[OT] Google Groups: vote for Default quoting


John Bokma

Alan J. Flavell said:
Imagine your Usenet server is down, and you have an urgent question
do you

[a] nothing
use Google Groups?

If I have an *urgent* question, I would:

refer to the documentation
[ii] use a search engine.

Yup, and when you can't find it with and [ii]? I rarely post a
question on Usenet, but if I do, I have often used and [ii].

Google has excellent search engines. It's a pity their gateway into
usenet is the way that it is, but the Usenauts have been grumbling
about it for long enough that if GG cared what the Usenauts think,
they would have done something about it.

Maybe default quoting ends up in people now not quoting, quoting the
entire message, and Google considered not quoting "better" compared to
quoting the entire message.

Maybe they should add two simple checks:

You quoted less then 1% of the message, are you sure?
You qouted over 60% of the message, are you sure?

Alan J. Flavell

If you want people to learn, you can't just cut them off.

I have no power to "cut them off", nor would I wish to have. I don't
choose to read those postings by default, that's all. The same goes
for the thousands of other usenet groups which I don't read at all -
do you object to *that*, also ?
You *can* provide helpful, friendly replies accompanied by
suggestions to make their next post better.

Others are already doing a much better job of that than I would. Some
(few) of those addressed will gather a clue as a result.


Sherm Pendley

Tassilo v. Parseval said:
Does that mean that at some point people are allowed to randomly attach
photos of their pets to usenet postings? Please, tell me this isn't so!

It depends on how it's implemented - although if Google's past history wrt
usenet is any indication, we're well and truly screwed.

The polite way to implement such a thing would be to allow such photos to
be stored on their servers, and write their client to read & write a custom
header that referred to them, such as "X-Google-Icon:" for instance.

What their past behavior leads me to expect from them is an attachment added
to every message. :-(


Jürgen Exner

John said:
Imagine your Usenet server is down, and you have an urgent question

"Urgent" and "Usenet" are contradictions in terms. Be design Usenet is not
an instant response medium.


A. Sinan Unur

"Urgent" and "Usenet" are contradictions in terms. Be design Usenet is
not an instant response medium.

While that is correct, I think the case John is making is a valid one.
That is, if one is in a bind, it may be worthwhile to take the chance
that someone somewhere will able to respond. So long as the question is
posed according to the posting guidelines, the poster does not implore
others to respond by pointing out how urgently he needs an answer, the
chances are, the query will succeed, 'cause there's always someone awake
in some part of the world.

The problem is when ignorant fools start thinking that it is their right
to expect answers in a few minutes, and get into IRC chat mode on the


Tad McClellan

[ snip about killfiling, or scoring down, posts from Google Groups ]

Me too.

But your adding of the "and listened" part swung my pendulum that way.

In my experience, the "and listened" to "gripe about netiquette"
ratio is profoundly skewed with regard to posters from GG.

So skewed that action is required IMO.

[ snip where this poster was an "and listened" type,
yet got plonked anyway.

I think that plonking may have been an over reaction, but it was
only one person, plenty of others will still see your posts.
(unless you are on GG, heh.)

I don't plonk for bad quoting.

I *always* immediately plonk griping about the usenet conventions
regarding quoting. (whiners become invisible)

Making the mistake is not rude, insisting that everyone else change
to doing it "your way" is off-the-scale rude.

But people on usenet (and this group in particular) have a nasty
tendancy to flame anyone who is kind of new, or makes an early mistake.

What might be the disease underlying that symptom?

I submit that it is a social clash. Usenet is not like other
interactions that many are used to (phone, email, face to face).

It is its own little society with its own ideas of what is
socially acceptable.

I think the disease is that the poor new folks do not realize that
they are walking into a foreign society. They think it should be
like the societies that they already know.

So they step on toes without even knowing that they are doing it
and, most often, react poorly to the responses pointing out
their transgression.

A little nicety goes a long way.

Learning a bit about a foreign society before jumping into
said society is much more than a "little" nicety.

And certainly everyone on GG isn't a

The ratio is much much closer to zero than to one though.

but many of us make stupid mistakes.

For me at least, it isn't making mistakes that costs, it is
usually the _reaction_ downthread that earns folks a poor score.

That being said, if you're killfiling me automatically... well, you
won't see this, but I feel worse for you guys.

Perhaps that is because your background is different than "you guys"

Different constraints are very likely to result in different outcomes.

I catch lots of good
information on this group just by reading all the posts. Odds are,
(likely not me) someone on GG is bound to know something you don't, and
killfiling them automatically just means you won't get to learn from

Try, if you might, considering the position of a long time
Frequent Poster (FP), and you might see how what is not right for
you is right for some other group of folks.

Someone who has been here for a long time, say months or years
or even a decade, probably knows lots about Perl already and
has demonstrated a willingness to share it with others.

(Note that these are precisely the people you _want_ to see your question.)

True, these frequent posters likely do hope to pick up new bits of
knowledge now and again as part of their "reward" for donating

Scoring for me is primarily a time-management issue. I do not have
time to read every post, I just want to find "enough" questions
to answer.

I also don't have time to explain to whiners the Darwinian evolution
of "rules of netiquette", what works is institutionalized and what
doesn't work fades.

With GG scored down, I *still* have more than "enough" posts to read.

I also have many FPs scored up, so "interesting bits" are likely to
be visible to me even in the rare cases of a "good post" from GG.

If I had lots of "room" to learn new things about Perl, I would
likely decide not to filter out GG.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

Dr.Ruud said:
Gunnar Hjalmarsson:

"You appear to have sent a message via a mail server whose hostname ends
with comcast.net."

The 'appear' makes me wonder how you deduct that. Please don't trust the
HELO or the MAIL FROM, but check the actual IP-nr of the sending mail

Yes, of course. But even if it's hard to fake the IP of the sending mail
server, I assume it _can_ be done; hence "appear". :) After all, most
of the recipients of my bounces are innocent victims of faked sender
Bouncing has many meanings. I assume that you mean it as in RFC 2821
(where it has at least two meanings, the first is 'SMTP-reject').

554 Transaction failed (see http://gunnar.cc/bounce/?d=comcast.net)

Yep, that's how I do it.


If you don't understand that, your employer may be able to provide a
more tangible explanation. ;-)

I always had an ethical problem with that... not being able to contribute
to a news group seemed wrong if I were to use it to ask for advice
which helped me in my work.



Tassilo v. Parseval said:
Also sprach Alan J. Flavell:
Furthermore, those default features to vote for sure are scary. Just
look at the first item: Photo/File storage.
Does that mean that at some point people are allowed to randomly attach
photos of their pets to usenet postings? Please, tell me this isn't so!

A properly maintained news server will reject binary postings in
nonn-binary groups. In fact it was a Perl script whose name I
forget which I used to use on INN.


A. Sinan Unur

My first post on this forum was not formatted in a standard way, but I
attempted to quote the person to whom I responded by copy/paste, also
crediting them (didn't know about the handy options->reply)

So what happened? Sinan jumped on me calling me a "liar" because my
quote format was odd (not preceded by >'s, but I *thought* that it was
obvious, mea culpa), and then proceded to Ploink me.

Well, let me point out that you are again making an incorrect statement.

The issue was not that the quoted material was not preceded by >'s.

The issue was that you explicitly attributed words to me that I had not
uttered. (To add insult to injury, you then proceded to lecture me on C++
in a Perl group).


As you can see, your quoting style is fine, but you are claiming that I
made statements which I did not make.

I was a more than little miffed by your misattribution, combined with the
"For those of you not getting this," speech.

While it is interesting to note that you still haven't given up the habit
of making ``incorrect statements'', please, I am but one person. I also
don't know much about Perl, so it is time for you to get over it being

It's been months already. I had to dig through Google archives to try to
find the relevant post and remember what happened after I saw Bernard
mention my name.

This is all I am going to say about this issue.

Bye, again.



John Bokma said:
Which exclude people working for a company that just firewalls some
ports, or if your Usenet server is down, and you have an urgent post to
make. (Been there).

Of your employer doesn't want you to use usenet from work, I don't see why
others should go out of their way to help you circumvent your employer's



Abigail said:
If your employer is ok with you reading news at work, you should have
no problems in getting a hole through the firewall. Or else you have
an internal problem at your work - which isn't my problem to solve.

Not when additional open ports mean additional security risk. A
security aware business should limit the number of ports open to the
public internet. Where I work and seated at my desk, I must
authenticate to the firewall to remote manage my servers in the DMZ.


l v

Of your employer doesn't want you to use usenet from work, I don't see why
others should go out of their way to help you circumvent your employer's

You are making an assumption that because a firewall port is not
opened, that the employer does not want you to use usenet at work.
Opening ports to the public internet poises security risks which the
company may not want to create ... especially when there is an
alternative web access.


Matt Garrish

A. Sinan Unur said:
It's been months already. I had to dig through Google archives to try to
find the relevant post and remember what happened after I saw Bernard
mention my name.

Don't worry; I still like you... : )


Charlton Wilbur

JB> Which exclude people working for a company that just firewalls
JB> some ports, or if your Usenet server is down, and you have an
JB> urgent post to make. (Been there).

Not my problem, frankly; they can get their work and their servers to
behave sensibly, or they can cope with me not reading their posts.
The only policies that dictate how I spend my time are those of my
workplace, which compensates me for the inconvenience with money.

If the Google Groups users were to compensate me for my time at a
similar hourly rate, however, I would be pleased to remove the block.



Abigail said:
(e-mail address removed) ([email protected]) wrote on
)) >>> you shouldn't be posting from work anyway.
)) >> Ummm, why exactly?
)) > If you don't understand that, your employer may be able to provide a
)) > more tangible explanation. ;-)
)) I always had an ethical problem with that... not being able to contribute
)) to a news group seemed wrong if I were to use it to ask for advice
)) which helped me in my work.
If your employer is ok with you reading news at work, you should have
no problems in getting a hole through the firewall. Or else you have
an internal problem at your work - which isn't my problem to solve.

Making a hole through the firewall has never been a problem...
often I was in charge of it. And as I now work from home...


John Bokma

Charlton Wilbur said:
JB> Which exclude people working for a company that just firewalls
JB> some ports, or if your Usenet server is down, and you have an
JB> urgent post to make. (Been there).

Not my problem, frankly; they can get their work and their servers to
behave sensibly, or they can cope with me not reading their posts.
The only policies that dictate how I spend my time are those of my
workplace, which compensates me for the inconvenience with money.

If the Google Groups users were to compensate me for my time at a
similar hourly rate, however, I would be pleased to remove the block.

*sigh* I only want to make clear that some people have very little options
besides using Google Groups. I live in Mexico, and I have no idea how to
get a Usenet account here if one doesn't have a credit card (I currently
use my Dutch bank account to pay a provider in Germany).

So I am not telling how you should spend your time and how you should get
compensation, what I try to make clear is that because many people
misbehave using Groups Google I consider it unfair to block them all out
just because.

Like I stated in a previous email, a huge percentage of messages in this
group is the same old shit all over (so what else is new). And yes, I
understand the need for filtering, but I think a provider is a bad choice.

I often compare it with dog owners who let their dog shit in public
places. Some say: I don't care, I don't go to the park anyway. Others do
care, even if they don't go to the park. I never liked the close my eyes
and look the other way.

If default quoting on makes less people misbehave when using Google
Groups, I am for it.

Of course YMMV.

John Bokma

Making a hole through the firewall has never been a problem...
often I was in charge of it. And as I now work from home...

Yeah, same here. But I am quite sure that the only reason I don't have to
use GG is that I was able to using my Dutch bank account to pay a German
ISP, since I have no idea who offers Usenet services in Mexico. I wonder
how many local people can pay for it with a credit card in the first
place, especially since most rely on Internet cafes for access.

So, yeah, basically it's the 733+ attitude I see here I don't like. Your
problem, so STFU is nice if you're in a situation that such a problem
indeed is your problem and can be fixed.

Tad McClellan

John Bokma said:
*sigh* I only want to make clear that some people have very little options
besides using Google Groups.

I feel pretty sure that that has been clear a bit upthread already.

I agree that some people have very little options besides
using Google Groups.

That does not cause me to not block GG posts though, it is a
trade-off that I am willing to make.

So I am not telling how you should spend your time

It looks to me like you are.

I consider it unfair to block them all out
just because.

You seem to be telling me (us) to spend my (our) time on low S/N posts.

Since _you_ consider it unfair to block, don't block.

You do what you think is best and I do what I think is best,
it is all very democratic. :)

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