pp failing



I'm trying to generate a self-contained executable with pp but it is
fighting back and I think I have a major misunderstanding somewhere!
I gather that pp is part of PAR so I installed PAR first. Seemed to
install okay so I started with a really easy first example:

use warnings;
use strict;
print "hello\n";

perldoc pp seems to suggest that all I do is:

pp test.pl

but sadly it fails.

Would someone out there help with my understanding please?

1. In perldoc pp the examples have prompts which are either % and $.
The $ look like the command interpreter, but what's the % ? I'm issuing
the pp at the command prompt.

2. The -log feature of pp doesn't work:

pp test.pl -log test.log does not log, and redirection fails too:
pp test.pl>test.log

3. so hence I'll have to copy by hand:

pp test.pl responds:

Compress::Zlib object version 1.22 does not match bootstrap parameter
1.16 at /loader/0x8b08b8/DynaLoader.pm line 225
Compilation failed in require at /loader/0x8b08b8/Archive/Zip.pm line 24
BEGIN failed - compilation aborted at /loader/0x8b08b8/Archive/Zip.pm
line 24
Compilation failed in require in par.pl line 255

A ppm query Compress.Zlib confirms that the version is 1.22
Verify PAR confirms PAR is up to date, but remains mute when
I ask about Compress.Zlib.
verify --upgrade Compress.Zlib has not fixed it.

What might I be doing wrong?

Version of perl is v5.6.1 with one locally built patch 638 and I'm
running under Win XP.


Graham Wood

P.R.Brady said:
I'm trying to generate a self-contained executable with pp but it is
fighting back and I think I have a major misunderstanding somewhere!

I had lots of headaches getting pp to work. Your problem is that your
Compress::Zlib is newer than your PAR install. You can get the older
one by installing an older build of perl (I think Activestate build 635
is where I was told to get this version of Compress::Zlib).

When I finally got mine to work I ended up reinstalling perl
(Activestate build 638 of 5.6.1), set the HTTP_proxy environment
variable so that ppm ran properly then reinstalled PAR using my new
working ppm. According to the docs (and my experience) not setting
HTTP_proxy is one of the most common reasons for difficulties using
ppm. Installing PAR properly with your ppm not working properly is

Hope this helps.



Graham said:
I had lots of headaches getting pp to work. Your problem is that your
Compress::Zlib is newer than your PAR install. You can get the older
one by installing an older build of perl (I think Activestate build 635
is where I was told to get this version of Compress::Zlib).

When I finally got mine to work I ended up reinstalling perl
(Activestate build 638 of 5.6.1), set the HTTP_proxy environment
variable so that ppm ran properly then reinstalled PAR using my new
working ppm. According to the docs (and my experience) not setting
HTTP_proxy is one of the most common reasons for difficulties using
ppm. Installing PAR properly with your ppm not working properly is

Hope this helps.


Thanks Graham,
ppm3 query * shows that I am already using Activestate 5.6.1 build
638 and PAR 0.63. Update attempt of PAR says it is the latest.
Which version of PAR are you using?

HTTP_proxy is unset and I now see:
but ppm has worked before and our firewall does not deny 80 or 8080.
Certainly my browser is set proxy-less and works.



Phil Brady
Information Services
University of Wales, Bangor
Adeilad Deiniol
Deiniol Rd
Bangor LL57 2UX

Tel +44 (0)1248 382960
Fax +44 (0)1248 383826

(e-mail address removed)


Graham said:
I had lots of headaches getting pp to work. Your problem is that your
Compress::Zlib is newer than your PAR install. You can get the older
one by installing an older build of perl (I think Activestate build 635
is where I was told to get this version of Compress::Zlib).

When I finally got mine to work I ended up reinstalling perl
(Activestate build 638 of 5.6.1), set the HTTP_proxy environment
variable so that ppm ran properly then reinstalled PAR using my new
working ppm. According to the docs (and my experience) not setting
HTTP_proxy is one of the most common reasons for difficulties using
ppm. Installing PAR properly with your ppm not working properly is

Hope this helps.


Bingo! Fixed it.
Activestate 5.6.1 638 and version 0.63 of PAR failed as above.
Using ppm3 to remove PAR and then install version 0.85 has fixed it.
Not sure where 0.63 came from but I only loaded it last week.
Thanks for the hint Graham.


Phil Brady
Information Services
University of Wales, Bangor
Adeilad Deiniol
Deiniol Rd
Bangor LL57 2UX

Tel +44 (0)1248 382960
Fax +44 (0)1248 383826

(e-mail address removed)

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