Python on Win32 and MFC


Gilles Lenfant


I bought and read most of (excellent) Mark Hammond's book, Python
programming on Win32.
I started to make some sophisticated "hello world" app using win32ui (...)
but I need some more information to make the bridge between this book and
the MFC (black hole for me) in depth.

Any advise on good reading, and some python examples ?

Many thanks in advance.


Mark S Pryor

Gilles Lenfant said:

I bought and read most of (excellent) Mark Hammond's book, Python
programming on Win32.
I started to make some sophisticated "hello world" app using win32ui (...)
but I need some more information to make the bridge between this book and
the MFC (black hole for me) in depth.

Any advise on good reading, and some python examples ?

Many thanks in advance.


here's an example showing how to use the Registry API in

I have other scripts that enum windows, use Menu objects, and do
IPC using SendMessage.

Mark Pryor

####### begin script ############
author: mark pryor
keywords: registry enum license typelib
description: scriptlet to enum a subkey collection
date: 11/8/02 3:03PM

import os, sys
import win32api as wi
import win32con as wc
import string as st
#exercise to enumerate a subkey collection

# try this for the Licenses key, then the TypeLib key
kName = "Licenses"
kName = "TypeLib"

# get a handle
pyk = wi.RegOpenKey( wc.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, kName)

# get key info, num1 has the key count
( num1, vals, works) = wi.RegQueryInfoKey( pyk )
print num1, vals, works
nt = 0
guid = wi.RegEnumKey( pyk, nt )
nt = nt + 1
done = 0
for nt in range(num1):
guid = wi.RegEnumKey( pyk, nt)
svers = ''
if kName == "TypeLib":
for TypeLibs we need to step down to the version key and
read the help string (default value)
pyj = wi.RegOpenKey( wc.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, os.path.join(kName,
guid) )
(num2, val2, work2) = wi.RegQueryInfoKey(pyj)

if num2 > 0:
# we are ingnoring multi versions, like Ado (2.1, 2.5, 2.7, etc)
svers = wi.RegEnumKey( pyj, 0)
valkey = wi.RegQueryValue( pyj, svers)

valkey = wi.RegQueryValue( pyk, guid)

print guid, svers, valkey
nt = nt + 1



you might want to look at venster. It lighthly wraps the windows c
functions in python.


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