Savas Ates
Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the
provider, or of the selected locktype.
my connection string
Set baglantim=Server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Outpost="PROVIDER=SQLOledb;Initial Catalog=friends;User Id=sa
;password=;Data Source=localhost" (it is oledb)
im using stored procedure to make a user search in asp what is my fault?
error line absolute page...
xx="exec st_usersearch
If Request.QueryString("Sayfa") = "" Then
Gosterilen_Sayfa = 1
Gosterilen_Sayfa = CInt(Request.QueryString("Sayfa"))
End If
set rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
rs.open xx,baglantim,1,3
If Gosterilen_Sayfa > Toplam_Sayfa Then Gosterilen_Sayfa = Toplam_Sayfa
If Gosterilen_Sayfa < 1 Then Gosterilen_Sayfa = 1
rs.AbsolutePage = Gosterilen_Sayfa
provider, or of the selected locktype.
my connection string
Set baglantim=Server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Outpost="PROVIDER=SQLOledb;Initial Catalog=friends;User Id=sa
;password=;Data Source=localhost" (it is oledb)
im using stored procedure to make a user search in asp what is my fault?
error line absolute page...
xx="exec st_usersearch
If Request.QueryString("Sayfa") = "" Then
Gosterilen_Sayfa = 1
Gosterilen_Sayfa = CInt(Request.QueryString("Sayfa"))
End If
set rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
rs.open xx,baglantim,1,3
If Gosterilen_Sayfa > Toplam_Sayfa Then Gosterilen_Sayfa = Toplam_Sayfa
If Gosterilen_Sayfa < 1 Then Gosterilen_Sayfa = 1
rs.AbsolutePage = Gosterilen_Sayfa