Ruby Weekly News 9th - 15th January 2006


Tim Sutherland

Ruby Weekly News 9th - 15th January 2006

Ruby Weekly News is a summary of the week's activity on the ruby-talk
mailing list / the comp.lang.ruby newsgroup / Ruby forum, brought to you
by Tim Sutherland and Jonathon Mah.

It's a shortie newsletter this week. (Paradoxically, the more threads on the
list, the shorter the newsletter.)

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User Group News

* St. Louis Ruby Users Group -- Jan. 24th

Curt Hibbs announced that the St. Louis Ruby Users Group (in Missouri,
U.S.) have a meeting on the fourth Thursday of every month.

* Southern Maine Ruby Group...

Pat Eyler forwarded an email announcing a new Ruby Brigade in Southern
Maine, U.S. (Portland).

* Boulder-Denver Ruby Group - January Meeting

Another first RUG meeting coming up: Boulder-Denver Ruby Group in
Colorado have their first meeting on January 25.

* Stockholm/Sweden User Group meeting

The first Stockholm Ruby User Group meeting is on the 19th of January.


Richard Kilmer noted that NovaRUG (Northern Virginia Ruby Users Group)
are to have their first meeting on January 26.

Quote of the Week

* rue teaches piglet about symbols on #ruby-lang

James Britt:

| "When I use a symbol," Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful
| tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor
| less."
| "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make symbols mean so
| many different things."
| "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master -
| that's all."
| -- With apologies to Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) Through The Looking
| Glass 1871


Packing (#62)

Ruby Quiz this week comes from Ilmari Heikkinen: write a program to pack
boxes of different dimensions as tightly as you can.

Regexps: Perl vs. Ruby

Sam Dela Cruz inquired why the regular expression /^[\d\.]+$/ matched
differently in Perl and Ruby. David A Black responded, "^ and $ match
start and end of line, not string. For start and end of string, you want
\A and \z (or \Z to ignore final newline)."

String#split, respecting quotes?

Richard Livsey asked how to split a string %Q{some words "some quoted
text" some more words} into an array ["some", "words", "some quoted text",
"some", "more", "words"]. Solutions using regexps flew in. Tim Hearney
noted that the CSV module can do just that:

require 'csv'
CSV::parse_line('some words "some quoted text" some more words', ' ')

Florian Groß pointed out the Shellwords module. Both have their

Postgres-ing? Too many choices!

Dave Howell found three different gems for talking to PostgreSQL
databases: postgres, postgres-pr and ruby-postgres.

What's the difference between them?

Dave Lee said that postgres and ruby-postgres are in fact the same project
- the latter is the newer name of it.

postgres-pr is a "pure Ruby" library that doesn't need PostgreSQL's libpq
native library (but has fewer functions than ruby-postgres, which wraps
the native library).

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