Reimplementation address book program



On one of my servers (linux) I have a nice address book over ldap.
It is automatically integrated with thunderbird and other programs,
but none of them is capable of modifying (or at least easily).

Since I want it very simple and error prone I did it myself, but in

It works pretty fine but every time I look to the code I get disgusted
and I haven't still added some necessary features, so given that I
want to rewrite it in ruby, I need some hints..

I may use rails in the future but I want to start very smoothly, it
was implemented in php + smarty, and that's fine like approach.

I only need 2 things:
- insert a new record
- modify a record from a list
Sorting searching etc are not really necessary, and integrity checks
should be done with javascript (as it is now).

I want to do it as smart and possible, because mainly I want to learn
and not less important I want to maintain code that I like...
THanks for any hints


I started to do some searches and I find out I can use net/ldap for
manipulating data and amrita2 to create the templates.
What do you think??

Another thing, what does :: really mean??
Net::LDAP means what? Look in the Net module for the LDAP class??

And why sometimes i find (fake example)
String.join, String#join, Net::LDAP


Looks like amrita is dead or almost, I find almost no documentation
other than the source code and a readme file.

Should I really go for rails? Otherwise what else??
I only need to generate smartly some forms and get the output of them.
Rails is not directly usable because my "db" is an ldap tree...


Looks like amrita is dead or almost, I find almost no documentation
other than the source code and a readme file.

Should I really go for rails? Otherwise what else??
I only need to generate smartly some forms and get the output of them.
Rails is not directly usable because my "db" is an ldap tree...

Is there anybody out there??
I went to haml finally, which looks really nice. It's even too much
powerful, it tempts me to write everything in one page ;)

Richard Conroy

Is there anybody out there??

It might help if you actually posed a question, or phrased your problem
better. I *think* you are trying to make a web based administration interface
to an LDAP directory, but I am not sure.

You might get better information on Rails talk, but your core problem is your
backend - its an LDAP directory not a database, so your problem might be
better served by anything that uses DataMapper, which doesn't restrict your
data sources.

Merb might be a better choice, or possibly even Sinatra, which is simpler and
might put less barriers in your learning (and works very well with Haml, which
you like).


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