Nov 7 TODAY & Nov 22 - Join Global FreeSW Python GNU(Linux) HW Culturemeeting via VOIP - BerkeleyTIP



Guido Van Rossum SciPy talk this month!

CONTENTS: Meeting days/times & Howto - Mark your calendar's dates;
Videos; Hot topics; Opportunities; Announcement Flyers; New webpages

Come join in with the Global Free SW HW & Culture community at the
BerkeleyTIP/GlobalTIP meeting, via VOIP.

Two meetings this month:
Sat Nov 7, 12Noon - 3PM Pacific Time (=UTC-8)
Sun Nov 22, 12Noon - 3PM Pacific Time (=UTC-8)
Mark your calendars, 1st Sat, 3rd Sun every month.
{Note: 4th Sunday this November, to give 2 week spacing.}

Join online #berkeleytip on
& we'll help you get your voip HW & SW working:
Or come to the FreeSpeech Cafe at UC Berkeley in person meeting.

Join the global mailing list

I hope to see you there. :)

===== Talk Videos for November 2009:
Django Development - Richard Kiss, Eddy Mulyono, Glen Jarvis, Simeon
Franklin; BayPiggies
Python for scientific research, discussion with Guido van Rossum;
Netbooks - Michael Gorven, Dave Mackie, and Jonathan Carter; CLUG
Japan Linux Symposium Keynote, Linus Torvalds & Jim Zemlin; Linux
Download & watch them before the meetings, discuss at the meetings.

Thanks to all the Speakers, Videographers, & Groups! :)
[Record your local meeting! Put the video online, & email me for
inclusion for next month. :) ]

===== Hot topics: Ubuntu 9.10 - Problems? Fixes? Upgrade? Install?
Freeswitch VOIP server - setup for BTIP
Flyers & outreach to UCBerkeley.
Outreach to other UC campuses next semester.

===== Opportunities - Learn new, or increase your job skills, &/or
volunteer & help the community: Set up any of: a BTIP Mailing List, web
server/site, Freeswitch VOIP server, or Virtual Private Network & SSL

===== Announcement Flyers: Print & Post them in your community. 4/5
available - Freedom, Karmic Koala, Free Culture, SciPy, OLPC. See bottom
of page:

===== New BTIP Webpages @
UC Campus local groups; Free Hardware; System Administration;
Announcement Flyers; Opportunities

For Forwarding - You are invited to forward this announcement wherever
it would be appreciated.

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