python guru in the Bay Area




is there someone in the Bay Area who knows python, that I can talk to ... I
have the shell of a real basic app, and I'd like someone who can walk me
through how to set it up.

i'm talking about passing arrays, setting up global data, etc... basically,
if i can create a shell for what i'm trying to create, i should be ok..

lunch of course, would be on me!!



ps. yeah.. i know i could eventually figure most of this by
searching/experimenting/etc... using google.. but i'd rather move as fast as

John Bokma

bruce said:
ps. yeah.. i know i could eventually figure most of this by
searching/experimenting/etc... using google.. but i'd rather move as
fast as possible.

Then I recommend a book instead of trial and error programming. Dive into
Python can be downloaded for free, and will get you programming and
knowing what you are doing in a short time if you have programming skills
and quite some background.

gene tani

bruce said:

is there someone in the Bay Area who knows python, that I can talk to ... I
have the shell of a real basic app, and I'd like someone who can walk me
through how to set it up.

i'm talking about passing arrays, setting up global data, etc... basically,
if i can create a shell for what i'm trying to create, i should be ok..

lunch of course, would be on me!!



ps. yeah.. i know i could eventually figure most of this by
searching/experimenting/etc... using google.. but i'd rather move as fast as

I think the tutor list is good for this

Dennis Lee Bieber

i'm talking about passing arrays, setting up global data, etc... basically,
if i can create a shell for what i'm trying to create, i should be ok..
Step one -- learn the terminology: read the Python standard
documentation: tutorial, language manual, skip the library manual (take
the chapter on builtins in detail). Native Python doesn't have "arrays",
it has "lists", "tuples", and "dictionaries" -- tuples being immutable.

Step two -- "global" data is frowned upon in essentially all modern
programming schemes. Globals result in tight coupling of what should be
loosely coupled, reusable, independent code sections. If you /really/
need a slew of data to be shared between module files, create a separate
module to contain the data, and import it to the relevant modules:
ACONSTANT = 2.78 #"constant" being a convention; one should
#not try to modify "all cap" names
aVariable = ACONSTANT
import myGlobal
import moduleB

myGlobal.aVariable = 3.14 * myGlobal.ACONSTANT
import myGlobal

def doStuff():
print myGlobal.aVariable

ps. yeah.. i know i could eventually figure most of this by
searching/experimenting/etc... using google.. but i'd rather move as fast as

So you pick a store&forward message system in which you need to wait
for someone to not only read the message -- on their time -- but also
deign to respond... and then have to await NNTP propagation to forward
the reply to your server where you may, at some point in time, read it.

In the meantime you could have read the entire language reference
manual (it's only about 80 pages).
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG
(e-mail address removed) (e-mail address removed)
(Bestiaria Support Staff: (e-mail address removed))


is there someone in the Bay Area who knows python, that I can talk to ... I
have the shell of a real basic app, and I'd like someone who can walk me
through how to set it up.

While I agree with all the other advice you've been given, if you really
want to try finding someone local:

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