Library woes switching between ModelSim and Xilinx ISE



I'm having an issue with simulation of Xilinx Coregen'ed entities. The
FIFO I'm simulating and including in my ISE project compiles and works
in both, but I can't get the FIFO behavioral file/model to be bound
properly in ModelSim from the Work library, which requires compiling
and maping it from a seperate library (which in turn troubles Xilinx

So, right now, I have:
1. FIFO1.xco in ISE, which generates FIFO1.vhd for behavioral
2. mycode.vhd, which has a componet FIFO1 declaration in it's
architecture , and fifoA : FIFO1 port map etc.

In my modelsim compilation script, I would like to:
vcom -93 -work work fifo1.vhd

and have the FIFO entity bound in properly. I can see the entity in
the Work library with all my other entities, but I get a "** Warning:
(vsim-3473) Component 'fifoA' is not bound when starting simulation.

So, to get this to simulate, I've added the following to mycode.vhd:
library myFIFOs;
use myFIFOs.all;

and my modelsim script now contains:
vlib myFIFOs
vmap myFIFOs myFIFOs
vcom -93 -work okFIFOs fifo1.vhd

This works. The FIFO is bound properly and simulation is great.
However, when switching back to ISE, I have to comment out the the
myFIFOs library links above. This is annoying and seemingly
unnecessary (I have a lot of cores to use like this).

What am I doing wrong? What's the cleanest trick to get my FIFO
behaviorial file to bind properly in ModelSim while maintaining the
same top level file between ISE and ModelSim?

Thank you, Garrick.


Garrick said:
I'm having an issue with simulation of Xilinx Coregen'ed entities. The
FIFO I'm simulating and including in my ISE project compiles and works
in both, but I can't get the FIFO behavioral file/model to be bound
properly in ModelSim from the Work library, which requires compiling
and maping it from a seperate library (which in turn troubles Xilinx

So, right now, I have:
1. FIFO1.xco in ISE, which generates FIFO1.vhd for behavioral
2. mycode.vhd, which has a componet FIFO1 declaration in it's
architecture , and fifoA : FIFO1 port map etc.

In my modelsim compilation script, I would like to:
vcom -93 -work work fifo1.vhd

and have the FIFO entity bound in properly. I can see the entity in
the Work library with all my other entities, but I get a "** Warning:
(vsim-3473) Component 'fifoA' is not bound when starting simulation.

So, to get this to simulate, I've added the following to mycode.vhd:
library myFIFOs;
use myFIFOs.all;

and my modelsim script now contains:
vlib myFIFOs
vmap myFIFOs myFIFOs
vcom -93 -work okFIFOs fifo1.vhd

This works. The FIFO is bound properly and simulation is great.
However, when switching back to ISE, I have to comment out the the
myFIFOs library links above. This is annoying and seemingly
unnecessary (I have a lot of cores to use like this).

What am I doing wrong? What's the cleanest trick to get my FIFO
behaviorial file to bind properly in ModelSim while maintaining the
same top level file between ISE and ModelSim?

Thank you, Garrick.
Hi Garric
how about using the XilinxCorelib?

vmap xilinxcorelib <path_to_xilinxcorelib)

Compiling fifo1.vhd to work is ok, and should work.

It's not neccessary to put the library myFIFOs into your code.
> vcom -93 -work okFIFOs fifo1.vhd
okFIFOs is a typing error, isn't it?

Are you using configurations in mycode.vhd?
If so you may need to include the configuration for FIFO1 rather than
the entity.

for fifoA: use configuration work.FIFO1

have a nice simulation

Brian Drummond

I'm having an issue with simulation of Xilinx Coregen'ed entities. The
FIFO I'm simulating and including in my ISE project compiles and works
in both, but I can't get the FIFO behavioral file/model to be bound
properly in ModelSim from the Work library, which requires compiling
and maping it from a seperate library (which in turn troubles Xilinx
So, to get this to simulate, I've added the following to mycode.vhd:
library myFIFOs;
use myFIFOs.all;
However, when switching back to ISE, I have to comment out the the
myFIFOs library links above. This is annoying and seemingly
unnecessary (I have a lot of cores to use like this).

The library/use clauses can be guarded by pragmas

-- pragma translate_off
library myFIFOs;
use myFIFOs.all;
-- pragma translate_on

which (or some similar syntax) are understood by synthesis tools
including ISE, but are ignored by simulation. So simulation sees the
library/use clause, but synthesis does not.

- Brian

Duane Clark

Garrick said:
I'm having an issue with simulation of Xilinx Coregen'ed entities. The
FIFO I'm simulating and including in my ISE project compiles and works
in both, but I can't get the FIFO behavioral file/model to be bound
properly in ModelSim from the Work library, which requires compiling
and maping it from a seperate library (which in turn troubles Xilinx

So, right now, I have:
1. FIFO1.xco in ISE, which generates FIFO1.vhd for behavioral
2. mycode.vhd, which has a componet FIFO1 declaration in it's
architecture , and fifoA : FIFO1 port map etc.

In my modelsim compilation script, I would like to:
vcom -93 -work work fifo1.vhd

and have the FIFO entity bound in properly. I can see the entity in
the Work library with all my other entities, but I get a "** Warning:
(vsim-3473) Component 'fifoA' is not bound when starting simulation.

Perhaps you should show mycode.vhd for this version. The description you
have given should work, so you have made a mistake somewhere. Without
seeing what you have done, it is hard to figure out where the problem
is. The following works fine with the steps you have given:

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
ENTITY mycode IS
port (
clk: IN std_logic;
din: IN std_logic_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
rd_en: IN std_logic;
rst: IN std_logic;
wr_en: IN std_logic;
dout: OUT std_logic_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
empty: OUT std_logic;
full: OUT std_logic);
END mycode;

component fifo1
port (
clk: IN std_logic;
din: IN std_logic_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
rd_en: IN std_logic;
rst: IN std_logic;
wr_en: IN std_logic;
dout: OUT std_logic_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
empty: OUT std_logic;
full: OUT std_logic);
end component;

fifoA : FIFO1
port map (
clk => clk,
din => din,
rd_en => rd_en,
rst => rst,
wr_en => wr_en,
dout => dout,
empty => empty,
full => full);

end architecture synth;


Thank you all for the excellent replies. Each of you gave me something
different to think about.
Compiling fifo1.vhd to work is ok, and should work.

It's not neccessary to put the library myFIFOs into your code.

Eilert and Duane seem to think it should have worked, so I'll show more
source per Duane's request. BTW, the FIFO resides in an OPB peripheral
for a Xilinx EDK MicroBlaze design so there are multiple layers of
crap. The "mycode.vhd" is a sub-file of the peripheral:

mycode.vhd: ------------------------------
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity user_logic is
port (
Bus2IP_Clk : in std_logic;
Bus2IP_Reset : in std_logic;
IP2Bus_IntrEvent : out std_logic_vector(0 to C_IP_INTR_NUM-1);
Bus2IP_Data : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1);
IP2Bus_AddrAck : out std_logic
end entity user_logic;

architecture IMP of user_logic is
component fifo16x1024_to_32x512 port (
din : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
rd_clk : in std_logic;
rd_en : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
wr_clk : in std_logic;
wr_en : in std_logic;
dout : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
empty : out std_logic;
full : out std_logic;
rd_data_count : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0));
end component;


fifoIn : fifo16x1024_to_32x512 port map (
rst => Bus2IP_Reset, wr_clk => ti_clk, wr_en => pipeInWrite,
din => pipeInData, rd_clk => Bus2IP_Clk, rd_en => pipeInRead,
dout => pipeInDout, rd_data_count => pipeInRdStatus, full =>
empty => pipeInEmpty);
end IMP;
okFIFOs is a typing error, isn't it?

No, actually for simulation I have at the top of my code above:
library okFIFOs;
use okFIFOs.all;

And my ModelSim do file contains:
vlib okFIFOs
vmap okFIFOs okFIFOs
vcom -93 -work okFIFOs fifo1.vhd # fifo1.vhd contains behavioral
# entity of fifo16x1024_to_32x512

Is this vcom "style" odd? To make a "work" library called okFIFOs? I
adopted this system in my compilation do file from the Xilinx Platform
Studio EDK. It outputs large do files that incorporate all the
wrappers necessary for simulation. I just modified their script to
include libraries necessary for my peripheral and test fixture. In any
case, it works very well so far.

*** What still doesn't work is commenting out the library/use okFIFOs
declaration in mycode.vhd and having my do file just contain:
vcom -93 -work work fifo1.vhd

I know this seems wrong and I must be doing something wrong. When I do
this I can see the fifo16x1024_to_32x512 entity along with everything
else in my work library in ModelSim. It just doesn't bind!
how about using the XilinxCorelib?

XilinxCoreLib is necessary for entities inside the toplevel
fifo16x1024_to_32x512 entity and other code as well. It is already
included in the compilation do file:
vmap XilinxCoreLib

and is linked into my simulation:
vsim -L unisim -L XilinxCoreLib -t ps tb_conf

Did you mean to try compiling my FIFO behavioral model into

Brian said:
-- pragma translate_off
library myFIFOs;
use myFIFOs.all;
-- pragma translate_on

This works great! However, I still want to figure out what I'm doing
wrong above.

Thank you all for your time and suggestions,


Duane Clark

So I created a core with the identical IO pins as yours, and with the
same name. I copied to where I did the rest of the project.

I created mycode.vhd that looks exactly like what you have, except that
I remove the ellipses and change the entity to look like:

entity user_logic is
port (
pipeInData : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
Bus2IP_Clk : in std_logic;
pipeInRead : in std_logic;
Bus2IP_Reset : in std_logic;
ti_clk : in std_logic;
pipeInWrite : in std_logic;
pipeInDout : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
pipeInEmpty : out std_logic;
pipeInFull : out std_logic;
pipeInRdStatus : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0)
end entity user_logic;

I created a project mpf file that contains the library mappings:
unisim = $XILINX/vhdl/src/unisims/work
XilinxCoreLib = $XILINX/vhdl/src/XilinxCoreLib/work

I created a testbench file that looks like:

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity bd_top is
end entity bd_top;

architecture board of bd_top is
constant CLK_PRD : Time := 20 ns;

signal CLK : std_logic;
signal RST : std_logic;
UUT: entity work.user_logic
port map(
pipeInData => X"0000",
Bus2IP_Clk => CLK,
pipeInRead => '0',
Bus2IP_Reset => RST,
ti_clk => CLK,
pipeInWrite => '0',
pipeInDout => open,
pipeInEmpty => open,
pipeInFull => open,
pipeInRdStatus => open

RST <= '1', '0' after 100 nS;

clk_gen: process is
wait for 6 ns;
CLK <= '1' after CLK_PRD/2, '0' after CLK_PRD;
wait for CLK_PRD;
end loop;
end process clk_gen ;

end architecture board;

I executed:
vlib work
vcom -93 -work work fifo16x1024_to_32x512.vhd
vcom -93 -work work mycode.vhd
vcom -93 -work work bd_top.vhd
(normally I don't bother typing the "-93 -work work", since the work
library is implied and my mpf file contains "VHDL93 = 1")

I then ran vsim, opened bd_top, and ran a simulation. The transcript
file generated shows:
# vsim work.bd_top
# ...
# Loading /opt/modeltech/linux/../std.standard
# Loading /opt/modeltech/linux/../ieee.std_logic_1164(body)
# Loading work.bd_top(board)
# Loading work.user_logic(imp)
# Loading
# Loading
# Loading /opt/modeltech/linux/../std.textio(body)
# Loading /opt/Xilinx8.2/vhdl/src/XilinxCoreLib/work.iputils_conv(body)
# Loading /opt/Xilinx8.2/vhdl/src/XilinxCoreLib/work.iputils_misc(body)
# Loading work.fifo16x1024_to_32x512(fifo16x1024_to_32x512_a)
# Loading
# Loading
view signals
# .signals
view wave
# .wave
view structure
# .structure
run 20000000

Can you duplicate those steps? That should only take about 10 minutes.
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score

i want to ask, what does library in ISE xilinx do?
and, how i can to create it?
i try to synthetase a full description of a SoC and i have a lot problems of library.:-(

please help me!! :oops:


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