Regular expression help


Rajesh M.

Hi list,

I need help in putting a regular expression, regular expression should
find either of these four words:

shut reb sync init

I am trying to find either shutdown or reboot or sync or init, for Linux
it works fine if I put crontab -l |grep -iP "(shut|init|sync|reb)" but
in Solaris it is failing because it doesn't have regular expression
option which is -P.

So I am trying to make this through regular expression.

Thanks in advance

Josh Cheek

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

Hi list,

I need help in putting a regular expression, regular expression should
find either of these four words:

shut reb sync init

I am trying to find either shutdown or reboot or sync or init, for Linux
it works fine if I put crontab -l |grep -iP "(shut|init|sync|reb)" but
in Solaris it is failing because it doesn't have regular expression
option which is -P.

So I am trying to make this through regular expression.

Thanks in advance
How about

crontab -l | grep -i -e shut -e init -e sync -e reb

Robert Klemme

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

Hi list,

I need help in putting a regular expression, regular expression should
find either of these four words:

shut reb sync init

I am trying to find either shutdown or reboot or sync or init, for Linux
it works fine if I put crontab -l |grep -iP "(shut|init|sync|reb)" but
in Solaris it is failing because it doesn't have regular expression
option which is -P.

What do you need -P for? There is no specific perlism in the regexp.
Instead you can use egrep to make "|" meta. Note also that you do not
need brackets.
How about

crontab -l | grep -i -e shut -e init -e sync -e reb


crontab -l | egrep -i "shut|init|sync|reb"

Note: you may have to use a specific egrep for it to understand -i -
Solaris is such a mess in this regard.



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