Select from drop down menu multipel times in the same form



my @titlelist;
open FILE, "<$ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/data/vault/titlelist.txt" or die
@titlelist = <FILE>;
close FILE;

print br() x 5;

print start_form( action=>'/cgi-bin/' );
print table( {class=>'user_form'},
Tr( td( {width=>'55%'}, 'Select items' ),
td( {width=>'35%'}, popup_menu( -name=>'title', -values=>
\@titlelist )),
td( {width=>'10%'}, submit('add'))),

Tr( td( 'Soemthign to remark on order' ),
td( {colspan=>2}, textarea( -name=>'remark', -rows=>6, -
columns=>35 ))),

Tr( td( 'ask for soemthing else if it snot listed on drop don
menu' ),
td( textfield( -name=>'request' )),
td( submit('request'))),

Tr( td( a( {href=>'/cgi-bin/'},
font( {size=>3, color=>'yellow'}, 'Change Order' ))),
td( {colspan=>2}, submit( 'Order!' )))

print hidden(-name=>'date', -value=>$date);
print hidden(-name=>'host', -value=>$host);
print end_form();
print br() x 5;

In the above code when user hits the "Add" button or the "request"
button i need it to get the user selection from frop down menu and
store it.
Its about selecting items to place and orer list, i want the user to
select many items form the drop down menu. And also to write its own
if he can t find somethign from the drop down menu and then hit

How can i do it so the user hits those submits button so many times as
is the amount of items he wants? Where do i have to submit the form
to? to itself?

ps1. I edited it and wrote all the greek words to english ones. Also
corrected spelling errors.
ps2. Asked in PM as well but didnt got an answer.

Michele Dondi

ps1. I edited it and wrote all the greek words to english ones. Also
corrected spelling errors.

ps2. Asked in PM as well but didnt got an answer.

WELL DONE! (Finally!)

Since nobody here is guaranteed to know what "PM" is, you may want to
write "PerlMonks", and/or -most importantly- include a link, e.g.:

Otherwise how is one supposed to know?!?

BTW: you *did* get answers. Notwithstanding the fact that the traffic
is limited both here and there during the weekends. Perhaps you didn't
get them *soon*. But who does? Have patience!



BTW: you *did* get answers. Notwithstanding the fact that the traffic
is limited both here and there during the weekends. Perhaps you didn't
get them *soon*. But who does? Have patience!

Thank you for allt he good words :)

I will be patient then, its just that iam so excited trying to get
this new order perl cgi script done that i cant wait for answers :)

Michele Dondi

Thank you for allt he good words :)

I will be patient then, its just that iam so excited trying to get

Thank you for understanding rather than complaining. And sorry if I
may have occasionally been overly harsh.
this new order perl cgi script done that i cant wait for answers :)

New order? ;-)
Well, good luck with your project anyway.



Thank you for understanding rather than complaining. And sorry if I
may have occasionally been overly harsh.

My apologies too, for not been carefull enough before posting, you are
an ok person.
New order? ;-)
Well, good luck with your project anyway.;t

Sounds like a dark mysterious world wide New Order Plan trying to take
over the world, doesnt it?!

Thanks :)

Tad McClellan

Jürgen Exner said:
It's _P_ersonal _M_ail instead of Usenet posting, what else.

I thought the OP meant that he had asked the question later than noon.

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