Join the global Free SW HW & Culture meeting online via VOIP & IRC.
Sunday Oct 18, 12N-3P Pacific Daylight Savings Time (UTC-8),
3P-6P Eastern, (7P-10P UTC?)
Or, come to the UCBerkeley Free Speech Cafe.
Discuss the videos, work on your own projects & share them with others,
& help work on the group projects.
Get a VOIP headset, & join the #berkeleytip channel on irc.freenode.net
We'll help you install VOIP client SW, & join the global meeting.
Join with the meeting from your home via VOIP,
or create a local meeting at your local college wifi cafe.
I finally got some posters up around campus.
===== Talk/Video October: Open Source-and-Mac Other OSs
===== Some Topics for discussion:
How get better WiFi at FSC - talk to UCB net services?
FreeSwitch install on UCB box
KUbuntu 9.10 out this month
Plan for a UCB installfest - leaders, helpers, announcements
Flyers post throughout campus beginning November?
SSL & OpenVPN on UCB box
Join the mailing lists & say hi, tell us what you are interested in.
You are invited to forward this message anywhere it would be welcomed.

Sunday Oct 18, 12N-3P Pacific Daylight Savings Time (UTC-8),
3P-6P Eastern, (7P-10P UTC?)
Or, come to the UCBerkeley Free Speech Cafe.
Discuss the videos, work on your own projects & share them with others,
& help work on the group projects.
Get a VOIP headset, & join the #berkeleytip channel on irc.freenode.net
We'll help you install VOIP client SW, & join the global meeting.
Join with the meeting from your home via VOIP,
or create a local meeting at your local college wifi cafe.
I finally got some posters up around campus.
===== Talk/Video October: Open Source-and-Mac Other OSs
===== Some Topics for discussion:
How get better WiFi at FSC - talk to UCB net services?
FreeSwitch install on UCB box
KUbuntu 9.10 out this month
Plan for a UCB installfest - leaders, helpers, announcements
Flyers post throughout campus beginning November?
SSL & OpenVPN on UCB box
Join the mailing lists & say hi, tell us what you are interested in.
You are invited to forward this message anywhere it would be welcomed.