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October 26, 2010
October 26, 2010
Google: Different Algorithms Can Apply To Different Sites At Different

A Google Webmaster Help thread has a very revealing, at least to me,
post from a Googler about how the Google Algorithm works.

Many people feel the Google Algorithm is a single, but large
algorithm. But those who have been doing this for a while know that
Google has many algorithms. When I covered the SEO 101 session, which
is kinda funny, but I wanted to listen to Bruce Clay, it can be
refreshing. I fed Bruce a question, that I knew he'd love to answer,
about the Google algorithm. In short, I said Bing said they have over
1000 ranking factors, but Google said about 200 - what's up with that.
Bruce answered it like the pro he is and explained that "for a
specific query, Google may use 200 or so factors, but they likely have
thousands. but they use different algorithms for different search
intent." (paraphrasing)

That is spot on. For the first time that I've seen Google comment
specifically about this.

JohnMu said in the Google Webmaster Help thread:

Various parts of our algorithms can apply to sites at different
times, depending on what our algorithms find. While we initially
rolled out this change earlier this year, the web changes, sites
change, and with that, our algorithms will continually adapt to the
current state on the web, on those sites. While it might be confusing
to see these changes at the same time as this issue, they really
aren't related, nor is this a general algorithm change (so if other
sites have seen changes recently, it probably doesn't apply to them as

This was in response to why one webmaster was complaining he was hit
by the May Day search quality algorithm change. John explained that
when it first launched, the algorithm likely didn't apply to his site,
but as sites change, the algorithm will go out looking for matches and
when it does, you might get a special look by that algorithm.

Again, this is likely not new to many seniored SEOs but it is always
gravy to find this in the forums by a Googler.

Forum discussion at Google Webmaster Help.

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posted rustybrick in Google Optimization at October 26, 2010 9:03 AM
Comments (8)

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gravy...ah, yup!!! this kind of confirmation is just that....BIG
slurpy full-0-flavour gravy!!! where's the bread to do some dippin,



Posted by Jim at October 26, 2010 14:49

Interesting how John seemed to associate that one site with the MayDay
Update (even though its issues began long after May). It would be nice
to know what changed on that site to trigger the MayDay Effect.

Posted by Michael Martinez at October 26, 2010 16:48

I just go about my day knowing that the Google Algorithm is like Dark
Matter...we know its there but we do not understand it!

Posted by Thomas at October 26, 2010 17:15

"Various parts of our algorithms can apply to sites at different
times, depending on what our algorithms find. "

Hmmm...looks like the algo has been looking in batches and not
specific sites, a lot of people are having major traffic yo-yos this

Posted by Me at October 27, 2010 03:45

We had a site ranking really high for 1.5 years across all main terms.
We got through the May update, then made changes (due to client) to
about 50% of site, and structure. We 301'd and updated XML map, but
have never since got back to page one for main term. That was end July
we made the update... May day indeed.

Posted by neil davies at October 27, 2010 05:37

I believe that Google is now placing more emphasis than ever on
There have been a few updates recently and it seems as though content
has been one of the major changes with Google's algorithm

Posted by No Name at October 27, 2010 06:00

yes I think so too. We had a lot of well refined content which was re-
written. We also had a lot of semi repetitive content which seems to
have been devalued in some cases. I think after the updates in May any
site changes reflect the other algos which G is using, so you could
have a robust site which later gets penalised when content changes.
Keep it unique, keep it useful and don't stuff keywords in!

Posted by neil davies at October 27, 2010 08:28

I try to explain to clients that Google's ranking mechanisms are like
rope, made up of different fibers (ie, tied up algos). On top of that,
different ropes (with different fibers) are used for different
verticals and intent.

Seems to get the point across most of the time :)

Posted by Bill Sebald at October 27, 2010 13:37
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Alex said:
New Beta FeedBurner Dashboard | Main | Daily Search Forum Recap:

Why are you spamming the newsgroup with off-topic plagiarized web sites? Did
you somehow think there just isn't enough spam here already? Hm? Perhaps you
are a minion of Satan? What is your story?

Stop now, please.

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