The Net::IDN::Encode module converts IDN domains into ASCII and vice versa:
The documented build procedure is:
perl Build.PL
../Build test
../Build install
However, I'm not sure how to install this particular module in an non-root
owned directory, if at all possible. My installation procedure for modules
on typical Unix and Linux systems usually include a PREFIX argument, as in:
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/some/external/directory
As noted in Net::IDN::Encode's README at
http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/CFAERBER/Net-IDN-Encode-2.003/README the
module depends on Unicode::Stringprep, which has the same build procedure:
Without quite expecting it to work, I tried: ...
perl Build.PL PREFIX=/some/external/directory
.... but PREFIX is obviously unrecognised here, so for both modules the
installation failed at the last 'Build install' step with an expected
permission error:
ERROR: Can't create '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/Unicode'
mkdir /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/Unicode: Permission denied at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.14.2/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 494
While I can usually install as root that is not always the case, so I
prefer to place most non-core modules in non-root directories.
Can anyone advise me how this module and other modules that may use similar
build procedures may be installed in a non-root directory?
Many thanks for any advise.
The documented build procedure is:
perl Build.PL
../Build test
../Build install
However, I'm not sure how to install this particular module in an non-root
owned directory, if at all possible. My installation procedure for modules
on typical Unix and Linux systems usually include a PREFIX argument, as in:
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/some/external/directory
As noted in Net::IDN::Encode's README at
http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/CFAERBER/Net-IDN-Encode-2.003/README the
module depends on Unicode::Stringprep, which has the same build procedure:
Without quite expecting it to work, I tried: ...
perl Build.PL PREFIX=/some/external/directory
.... but PREFIX is obviously unrecognised here, so for both modules the
installation failed at the last 'Build install' step with an expected
permission error:
ERROR: Can't create '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/Unicode'
mkdir /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/Unicode: Permission denied at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.14.2/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 494
While I can usually install as root that is not always the case, so I
prefer to place most non-core modules in non-root directories.
Can anyone advise me how this module and other modules that may use similar
build procedures may be installed in a non-root directory?
Many thanks for any advise.