No way of looking for a regrexp match starting from a particularpoint in a string?

  • Thread starter Kenneth McDonald
  • Start date

Kenneth McDonald

I'm probably just missing something obvious, but I haven't found a way
to match a regular expression against only part of a string, in
particular only past a certain point of a string, as a way of finding
successive matches. Of course, one could do a match against a string,
take the substring past that match and do a match against the substring,
and so on, to find all of the matches for the string, but that could be
very expensive for very large strings.

I'm aware of the String.scan method, but that doesn't work for me
because it doesn't return MatchData instances.

What I want is just something like regexp.match(string, n), where the
regexp starts looking for a match at or after position n in the string.


Nobuyoshi Nakada


At Sun, 3 Jun 2007 12:59:24 +0900,
Kenneth McDonald wrote in [ruby-talk:254054]:
What I want is just something like regexp.match(string, n), where the
regexp starts looking for a match at or after position n in the string.

string.index(regexp, n)

Harry Kakueki

What I want is just something like regexp.match(string, n), where the
regexp starts looking for a match at or after position n in the string.


You could match the string but ignore the first part of the match.

str = "abcdefghabcehjjjuabcfjkiabcgdfg"
str =~ /(abc.)/
p $1 # abcd
str =~ /a.*ju(abc.)/
p $1 #abcf


Patrick Hurley

I'm probably just missing something obvious, but I haven't found a way
to match a regular expression against only part of a string, in
particular only past a certain point of a string, as a way of finding
successive matches. Of course, one could do a match against a string,
take the substring past that match and do a match against the substring,
and so on, to find all of the matches for the string, but that could be
very expensive for very large strings.

I'm aware of the String.scan method, but that doesn't work for me
because it doesn't return MatchData instances.

What I want is just something like regexp.match(string, n), where the
regexp starts looking for a match at or after position n in the string.


I don't know of anything obvious, but I would probably do something a
little more like:

class String
def match_each(exp)
str = self
while md = str.match(exp)
yield md
str = md.post_match

foo = "foo bar foo bar foo"
foo.match_each /[oa][or]/ do |md|
puts "Found: #{md}"

# pth

Patrick Hurley


At Sun, 3 Jun 2007 12:59:24 +0900,
Kenneth McDonald wrote in [ruby-talk:254054]:
What I want is just something like regexp.match(string, n), where the
regexp starts looking for a match at or after position n in the string.

string.index(regexp, n)

I think he wanted MatchData objects. The String#index method returns
the index (numeric position of the match). But if all you want are
captures, then index is a good solution.


Edwin Fine

Kenneth said:
I'm probably just missing something obvious, but I haven't found a way
to match a regular expression against only part of a string, in
particular only past a certain point of a string, as a way of finding
successive matches. Of course, one could do a match against a string,
take the substring past that match and do a match against the substring,
and so on, to find all of the matches for the string, but that could be
very expensive for very large strings.

I'm aware of the String.scan method, but that doesn't work for me
because it doesn't return MatchData instances.

What I want is just something like regexp.match(string, n), where the
regexp starts looking for a match at or after position n in the string.


How about this?

def match(s, re, n)

irb(main):043:0> p s
"abdefgh abdefgh abdefgh abdefgh abdefgh abdefgh abdefgh abdefgh abdefgh
abdefgh "
irb(main):044:0> p match(s, /abd/, 10).begin(1)
irb(main):045:0> p match(s, /abd/, 20).begin(1)

Harry Kakueki

You could match the string but ignore the first part of the match.

str = "abcdefghabcehjjjuabcfjkiabcgdfg"
str =~ /(abc.)/
p $1 # abcd
str =~ /a.*ju(abc.)/
p $1 #abcf


If you want to specify the point in the string by number, you could do this.

str = "abcdefghabcehjjjuabcfjkiabcgdfg"
str =~ /.{10}(abc.).*(abc.)/
p $1 #abcf
p $2 #abcg


Kenneth McDonald

Edwin said:
How about this?

def match(s, re, n)

irb(main):043:0> p s
"abdefgh abdefgh abdefgh abdefgh abdefgh abdefgh abdefgh abdefgh abdefgh
abdefgh "
irb(main):044:0> p match(s, /abd/, 10).begin(1)
irb(main):045:0> p match(s, /abd/, 20).begin(1)
That's clever. Obscure, but clever :). I wonder if the regexp engine is
clever enough to turn a match like .{n} into a constant time operation?


Nobuyoshi Nakada


At Sun, 3 Jun 2007 13:56:05 +0900,
Patrick Hurley wrote in [ruby-talk:254059]:
I think he wanted MatchData objects. The String#index method returns
the index (numeric position of the match). But if all you want are
captures, then index is a good solution.

String#index also sets $~.

Patrick Hurley


At Sun, 3 Jun 2007 13:56:05 +0900,
Patrick Hurley wrote in [ruby-talk:254059]:
I think he wanted MatchData objects. The String#index method returns
the index (numeric position of the match). But if all you want are
captures, then index is a good solution.

String#index also sets $~.

I should have know to never question Nobu Nakada :), I always forget
about those variables.


Robert Klemme


At Sun, 3 Jun 2007 13:56:05 +0900,
Patrick Hurley wrote in [ruby-talk:254059]:
I think he wanted MatchData objects. The String#index method returns
the index (numeric position of the match). But if all you want are
captures, then index is a good solution.

String#index also sets $~.

But then you can also use String#scan:

irb(main):002:0> "ababb".scan(/(a)b+/) {p $~}
=> "ababb"
irb(main):003:0> "ababb".scan(/(a)b+/) {p $~.to_a}
["ab", "a"]
["abb", "a"]
=> "ababb"

Ken, why do you need MatchData objects?

Kind regards


Logan Capaldo

I'm probably just missing something obvious, but I haven't found a way
to match a regular expression against only part of a string, in
particular only past a certain point of a string, as a way of finding
successive matches. Of course, one could do a match against a string,
take the substring past that match and do a match against the substring,
and so on, to find all of the matches for the string, but that could be
very expensive for very large strings.

I'm aware of the String.scan method, but that doesn't work for me
because it doesn't return MatchData instances.

What I want is just something like regexp.match(string, n), where the
regexp starts looking for a match at or after position n in the string.
require 'strscan'
scanner =
scanner.pos = n
if scanner.scan(regexp)
p scanner[1]
p scanner.matched
p scanner.pos

It's in the stdlib. (Note, it doesn't actually give you a match data, or
set $~, but of the top of my head I can't think of anything that a
matchdata can do that the stringscanner can't.)

Rick DeNatale

For that matter, so does String#scan.

irb(main):001:0> "abcdefabc".scan(/abc/) {puts "#{$~.inspect}, #{$~}"}
#<MatchData:0xb7b0220c>, abc
#<MatchData:0xb7b021e4>, abc
=> "abcdefabc"

Kenneth McDonald

Is $~ thread safe?

To bad it has to be done this way (though my library will hide it). I
first looked at Ruby several years ago, and at that time, didn't go
further with it because it was too PERLish for me. (PERL was great for
its time, but speaking as someone who actually had to maintain a lot of
PERL code, it's actually a pretty grotty language). One of the things
that brought me back to Ruby was the fact that an effort was being made
to move Ruby away from its PERLisms. But I guess it'll take a while

Thanks everyone,

Robert Klemme

Is $~ thread safe?

To bad it has to be done this way (though my library will hide it). I
first looked at Ruby several years ago, and at that time, didn't go
further with it because it was too PERLish for me. (PERL was great for
its time, but speaking as someone who actually had to maintain a lot of
PERL code, it's actually a pretty grotty language). One of the things
that brought me back to Ruby was the fact that an effort was being made
to move Ruby away from its PERLisms. But I guess it'll take a while

Thanks everyone,

Ken, I still don't understand why exactly you need MatchData objects.
What are you trying to achieve?

Kind regards


Robert Dober

I'm probably just missing something obvious, but I haven't found a way
to match a regular expression against only part of a string, in
particular only past a certain point of a string, as a way of finding
successive matches. Of course, one could do a match against a string,
take the substring past that match and do a match against the substring,
and so on, to find all of the matches for the string, but that could be
very expensive for very large strings.

I'm aware of the String.scan method, but that doesn't work for me
because it doesn't return MatchData instances.

What I want is just something like regexp.match(string, n),
Hmm apart of using #scan and #index with $~ as indicated, I do not
think that there is a performance penalty if you do




On 6/3/07 said:
to match a regular expression against only part of a string, in
particular only past a certain point of a string, as a way of finding
successive matches. Of course, one could do a match against a string,
take the substring past that match and do a match against the substring,
and so on, to find all of the matches for the string, but that could be
very expensive for very large strings.
I'm aware of the String.scan method, but that doesn't work for me
because it doesn't return MatchData instances.
What I want is just something like regexp.match(string, n),

Hmm apart of using #scan and #index with $~ as indicated, I do not
think that there is a performance penalty if you do


How can that be? You have to create a whole new String. If that can be
avoided in the internal implementation then adding an optional offset
index to #match is not an unreasonable idea.


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