG in Australia. I believe I would be staying
in Archerville? Of course this is not until Spring 08.

So.... what are you doing in the spring...

There is no Archerville in Australia as far as I know? Siemens
have their Head Office in Melbourne. I had dealings with them a
bit when I was project manager of a chemical R & D plant in
Sydney, nice equipment.

If I am still alive next spring, considering the present flu I am
experiencing, ... ?

Jerry Stuckle

dorayme said:
OK, you don't want to discuss trolling, and you seem not to be
having any luck with Travis. How about... about... say... er...
discussing what is and what is not a waste of time in life? This
is not an uninteresting subject to pursue considering it touches
on what a being ought and ought not to be, what are the truly
worthwhile things...? Eh?

Naw, you're just two trolls hanging out together.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
(e-mail address removed)

Jerry Stuckle

dorayme said:
There is no Archerville in Australia as far as I know? Siemens
have their Head Office in Melbourne. I had dealings with them a
bit when I was project manager of a chemical R & D plant in
Sydney, nice equipment.

If I am still alive next spring, considering the present flu I am
experiencing, ... ?

Sounds like typical Travis - another thing he got wrong! LOL!

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
(e-mail address removed)

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