Hi folks,
I'm developing a WebControl, that has got a property that's supposed to
return a collection of data. Whenever I try to populate the mentioned
collection under the visual designer, the items I add to the collection
are not displayed in the .aspx file.
Here's what I would like to have, when an item named "txt1" with value
"val1" is added in the collection editor:
<wcl:MyList ID="MyList1" runat="server" Items-Capacity="4">
<wcl:MyItem Text="txt1" Value="val1" />
However, the
<wcl:MyItem Text="txt1" Value="val1" />
line is not added to the file, after closing the collection editor.
Another amazing aspect of this control is the "Items-Capacity" property
that's being concatenated to the above-declaration. I've got no idea
what it is, too! Here's some code-snippet that may help to pinpoint the
[ToolboxData("<{0}:MyList runat=server></{0}:MyList>")]
[ToolboxBitmap(typeof(MyList), "WebCtrlLib.MyList.ico")]
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level =
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level =
[ParseChildren(true, "Items")]
public class MyList: WebControl, INamingContainer
//removed for brevity
[Description("The collection of items in the list.")]
[Editor(typeof(MyItemCollectionEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
public MyItemCollection Items
if(m_coll == null)
m_coll = new MyItemCollection();
return m_coll;
public abstract class StateManagedCollectionBase<T>: CollectionBase,
IViewState, IStateManager where T: class
public void Add(T item)
public void Remove(int nIndex)
public void Remove(T item)
public T this[int index]*/
public class MyItemCollection: StateManagedCollectionBase<MyItem>
class MyItemCollectionEditor: CollectionEditor
public MyItemCollectionEditor(Type type): base(type)
protected override bool CanSelectMultipleInstances()
return false;
protected override Type CreateCollectionItemType()
return typeof(MyItem);
public class MyListContainerControlDesigner: ContainerControlDesigner
public override DesignerAutoFormatCollection AutoFormats
//removed for brevity
Any help would be highly appreciated.
I'm developing a WebControl, that has got a property that's supposed to
return a collection of data. Whenever I try to populate the mentioned
collection under the visual designer, the items I add to the collection
are not displayed in the .aspx file.
Here's what I would like to have, when an item named "txt1" with value
"val1" is added in the collection editor:
<wcl:MyList ID="MyList1" runat="server" Items-Capacity="4">
<wcl:MyItem Text="txt1" Value="val1" />
However, the
<wcl:MyItem Text="txt1" Value="val1" />
line is not added to the file, after closing the collection editor.
Another amazing aspect of this control is the "Items-Capacity" property
that's being concatenated to the above-declaration. I've got no idea
what it is, too! Here's some code-snippet that may help to pinpoint the
[ToolboxData("<{0}:MyList runat=server></{0}:MyList>")]
[ToolboxBitmap(typeof(MyList), "WebCtrlLib.MyList.ico")]
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level =
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level =
[ParseChildren(true, "Items")]
public class MyList: WebControl, INamingContainer
//removed for brevity
[Description("The collection of items in the list.")]
[Editor(typeof(MyItemCollectionEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
public MyItemCollection Items
if(m_coll == null)
m_coll = new MyItemCollection();
return m_coll;
public abstract class StateManagedCollectionBase<T>: CollectionBase,
IViewState, IStateManager where T: class
public void Add(T item)
public void Remove(int nIndex)
public void Remove(T item)
public T this[int index]*/
public class MyItemCollection: StateManagedCollectionBase<MyItem>
class MyItemCollectionEditor: CollectionEditor
public MyItemCollectionEditor(Type type): base(type)
protected override bool CanSelectMultipleInstances()
return false;
protected override Type CreateCollectionItemType()
return typeof(MyItem);
public class MyListContainerControlDesigner: ContainerControlDesigner
public override DesignerAutoFormatCollection AutoFormats
//removed for brevity
Any help would be highly appreciated.