Not my fault


Ferrous Cranus

Τη ΔευτέÏα, 18 ÎοεμβÏίου 2013 11:31:50 Ï€.μ. UTC+2,ο χÏήστης YBM έγÏαψε:
You are the one being rude, Nikos.

Moreover you are a nut, installing pygeoip works fine

for me:

# pip install pygeoip

Downloading/unpacking pygeoip

Downloading pygeoip-0.3.0.tar.gz (97Kb): 97Kb downloaded

Running egg_info for package pygeoip

Installing collected packages: pygeoip

Running install for pygeoip
Successfully installed pygeoip
Cleaning up...
you've probably completely messed up your system, as you
are completely incompetent as a UNIX/Linux admin and broke
your system.

No i haven't broke it at all.
Everything work as they should.

The refusal of 'pygeoip' to install turned out to be the local setting in my new VPS.

So i have changes it to:

export LANG = en_US.UTF-8

and then 'pip install pygeoip' was successful.

Trying to figure out how to install-setup EPEL repository along with python3 && python3-pip and 2 extra modules my script needed in my new VPS have costed 4-5 of my life and of my mental health, while if you just helped a bitthese would have been done in a couple of hours.


No i haven't broke it at all. Everything work as they should.

The refusal of 'pygeoip' to install turned out to be the local
setting in my new VPS.

So i have changes it to:

export LANG = en_US.UTF-8

and then 'pip install pygeoip' was successful.

Trying to figure out how to install-setup EPEL repository along with
python3 && python3-pip and 2 extra modules my script needed in my new
VPS have costed 4-5 of my life and of my mental health, while if you
just helped a bit these would have been done in a couple of hours.

Someone might have helped if you hadn't posted all
those messages, which I and most people saw as pretty

But regardless of that, I'm, glad you found the solution
and thanks for posting it here. It would not have occurred
to me that that would have been the problem, so it is
useful for the rest of us to know for the future.

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