I'm running a perl script on a server our company has set up to run on
GMT time. During the execution of the script I need to make reference
to the $isdst flag set by the localtime funtion. The problem is that
GMT doesn't observe daylight savings, and so the flag is always set to
0. I can do nothing about the server's timezone setting.
I obviously know about localtime() and gmtime(). Are there any other
time functions I may be able to use to find out if a date falls under
DST or not?
GMT time. During the execution of the script I need to make reference
to the $isdst flag set by the localtime funtion. The problem is that
GMT doesn't observe daylight savings, and so the flag is always set to
0. I can do nothing about the server's timezone setting.
I obviously know about localtime() and gmtime(). Are there any other
time functions I may be able to use to find out if a date falls under
DST or not?