Hi guys,
Is there a way to return a functor from a recursive call that takes
different paths? Let's say that I have a tree structure like:
first child ----> nextSibling ----> nextSibling ----> nextSibling
| |
| |
0 |
0 0
firstChild -> 0
Now, I would like to create a function that executes a functor on leaf
objects. Is this possible???
In code, let's say we have a tree class:
template <class Object>
class Tree {
struct TreeNode {
TreeNode() : obj_(), firstChild_(NULL), nextSibling_(NULL),
parent_(NULL), depth_() {}
TreeNode(Object obj) : obj_(obj), firstChild_(NULL),
nextSibling_(NULL), parent_(NULL), depth_() {}
Object obj_;
size_t depth_;
TreeNode* firstChild_;
TreeNode* nextSibling_;
TreeNode* parent_;
TreeNode* root_; //!< The root of the tree
TreeNode* current_; //!< Helper pointer for searches
size_t size_; //!< Number of nodes in the tree
size_t height_; //!< Tree height
typedef Object ValueType;
typedef Object& ReferenceType;
typedef Object* IteratorType;
//! Default constructor
Tree() : size_() { root_ = current_ = NULL; }
// more constructors, assignment operator and destructor...
// functions to return size and height...
template <class Functor>
Functor LeafExecute(Functor fn) {
//set current to root to start execution
current_ = root_;
//uses the private function FindObject
return LeafExecute(current_, fn);
template <class Functor>
Functor LeafExecute(TreeNode* ptr, Functor fn) {
//recursively executes the rest of the tree
if (ptr->nextSibling_ != NULL)
if(ptr->firstChild_ != NULL)
else if (ptr->firstChild_ == NULL) {
// execute functor
cout<<"executing functor at depth "<<ptr->depth_<<endl;
return fn;
I'm following the same behavior as the for_each algorithm in the
standard library:
template<typename _InputIterator, typename _Function>
for_each(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Function
// concept requirements
__glibcxx_requires_valid_range(__first, __last);
for (; __first != __last; ++__first)
return __f;
except that it doesn't work as I expected and I don't know why. Maybe
because I'm calling the recursion on the siblings? Note that the
functor is passed by value to the function and returned by value (of
I appreciate any feedback.
Is there a way to return a functor from a recursive call that takes
different paths? Let's say that I have a tree structure like:
first child ----> nextSibling ----> nextSibling ----> nextSibling
| |
| |
0 |
0 0
firstChild -> 0
Now, I would like to create a function that executes a functor on leaf
objects. Is this possible???
In code, let's say we have a tree class:
template <class Object>
class Tree {
struct TreeNode {
TreeNode() : obj_(), firstChild_(NULL), nextSibling_(NULL),
parent_(NULL), depth_() {}
TreeNode(Object obj) : obj_(obj), firstChild_(NULL),
nextSibling_(NULL), parent_(NULL), depth_() {}
Object obj_;
size_t depth_;
TreeNode* firstChild_;
TreeNode* nextSibling_;
TreeNode* parent_;
TreeNode* root_; //!< The root of the tree
TreeNode* current_; //!< Helper pointer for searches
size_t size_; //!< Number of nodes in the tree
size_t height_; //!< Tree height
typedef Object ValueType;
typedef Object& ReferenceType;
typedef Object* IteratorType;
//! Default constructor
Tree() : size_() { root_ = current_ = NULL; }
// more constructors, assignment operator and destructor...
// functions to return size and height...
template <class Functor>
Functor LeafExecute(Functor fn) {
//set current to root to start execution
current_ = root_;
//uses the private function FindObject
return LeafExecute(current_, fn);
template <class Functor>
Functor LeafExecute(TreeNode* ptr, Functor fn) {
//recursively executes the rest of the tree
if (ptr->nextSibling_ != NULL)
if(ptr->firstChild_ != NULL)
else if (ptr->firstChild_ == NULL) {
// execute functor
cout<<"executing functor at depth "<<ptr->depth_<<endl;
return fn;
I'm following the same behavior as the for_each algorithm in the
standard library:
template<typename _InputIterator, typename _Function>
for_each(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Function
// concept requirements
__glibcxx_requires_valid_range(__first, __last);
for (; __first != __last; ++__first)
return __f;
except that it doesn't work as I expected and I don't know why. Maybe
because I'm calling the recursion on the siblings? Note that the
functor is passed by value to the function and returned by value (of
I appreciate any feedback.