.net Remoting in IIS


andi rickenbach


I've written a vb.net remote application (client, server, general.dll with
the MarshalByRefObj). This application works fine outside or without IIS.
When I start the server and the client, the client is able to create a proxy
and can call the remote method inside general.dll. Everything works fine so
far and I can even call
from the IE and I can see the xml.

Now to the IIS. I created a virtual directory inside IIS with a directory
"bin" where I copied the general.dll (where the "MarshalByObjRef"-Object is
placed) and a web.config-File with the similar code than the server had
inside the app.exe.config.
If I start the client, as soon as the method is called, the client does
nothing anymore. If I debug the client, as soon as the method is called,
nothing happens. No error, no debug, nothing. When I call
inside the IE, the xml is shown correct, so I think the object should be
ready to call or not???

Does anybody can help me? I spent days on this problem and I don't know what
to try more.

I think the application is ok because it works when I do this without IIS.
Do I need some login code or something like useDefaultCredentials in my
client??? I checked Anonymous in IIS, tried with an without Integrated
Windows-Auth. Do I need other settings? I read the book Advanced .net
Remoting from Ingo Rammer but I can't find something I've forgot and I read
some msdn-articles.

Thank you so much for any help.

I had the following problem before I could call the ?Wsdl in IE, but I don't
think it has something to do with this problem above:
I could not reach the ?wsdl xml file in the IE (with IIS) so I deinstalled
the framework 1.1, in the IIS and took the ASP.Net 2.x.x.x, then an Error
occured with Metabasis when I would call the ?wsdl in IE. So I called the
aspnet_regiis.exe -ga user and aspnet_regiis.exe -enable -i and afterwards I
could finally reach the ?wsdl in the IE.

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