Problem creating setup



I have developed a webservice using VSNET 2005.
All works fine.

Now, I want to create a setup project for deploying on another server.
I followed the steps found here:

1. On the File menu, point to Add Project and then click New Project. -
2. Select the Setup and Deployment Projects folder and then click Web
Setup Project. -> DONE
3. In the Name box, type a name for your deployment project and then
click OK. -> DONE
4. In Solution Explorer, right-click the deployment project. On the
shortcut menu, point to Add, and then click Project Output. -> DONE

and here comes the problem:

5. In the Add Project Output Group dialog box, select Primary output,
Debug Symbols, and Content Files.
I only get Content Files listed here. No Primary output appears.


John Saunders [MVP]

nano2k said:
I have developed a webservice using VSNET 2005.
All works fine.

Now, I want to create a setup project for deploying on another server.
I followed the steps found here:

1. On the File menu, point to Add Project and then click New Project. -
2. Select the Setup and Deployment Projects folder and then click Web
Setup Project. -> DONE
3. In the Name box, type a name for your deployment project and then
click OK. -> DONE
4. In Solution Explorer, right-click the deployment project. On the
shortcut menu, point to Add, and then click Project Output. -> DONE

and here comes the problem:

5. In the Add Project Output Group dialog box, select Primary output,
Debug Symbols, and Content Files.
I only get Content Files listed here. No Primary output appears.


This sounds like you may have used a Web Site instead of a Web Project. Did
you create your web service by using File->New->Web Site?

If so, be aware that web sites are not projects.

I don't know if the new web deployment projects work with web sites. Make
sure you've upgraded to VS2005 SP1 and try to add a web deployment project.

Also, stay away from web sites in the future. Use Web Application Projects
instead. They're just like real projects.


This sounds like you may have used a Web Site instead of a Web Project. Did
you create your web service by using File->New->Web Site?

If so, be aware that web sites are not projects.

I don't know if the new web deployment projects work with web sites. Make
sure you've upgraded to VS2005 SP1 and try to add a web deployment project..

Also, stay away from web sites in the future. Use Web Application Projects
instead. They're just like real projects.

John Saunders | MVP - Windows Server System - Connected System Developer- Ascunde citatul -

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Ok, thanks.

How can I deploy such a website?


Ok, thanks.

How can I deploy such a website?- Ascunde citatul -

- Afiþare text în citat -

Sorry, I should have asked something else.
Is there a way to convert this website into a project so that I will
deploy a COMPILED version?
I dont' want the source files to reside on the live server.
That's weird!


John Saunders [MVP]

nano2k said:
Sorry, I should have asked something else.
Is there a way to convert this website into a project so that I will
deploy a COMPILED version?
I dont' want the source files to reside on the live server.
That's weird!


I'm not certain about this, so make a backup first. If you right-click the
web site in the Solution Explorer, is there a "Convert to web application"
command? Try that (after making a backup!)

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