New to this forum ... looking for direction

Feb 26, 2020
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I am about to start a project that I would lilke to use an algorithum as follows
It is used in firefox and is the movement of bookmarks within the bookmark function. You use the mouse to select a particular
bookmark and holding down the left key on the mouse move the selected bookmark up or down to is new position.

I am thinking about java and html for this project if possible.

Any help will be appreciated.
Nov 27, 2019
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his has been a feature of FireFox from day one. Are you doing this for your own knowledge? Do you really mean "java" or are you thinking "JavaScript"?
Feb 26, 2020
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his has been a feature of FireFox from day one. Are you doing this for your own knowledge? Do you really mean "java" or are you thinking "JavaScript"?
OK, let's have the date your way. It is that function that I am thinking about using as part of an project and would like more info on it if I can find .... or the whole function regardless of language but java would be my first choice. Was not thinking javascript unless it is written in that language. Does that help.
Nov 27, 2019
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I hope someone jumps in here! I have an operation happening tomorrow and not sure when I can devote time to this.

Let me ask you some more questions, because I read your post 1 wrong.

You are not wanting this to make an app to do it on firefox, Correct?
You want the method to use on a project?

I hope you know javascript - if not maybe use our java section to reask the question.
Anyway I'd use the removeChild() and insertBefore(). functions to do this.

Hope this helps :)
Nov 23, 2019
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I am about to start a project that I would lilke to use an algorithum as follows
It is used in firefox and is the movement of bookmarks within the bookmark function. You use the mouse to select a particular
bookmark and holding down the left key on the mouse move the selected bookmark up or down to is new position.

I am thinking about java and html for this project if possible.

Any help will be appreciated.
hi ,

while I deeply respect to sunfighter's opinion (I also enjoy his solution types in general),
I do not think that w3scools would be a good source. Better sources are available.
instead that ,I recommend wiley publication's books.
w3school causes confusions, and needs to be rechecked and be reordered.

(if you were a good editor (like sunfighter or better than that) ,then it would of course be pleasure to read w3school, but for beginners ,I do not recommend.)

one external advice: please program your time before starting programming. Rough programs are more useful according to my experiences.

hope these helps.
May 26, 2019
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while I deeply respect to sunfighter's opinion (I also enjoy his solution types in general),
I do not think that w3scools would be a good source.
Ditto. The train wreck of outdated web-rot mated to scam-artist dirtbaggery is the last place anyone should go to learn anything. Their methodologies are flawed, and in general their information is wrong, broken, and misleading.

There's a reason it's oft referred to as "W3Fools". Worse being the fact they basically spent over a decade suckering people into thinking they had ANYTHING to do with the W3C (they don't) to hock their stupid meaningless "certifications"... and an entire parody site and harassment campaign existed at one point just to get them to add a disclaimer "we're not part of the W3C"... that's now buried on some sub-page.

Better sources are available.
Like MDN, which is the official source according to the W3C.

Since the official W3C HTML specifications aren't written for web developers, but for browser developers.

Let me just say that again, the official specification for the language used to make websites isn't written for people who make websites. It's written for people who make browsers and they magically expect third parties to pick up the slack. In that context is it a wonder [URL='']nobody seems to be using HTML properly?[/url] particularly when dirtbags like W3Fools are in the mix?!?

Hence these pages:

Are vastly superior to W3Fools incompetent BS.

Note, insertBefore FIRST can actually be more efficient/less code, and a insertBefore or appendChild of a node already on the DOM will automatically remove it from it's old location first.

NOW, as to the whole Java and JavaScript thing, given that JAVA doesn't exist in the browser except as a plugin, that most people won't install; Oracle Stopped updating; Even Oracle advises against enabling in the browser now; and most people will tell you to go plow yourself (even stronger language may be involved) if you ask them to install it these days...

if you want this to happen in the HTML client side Java isn't even a viable option/choice.

Remember: Java is to JavaScript as Ham is to Hamburger.

Now all that said, @scristaldi could you better explain -- possibly in non-broken English -- what it is you're even trying to accomplish? I've reread both your posts three times and honestly given the behavior in question is built into all modern browsers, I too wonder just what you're on about. Your second post in particular makes zero sense to me. I cannot decipher what it is you're even trying to say/do.
Nov 23, 2019
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@deathshadow ya yes the second post of OP,I had not realised it, is meaningless question. (Java and JS are definitely two different program)

but can you really say please whether you seriously/honestly express please: whether you have not made a joke in the rest of your comment until where you marked scristaldi?
maybe I have not expressed the case well. W3C yes,to me not the best source. nonetheless I do not think that it was void or stupid source or meaningless.
I only assessed its learnable and teachable directions.(I am fully independent learner,meanwhile)
but wiley's for instance this book is very good ,especially for beginners.

Jon Duckett, HTML & CSS design and build websites
John Wiley & Sons INC.

it was really pleasure to read it.
May 26, 2019
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but can you really say please whether you seriously/honestly express please: whether you have not made a joke in the rest of your comment until where you marked scristaldi?
maybe I have not expressed the case well. W3C yes,to me not the best source. nonetheless I do not think that it was void or stupid source or meaningless.

And as with the OP's post, could you repeat that in ENGLISH? I have absolutely no clue what it is you're even trying to say with that. I see words, yet I'm not divining any meaning from them.
Nov 23, 2019
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And as with the OP's post, could you repeat that in ENGLISH? I have absolutely no clue what it is you're even trying to say with that. I see words, yet I'm not divining any meaning from them.
sorry for the case,I am busy and generally write very fast. I proofread the expression

but can you really say please whether you seriously/honestlyt have not made a joke along the rest of your comment until the point where you marked scristaldi?
maybe I could not express the case well. W3School,yes,to me; not the best source. However, I do not think that it was stupid source or meaningless.
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