lisper learning python, ... could you please comment my first python program?



to extend my skills, I am learning python. I have written small
program which computes math expression like "1+2*sin(y^10)/cos(x*y)"
and similar, so far only + - * / ^ sin con tan sqrt are supported. But
my program is quite inextensible, I have to change the code to add new
functions... Could some fellow experienced pythonista give me some
tips how to make my program shorter, and more extensible?

to use it, try something like compute("1+x+sin(x)", {"x" : 10}), the
second param is environment so variables like x or y are looked for
value here...

below is the code.... thanks for any tips!

----- code here ----

import sys
import string
import math

def normalize(string):
tmp = "".join([c for c in string if c != " "])
return "(" + tmp + ")"

def most_nested_expression(string):
start = index = 0
end = len(string) - 1
level = max_level = 0
most_nested = False
for c in string:
if c == "(":
level += 1
if level > max_level:
most_nested = True
max_level = level
start = index
elif c == ")":
level -= 1
if most_nested == True:
most_nested = False
end = index
index += 1
if level != 0:
raise IOError("mismatched parens")
if max_level == 0:
return (0, len(string), string)
return (start + 1, end - start - 1, string[start + 1:end])

def is_reduced_expression(string):
for c in string:
if c == "^" or c == "*" or c == "/" or c == "+" or c == "-":
return False
return True

def find_first(string, operators):
positions = []
for op in operators:
pos = string.find(op)
if pos != -1:
positions += [pos]
if positions == []:
return None
return min(positions)

def find_operator(string):
for ops in [["^"], ["*", "/"], ["+", "-"]]:
pos = find_first(string, ops)
if pos != None:
if string[pos + 1] == "+" or string[pos + 1] == "-":
return pos + 1
return pos
return None

def left_operand(string, operator_pos):
left = None
operator = string[operator_pos]
candidates = [pos for pos in [string.rfind(op, 0, operator_pos)
for op in ["(", ")", "^", "*", "/",
"+", "-"]]
if pos != -1]
if candidates != []:
left = max(candidates)
if left == None:
if operator == "^" or operator == "*" or operator == "/":
raise IOError("invalid expression %s" % string)
else: # + or -
return ("0", operator_pos)
if left + 1 == operator_pos:
if operator == "+" or operator == "-":
return ("0", left)
raise IOError("invalid expression %s" % string)
return (string[left + 1:eek:perator_pos], left)

def right_operand(string, operator_pos):
right = None
candidates = [pos for pos in [string.find(op, operator_pos + 1)
for op in ["(", ")", "^", "*", "/",
"+", "-"]]
if pos != -1]
if candidates == []:
if operator_pos == len(string) - 1:
raise IOError("invalid expression %s" % string)
return (string[operator_pos + 1:], len(string))
right = min(candidates)
if operator_pos + 1 == right:
raise IOError("invalid expression %s" % string)
return (string[operator_pos + 1:right], right)

def function_name(string, left_paren_pos):
candidates = [pos for pos in [string.rfind(op, 0, left_paren_pos)
for op in ["(", "^", "*", "/", "+",
if pos != -1]
if candidates == []:
return (None, None)
left = max(candidates)
name = string[left + 1:left_paren_pos]
fun_names = ["sin", "cos", "tan", "sqrt"]

for f in fun_names:
if f == name:
return (left + 1, name)
return (None, None)

def reduce_step(string, index):
(left, exp_len, exp) = most_nested_expression(string)
#print "most nested %s" % exp
if is_reduced_expression(exp):
(left1, name) = function_name(string, left - 1)
if left1 != None:
return ((name, string[left:left + exp_len], None),
string[0:left1] + "$%s" % index + string[left +
exp_len + 1:],
return ((None, None, None), string[0:left - 1] + exp +
string[left + exp_len + 1:], False)
operator_pos = find_operator(exp) + left
(left_op, left_mark) = left_operand(string, operator_pos)
(right_op, right_mark) = right_operand(string, operator_pos)
return ((string[operator_pos], left_op, right_op),
string[0:left_mark + 1] + "$%s" % index +

def reduce(string):
chain = []
index = 0
while string[0] == "(":
((function, left_op, right_op), new_string, is_expr) =
reduce_step(string, index)
if is_expr:
chain += [(function, left_op, right_op)]
index += 1
string = new_string
return chain

def add(a, b): return a + b
def sub(a, b): return a - b
def mul(a, b): return a * b
def div(a, b): return a / b

def translate_function(fn_str):
if fn_str == "+": return add
elif fn_str == "-": return sub
elif fn_str == "*": return mul
elif fn_str == "/": return div
elif fn_str == "^": return math.pow
elif fn_str == "sin": return math.sin
elif fn_str == "cos": return math.cos
elif fn_str == "tan": return math.tan
elif fn_str == "sqrt": return math.sqrt
else: raise IOError("unknown function %s" % fn_str)

def translate_operand(op_str):
if op_str[0] == "$":
result_idx = int(op_str[1:])
return lambda results, env: results[result_idx]
value = float(op_str)
return lambda results, env: value
except ValueError:
return lambda results, env: env[op_str]

def translate(chain):
res = []
for (fn_str, left_op_str, right_op_str) in chain:
fn = translate_function(fn_str)
left_op = translate_operand(left_op_str)
if right_op_str != None:
res += [(fn, [left_op, translate_operand(right_op_str)])]
res += [(fn, [left_op])]
return res

def compute_value(chain, env, results):
assert len(chain) == len(results)
index = 0
for (fn, operand_fns) in chain:
operands = [op_fn(results, env) for op_fn in operand_fns]
results[index] = apply(fn, operands)
index += 1
return results[index - 1]

def compute(string, env):
print "input: %s" % string
string = normalize(string)
print "normalized: %s" % string
string_chain = reduce(string)
print "reduced: %s" % string_chain
chain = translate(string_chain)
print "translated: %s" % chain
return compute_value(chain, env, range(len(chain)))

Steven D'Aprano

to extend my skills, I am learning python. I have written small
program which computes math expression like "1+2*sin(y^10)/cos(x*y)" and
similar, so far only + - * / ^ sin con tan sqrt are supported. But my
program is quite inextensible, I have to change the code to add new
functions... Could some fellow experienced pythonista give me some tips
how to make my program shorter, and more extensible?

Just a few comments at random. This is certainly not meant to be

def normalize(string):
tmp = "".join([c for c in string if c != " "])
return "(" + tmp + ")"

Try this instead:

def normalize(astring):
return "(" + astring.replace(" ", "") + ")"

def most_nested_expression(string): [snip code]
if level != 0:
raise IOError("mismatched parens")

You raise IOError quite often, but that's a misuse of it. IOError is a
subclass of EnvironmentError, and is meant to indicate (e.g.) a failed
read from a disk.

If you execute help(IOError) at the interactive prompt, you will see:

class IOError(EnvironmentError)
| I/O operation failed.

I suggest a better exception to use would be ValueError, or even create
your own:

class MyCustomError(ValueError):

would be a minimal example.

def is_reduced_expression(string):
for c in string:
if c == "^" or c == "*" or c == "/" or c == "+" or c == "-":
return False
return True

Change that to:

for c in string:
if c in "^*/+-": return False
return True


def add(a, b): return a + b
def sub(a, b): return a - b
def mul(a, b): return a * b
def div(a, b): return a / b

Replace the above four functions with:

from operator import add, sub, mul
from operator import truediv as div

def translate_function(fn_str):
if fn_str == "+": return add
elif fn_str == "-": return sub
elif fn_str == "*": return mul
elif fn_str == "/": return div
elif fn_str == "^": return math.pow
elif fn_str == "sin": return math.sin elif fn_str == "cos": return
math.cos elif fn_str == "tan": return math.tan elif fn_str ==
"sqrt": return math.sqrt else: raise IOError("unknown function %s" %

fn_map = {"+": add, "-": sub, "*": mul, "/": div,
"^": math.pow, "sin": math.sin } # etc.

def translate_function(fn_str):
return fn_map[fn_str]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("unknown function '%s'" % fn_str)

Hope that helps.


Thanks a lot for comments! I am going to fix the source according to
your advices ;)


to extend my skills, I am learning python. I have written small
program which computes math expression like "1+2*sin(y^10)/cos(x*y)" and
similar, so far only + - * / ^ sin con tan sqrt are supported. But my
program is quite inextensible, I have to change the code to add new
functions... Could some fellow experienced pythonista give me some tips
how to make my program shorter, and more extensible?

Just a few comments at random. This is certainly not meant to be
def normalize(string):
tmp = "".join([c for c in string if c != " "])
return "(" + tmp + ")"

Try this instead:

def normalize(astring):
return "(" + astring.replace(" ", "") + ")"

def most_nested_expression(string): [snip code]
if level != 0:
raise IOError("mismatched parens")

You raise IOError quite often, but that's a misuse of it. IOError is a
subclass of EnvironmentError, and is meant to indicate (e.g.) a failed
read from a disk.

If you execute help(IOError) at the interactive prompt, you will see:

class IOError(EnvironmentError)
| I/O operation failed.

I suggest a better exception to use would be ValueError, or even create
your own:

class MyCustomError(ValueError):

would be a minimal example.
def is_reduced_expression(string):
for c in string:
if c == "^" or c == "*" or c == "/" or c == "+" or c == "-":
return False
return True

Change that to:

for c in string:
if c in "^*/+-": return False
return True

def add(a, b): return a + b
def sub(a, b): return a - b
def mul(a, b): return a * b
def div(a, b): return a / b

Replace the above four functions with:

from operator import add, sub, mul
from operator import truediv as div
def translate_function(fn_str):
if fn_str == "+": return add
elif fn_str == "-": return sub
elif fn_str == "*": return mul
elif fn_str == "/": return div
elif fn_str == "^": return math.pow
elif fn_str == "sin": return math.sin elif fn_str == "cos": return
math.cos elif fn_str == "tan": return math.tan elif fn_str ==
"sqrt": return math.sqrt else: raise IOError("unknown function %s" %

fn_map = {"+": add, "-": sub, "*": mul, "/": div,
"^": math.pow, "sin": math.sin } # etc.

def translate_function(fn_str):
return fn_map[fn_str]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("unknown function '%s'" % fn_str)

Hope that helps.

Michele Simionato

to extend my skills, I am learning python. I have written small
program which computes math expression like "1+2*sin(y^10)/cos(x*y)"
and similar, so far only + - * / ^ sin con tan sqrt are supported. But
my program is quite inextensible, I have to change the code to add new
functions... Could some fellow experienced pythonista give me some
tips how to make my program shorter, and more extensible?

I understand that you are doing this as a learning exercise. Still, I
recommend you to have a look at the shlex module in the standard
and to pyparsing. Looking at their source code should should give you
idea. BTW, since you are familiar with Lisp, I would recommend you
for a better interactive experience.

Michele Simionato


Michele said:
BTW, since you are familiar with Lisp, I would recommend you
IPython for a better interactive experience.

IPython's got great support for saving and using old results and a lot
of other things. It's borderline unreadable for stack traces out of
the box, though; putting "xtrace Plain" in your ipythonrc helps a
lot. The color options (either turning it off or making it light/dark
background appropriate) are also quite important to having it at all
usable; depending on your default bg color that may not be an issue.
And if you want to have a view of your data that's similar to the rest
of the Python world (useful if you ever intend for others to look at
your output or you to look at theirs), "pprint 0" is nice too.

Sorry if that sounds like it's an indictment--it's a very nice shell
aside from a few output weirdnesses that are easily configured.


I understand that you are doing this as a learning exercise. Still, I
recommend you to have a look at the shlex module in the standard
and to pyparsing. Looking at their source code should should give you
idea. BTW, since you are familiar with Lisp, I would recommend you
for a better interactive experience.

Michele Simionato

thanks for the tip! Now I have IPython working nicely. The shell now
looks a little like Christmas tree but I think it can be reduced a
bit ;)
the ?var and auto completion is exactly what I was looking for!


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