The daily WTF: interface Addin?



public interface Addin
public void initialize();

There is lots of comments what the "contract" of this interface is
supposed to be. The real question is, however, if this interface is not
void on information content.

(BTW, there is Plugin interface too.)

Eric Sosman

aloha.kakuikanu said:
public interface Addin
public void initialize();

There is lots of comments what the "contract" of this interface is
supposed to be. The real question is, however, if this interface is not
void on information content.

The "information content" of this interface is that every
implementing class has a public method named `initialize' taking
no arguments and returning no value.

You can see for yourself that the "information content" is
non-void by trying to compile

class Broken implements Addin {
(BTW, there is Plugin interface too.)

That's nice.

Andreas Leitgeb

The contract is not limited to the interface definition!
The human-readable documentation of the interface is just
as important a part.

To extreme, an interface need not contain any method at all
(it's called a "marker interface" then). Still, deriving
from that interface can mean a lot depending on what the
documentation says about it.

examples (look them up in sun's javadoc):
The "information content" of this interface is that every
implementing class has a public method named `initialize' taking
no arguments and returning no value.

That's just the technical part. Rule of thumb: The smaller the
interface, the less important is the technical part compared to
the verbal part (the docu) :)

Daniel Pitts

Andreas said:
The contract is not limited to the interface definition!
The human-readable documentation of the interface is just
as important a part.

To extreme, an interface need not contain any method at all
(it's called a "marker interface" then). Still, deriving
from that interface can mean a lot depending on what the
documentation says about it.

examples (look them up in sun's javadoc):

That's just the technical part. Rule of thumb: The smaller the
interface, the less important is the technical part compared to
the verbal part (the docu) :)

Its important to note that many marker interfaces can (and should) be
replaced by annotations. Many, but not all.

Eric Sosman

Andreas said:
Eric Sosman <[email protected]> wrote:

No; aloha.kakuikanu wrote. Please be careful with
The contract is not limited to the interface definition!
The human-readable documentation of the interface is just
as important a part.

To extreme, an interface need not contain any method at all
(it's called a "marker interface" then). Still, deriving
from that interface can mean a lot depending on what the
documentation says about it.

examples (look them up in sun's javadoc):

That's just the technical part. Rule of thumb: The smaller the
interface, the less important is the technical part compared to
the verbal part (the docu) :)

The O.P. offered only the "technical part" for commentary,
mentioning but omitting the "lots of comments" in the original
code. His question (as I understood it) was whether the
"technical part" carried any information, irrespective of any
commentary. I said "yes." (Perhaps I should also have said
"... but not enough.")

Andreas Leitgeb

Eric Sosman said:
No; aloha.kakuikanu wrote. Please be careful with attributions.

Actually, Eric *did write* those lines (in the sense that he
quoted them in his posting), he just didn't *author* them.

That it wasn't part of his own authored lines could clearly
be seen by the number of ">" at start of line. Your nag does
make sense, if some clueless outlook'er were involved and thus
the ">"-indentation had been broken, but it wasn't.
The O.P. offered only the "technical part" for commentary,
mentioning but omitting the "lots of comments" in the original
code. His question (as I understood it) was whether the
"technical part" carried any information, irrespective of any
commentary. I said "yes." (Perhaps I should also have said
"... but not enough.")

I agree to both aspects of this paragraph. :)
(limited to the information in the technical part, your
answer was correct, and the mentioned remark (that the
technical part was not enough) should have been added.)

Andreas Leitgeb

Daniel Pitts said:
Its important to note that many marker interfaces can (and should) be
replaced by annotations. Many, but not all.

Indeed. Although I'm not aware of any conrete deprecation
of a platform's marker interface in favour of an annotation.

Any examples of sun following this reasonable tendency?

John Ersatznom

Andreas said:
I agree to both aspects of this paragraph. :)
(limited to the information in the technical part, your
answer was correct, and the mentioned remark (that the
technical part was not enough) should have been added.)

The technical part being "public void initialize();", I'm not sure I
agree. It's fairly clear that for whatever reason implementors need to
be initializable separately from construction. Perhaps a resource that
shouldn't be greedily acquired, like a lock or file handle, is needed,
or one that doesn't sensibly survive things like RMI or serialization.
Of course, to know exactly what needs to be initialized requires reading
the javadocs.

I'm sure the compiler would consider the technical part to be "enough" :)

As for marker intervaces vs. annotations, I've got a tricky one for you.

Suppose you make a fixed-length vector class -- it's supposed to be an
N-dimensional point in space or whatever, unchanging in size after
construction. Operations with the vectors and with matrices need
compatible sizes. It seems there are now three ways to go about it.

Method 1 is the obvious method: thinly wrap a java.util.Vector<Foo> and
have your operations maintain their sizes as invariant after
constructing with a given number of dimensions and throw exceptions when
different sizes are mixed.

Method 2 would require generics and would be to create a MathVec<Dim>
interface or class specifying methods that take and return
MathVec<Dim>s, and MathMatrix<Dim1, Dim2> with operations like
MathVec<Dim1> multiplyBy (MathVec<Dim2>) or <Dim3> MathMatrix<Dim1,
Dim3> multiplyBy (MathMatrix<Dim2, Dim3>. You'd create marker interfaces
like TwoD and ThreeD and work with MathVec<TwoD>s and MathVec<ThreeD>s;
mismatching them would get flagged at compile time. Clearly an
improvement, but you might also want to include the checks and
exceptions in case the classes are used nongenerically, or just in case.

Method 3 would be to replace the Method 2 marker interfaces with
annotations, but then there's two huge questions. It's easy to make
something like this:

public @interface Dimensions {
int value();

and slap @Dimensions(2) before every declaration of a MathVec that's
supposed to be 2D, but then:
* How do you check, at run time, the dimensions of things like argument
and formal parameter match up? Probably the old-fashioned way of
comparing the sizes of the java.util.Vectors and throwing exceptions still.
* How do you get compile-time checking?

I'm thinking that for this example, marker interfaces work better. It
puts the dimension information into the type, which is where it belongs
anyway, IMO.

Is there a more general theory on when to use marker interfaces and when
to use annotations? Or is "use a marker interface when changing it
should mean you're changing the type of a value, and annotations
otherwise" it? Clearly mathematical vectors of different lengths that
can't interoperate are logically separate value types, for instance.
OTOH, this would suggest that Serializable and Cloneable belong as
annotations, since making something serializable isn't really changing
its type. It would also suggest that some of the java.util classes,
ironically including Vector, are poorly implemented. All of the
collection interfaces would be better off duplicated with an
UnmodifiableFoo to go with each Foo; or else ModifiableFoo interfaces
with the "optional operations" created. So instead of Set with its
specified methods, you'd have Set with the methods that don't modify the
set and ModifiableSet extends Set with the methods that do (or
UnmodifiableSet and Set extends UnmodifiableSet, but that's uglier since
it makes the implicit claim that a modifiable set is a "kind of"
unmodifiable set...much less reasonable than that a modifiable set is
merely a kind of set). Then again, these aren't marker interfaces then,
since the extended interface would add methods. Of course we'd have to
add ModifyingIterator too, extending a slightly smaller Iterator
interface and adding the remove() method removed from the former. (And
why not throw in a new "for" syntax while we're at it? Inside a for
(Type obj : coll) { things } loop allow the construction
"obj.for.remove()" that removes obj? With ModifiyingIterator this could
be checked at compile time. It should then be idempotent -- multiple
remove()s on the same item remove it once, rather than throw an exception.)

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