The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file



This is my first .NET project (although I am experienced with VS6 and
InterDev). I am simply trying to set up a basic ASPX project and connect to
an Access database (following the instructions in the .NET Black Book by
Templeman and Vitter). I have managed to set up an oleDbConnection, an
oleDbAdapter and a dataset, and have added one line of code:
However when this line of code executes I get whole page of error headed
"The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'C:\Documents and
Settings\Dave\PAW Files\Databases\Friends\Friends.mdb'. It is already opened
exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data."
I am using Access 2000 SP3 and Windows XP SP2. There is no remote access,
the web application is being served from C:\Inetpub\wwwroot by IIS5.1 (which
I think was installed when I installed VS6/Visual Interdev).
It's my very first attempt at .NET and I'm getting nowhere. Can somebody
please help.

Paul Clement

¤ This is my first .NET project (although I am experienced with VS6 and
¤ InterDev). I am simply trying to set up a basic ASPX project and connect to
¤ an Access database (following the instructions in the .NET Black Book by
¤ Templeman and Vitter). I have managed to set up an oleDbConnection, an
¤ oleDbAdapter and a dataset, and have added one line of code:
¤ oleDbDataAdapter1.Fill(dataSet1);
¤ However when this line of code executes I get whole page of error headed
¤ "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'C:\Documents and
¤ Settings\Dave\PAW Files\Databases\Friends\Friends.mdb'. It is already opened
¤ exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data."
¤ I am using Access 2000 SP3 and Windows XP SP2. There is no remote access,
¤ the web application is being served from C:\Inetpub\wwwroot by IIS5.1 (which
¤ I think was installed when I installed VS6/Visual Interdev).
¤ It's my very first attempt at .NET and I'm getting nowhere. Can somebody
¤ please help.

See the following MS KB article:

PRB: Cannot connect to Access database from ASP.NET;en-us;316675

Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic)


Thanks Paul. That's one I hadn't found.

I have now enabled impersonation on my project. However, I now have a bigger
problem - the same line of code now generates "Unspecified error: An
unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request."

Any ideas?

Paul Clement

¤ Thanks Paul. That's one I hadn't found.
¤ I have now enabled impersonation on my project. However, I now have a bigger
¤ problem - the same line of code now generates "Unspecified error: An
¤ unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request."
¤ Any ideas?

Sounds like there is still a security issue although the error isn't very descriptive. What level of
authentication are you using? If it's Anonymous and impersonation is enabled, then you probably need
to provide full permissions for the folder where the Access database is located to IUSR<machinename>

Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic)


I am using anonymous authentication I think. I am reading a lot of stuff and
getting very confused. Is it the IUSR_<machinename> user I need to grant
permissions to, or is it ASPNET?
I think one of my problems is that my system uses something called
"guest-only" security instead of "classic" security. Does that make sense? I
think I need to change that first.

Paul Clement

¤ I am using anonymous authentication I think. I am reading a lot of stuff and
¤ getting very confused. Is it the IUSR_<machinename> user I need to grant
¤ permissions to, or is it ASPNET?
¤ I think one of my problems is that my system uses something called
¤ "guest-only" security instead of "classic" security. Does that make sense? I
¤ think I need to change that first.

If impersonation is enabled with Anonymous access then the IUSR (or IWAM) account is used depending
upon the Application Settings in IIS for the app. If impersonation is not enabled then the account
used is ASPNET (NetworkService in Windows 2003).

Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic)


Finally cracked it - I started off giving ASPNET rights to the .mdb file, but
that didn't fully solve it, I got locking errors. Then I put 2 and 2 together
(locking error - .ldb file) and gave ASPNET rights to the folder containing
the database too, and that seems to have solved it.

Thanks for your help

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