paging problem


Savas Ates

Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the
provider, or of the selected locktype.

my connection string

Set baglantim=Server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Outpost="PROVIDER=SQLOledb;Initial Catalog=friends;User Id=sa
;password=;Data Source=localhost" (it is oledb)

im using stored procedure to make a user search in asp what is my fault?
error line absolute page...

xx="exec st_usersearch


If Request.QueryString("Sayfa") = "" Then
Gosterilen_Sayfa = 1
Gosterilen_Sayfa = CInt(Request.QueryString("Sayfa"))
End If

set rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")

rs.pagesize=Sayfalanacak_Kayit xx,baglantim,1,3

If Gosterilen_Sayfa > Toplam_Sayfa Then Gosterilen_Sayfa = Toplam_Sayfa
If Gosterilen_Sayfa < 1 Then Gosterilen_Sayfa = 1

rs.AbsolutePage = Gosterilen_Sayfa

Bob Barrows [MVP]

Savas said:
Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation
of the provider, or of the selected locktype.

my connection string

Set baglantim=Server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Outpost="PROVIDER=SQLOledb;Initial Catalog=friends;User Id=sa

It is EXTREMELY bad and insecure programming practice to use the sa account
in your applications. The sa account can do anything in your system (not
just in the database). It should be used ONLY for administration by the
database administrator. Create a new login with only the permissions needed
to perform the tasks required by your application and use that account
instead of the sa account.

Also, from the looks of it, your sa account may have a blank password*. This
is also a bad idea: several internet worms have targeted sql servers with
password-less sa accounts. If your sa account has no password, and you value
your network's security, you should drop whatever you are doing and assign
the account a secure password.

* unless you just left it out, which would be a good idea. There is nothing
worse than broadcasting your sa password to the internet. A better way to
obscure the password without giving the empression it was blank would have
been to use xxxx
;password=;Data Source=localhost" (it is oledb)

im using stored procedure to make a user search in asp what is my
fault? error line absolute page...

xx="exec st_usersearch


If Request.QueryString("Sayfa") = "" Then
Gosterilen_Sayfa = 1
Gosterilen_Sayfa = CInt(Request.QueryString("Sayfa"))
End If

set rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")

Add this line:
rs.CursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
If Gosterilen_Sayfa > Toplam_Sayfa Then Gosterilen_Sayfa =
If Gosterilen_Sayfa < 1 Then Gosterilen_Sayfa = 1

rs.AbsolutePage = Gosterilen_Sayfa

The AbsolutePage property needed to be set BEFORE the recordset was opened.

The recordset can be opened using the following simple statement (no need
for the dynamic sql statement shown above):

baglantim.st_usersearch '','','','','','', rs

Here are some links to alternative paging techniques:

Bob Barrows

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