Hello, My adult son & I have started a small business. We dye wool yarns for knitters and other fiber workers by hand. This involves keeping track of the quantity of the commercial dyes we use to make one of our custom colors. It also involves keeping track of the quantity of those custom colors that are used in one of the variegated color yarns we make.
Several weeks ago, for the second time, I saw that our data was getting away from us, and needed to be organized into a db. I made an attempt to do this with OpenOffice by myself, but quickly realized how little I know as compared to what I needed to know to do any justice to the db.
We got a good deal of help from one gentleman, and much of the design work is done, and I entered a fair amount of data. However, his job was just ramped up, and he doesn't have the time anymore to continue. The idea was to get the db working in OOo, then connect to a MySQL db somehow. That work has not been started yet.
Currently, I'm a bit stuck, and am not finding solutions to a couple of issues, so the db is not able to be used as intended yet. Would someone be interested in helping to get this running for us for a fee?
Several weeks ago, for the second time, I saw that our data was getting away from us, and needed to be organized into a db. I made an attempt to do this with OpenOffice by myself, but quickly realized how little I know as compared to what I needed to know to do any justice to the db.
We got a good deal of help from one gentleman, and much of the design work is done, and I entered a fair amount of data. However, his job was just ramped up, and he doesn't have the time anymore to continue. The idea was to get the db working in OOo, then connect to a MySQL db somehow. That work has not been started yet.
Currently, I'm a bit stuck, and am not finding solutions to a couple of issues, so the db is not able to be used as intended yet. Would someone be interested in helping to get this running for us for a fee?