overflow:hidden not working fine


Navneet Mathpal


I am using frame set and my frame set scroll bar is appearing, for hiding it i have used overflow:hidden ,but it not working fine.

it is not showing the rest of the result those are below the screen.

I am using mozilla firefox



Navneet Mathpal said:

I am using frame set and my frame set scroll bar is appearing, for hiding it
i have used overflow:hidden ,but it not working fine.

it is not showing the rest of the result those are below the screen.

I am using mozilla firefox
If the srcs for the frames have that style on them, you might be in
luck. But for the frames themselves, try scrolling="no". Need examples?



I am using frame set and my frame set scroll bar is appearing, for hiding it i have used overflow:hidden ,but it not working fine.

it is not showing the rest of the result those are below the screen.

I am using mozilla firefox


overflow:hidden means to expand the container as needed.
it has nothing to do with scrollbars.
overflow:auto means turn on scrollbars as needed.
overflow:scroll means show both scrollbars and use as needed.


richard said:
overflow:hidden means to expand the container as needed.

Quite false. The box in


does not expand with this style.

An element like a DIV is by default auto sized, meaning it fills its
own containing block from side to side and develops all the height it
needs to fit its contents.
it has nothing to do with scrollbars.

This is wrong too. What's next? A person's breathing has nothing to do
with him or her being dead?

Overflow values are about clipping and not clipping and the
involvement of scrollbars in all of this.

In fact thay are *intimately* involved with scrollbars. I have seen
them with my very own eyes consorting together, drinking in pubs,
cavorting in parks, and even ... dancing!

Why, only yesterday did I see in the local park an overflow snogging
with a scrollbar. I could tell it was an overflow of type hidden
because it kept reassuring its breathless partner that the partner was
hidden. Other signs suggested that it was a horizontal scrollbar.

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