Two Questions about "strlen", "strcat" and "strcpy"



I have 2 questions:

1. strlen returns an unsigned (size_t) quantity. Why is an unsigned
value more approprate than a signed value? Why is unsighned value less

2. Would there be any advantage in having strcat and strcpy return a
pointer to the "end" of the destination string rather than returning a
pointer to its beginning?


Mike Wahler

Matt said:
I have 2 questions:

1. strlen returns an unsigned (size_t) quantity. Why is an unsigned
value more approprate than a signed value?

Signed types are for representing values which could be negative
or positive (or of course zero).

How could the size of something (in this case a count of characters)
be negative? Also, a signed value would halve the largest possible
Why is unsighned value less

unsigned is *more* appropriate.
2. Would there be any advantage in having strcat and strcpy return a
pointer to the "end" of the destination string rather than returning a
pointer to its beginning?

None that I'm aware of. What 'advantages' would you think it would have?


Alan Balmer

None that I'm aware of. What 'advantages' would you think it would have?
It would be useful to have *different* functions which do this - in
fact I've written them a few times ;-)

Handy when you're putting items consecutively into a buffer.

Mike Wahler

Alan Balmer said:
It would be useful to have *different* functions which do this - in
fact I've written them a few times ;-)

Handy when you're putting items consecutively into a buffer.

'strcat()' handles that just fine.


Ben Pfaff

Alan Balmer said:
It would be useful to have *different* functions which do this - in
fact I've written them a few times ;-)

There's always
p += sprintf (p, "%s", string);

Alan Balmer

There's always
p += sprintf (p, "%s", string);

Yes, a very useful idiom (and, of course, it can do data conversions
at the same time.) My solution of choice for desktop or server

For embedded systems, I've written more specialized functions which do
the equivalent for specific data types, sometimes passing a pointer to
a pointer to the "next available" position, leaving the return value
for error reporting.

Mike Wahler

But rather inefficiently, due to the need to find the end of the
target string.

char buffer[100] = {0};
char *p = buffer;
p += sprintf(p, "%s", "Hello");
p += sprintf(p, "%s", " world\n");


Dan Pop

In said:
But rather inefficiently, due to the need to find the end of the
target string.

char buffer[100] = {0};
char *p = buffer;
p += sprintf(p, "%s", "Hello");
p += sprintf(p, "%s", " world\n");

I'm missing the usage of strcat in your code, despite your previous claim
that it handles the job "just fine".

For all you know, sprintf might implement %s with a strcpy and a strlen
call, so the sprintf solution need not be as efficient as it looks.

Small things like strcpy usually get implemented in hand optimised
assembly, which is virtually never the case with monsters like sprintf.
So, a strcpy returning a pointer to the terminating null character would
be, possibly by far, the best solution for multiple string concatenation.



Dan said:
.... snip ...

Small things like strcpy usually get implemented in hand optimised
assembly, which is virtually never the case with monsters like
sprintf. So, a strcpy returning a pointer to the terminating null
character would be, possibly by far, the best solution for multiple
string concatenation.

This is one more reason that strlcpy (and strlcat) are the right
answer. They return the length of the resultant string, after
which locating the end is a single indexing operation, but
probably not needed. My implementation (public domain) is
available at:


and a version of the original Miller & de Raadt paper follows:

This is a text version of the original at:

strlcpy and strlcat
consistent, safe, string copy and concatenation.

Todd C. Miller
University of Colorado, Boulder

Theo de Raadt
OpenBSD project


As the prevalence of buffer overflow attacks has increased,
more and more programmers are using size or length-bounded
string functions such as strncpy() and strncat(). While this is
certainly an encouraging trend, the standard C string functions
generally used were not really designed for the task. This
paper describes an alternate, intuitive, and consistent API
designed with safe string copies in mind.

There are several problems encountered when strncpy() and
strncat() are used as safe versions of strcpy() and strcat().
Both functions deal with NUL-termination and the length
parameter in different and non-intuitive ways that confuse even
experienced programmers. They also provide no easy way to
detect when truncation occurs. Finally, strncpy() zero-fills
the remainder of the destination string, incurring a
performance penalty. Of all these issues, the confusion caused
by the length parameters and the related issue of NUL-
termination are most important. When we audited the OpenBSD
source tree for potential security holes we found rampant
misuse of strncpy() and strncat(). While not all of these
resulted in exploitable security holes, they made it clear that
the rules for using strncpy() and strncat() in safe string
operations are widely misunderstood. The proposed replacement
functions, strlcpy() and strlcat(), address these problems by
presenting an API designed for safe string copies (see Figure 1
for function prototypes). Both functions guarantee NUL-
termination, take as a length parameter the size of the string
in bytes, and provide an easy way to detect truncation. Neither
function zero-fills unused bytes in the destination.


In the middle of 1996, the authors, along with other members of
the OpenBSD project, undertook an audit of the OpenBSD source
tree looking for security problems, starting with an emphasis
on buffer overflows. Buffer overflows [1] had recently gotten a
lot of attention in forums such as BugTraq [2] and were being
widely exploited. We found a large number of overflows due to
unbounded string copies using sprintf(), strcpy() and strcat(),
as well as loops that manipulated strings without an explicit
length check in the loop invariant. Additionally, we also found
many instances where the programmer had tried to do safe string
manipulation with strncpy() and strncat() but failed to grasp
the subtleties of the API.

Thus, when auditing code, we found that not only was it
necessary to check for unsafe usage of functions like strcpy()
and strcat(), we also had to check for incorrect usage of
strncpy() and strncat(). Checking for correct usage is not
always obvious, especially in the case of ``static'' variables
or buffers allocated via calloc(), which are effectively pre-
terminated. We came to the conclusion that a foolproof
alternative to strncpy() and strncat() was needed, primarily to
simplify the job of the programmer, but also to make code
auditing easier.

size_t strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size);
size_t strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size);

Figure 1: ANSI C prototypes for strlcpy() and strlcat()

Common Misconceptions

The most common misconception is that strncpy() NUL-terminates
the destination string. This is only true, however, if length
of the source string is less than the size parameter. This can
be problematic when copying user input that may be of arbitrary
length into a fixed size buffer. The safest way to use
strncpy() in this situation is to pass it one less than the
size of the destination string, and then terminate the string
by hand. That way you are guaranteed to always have a NUL-
terminated destination string. Strictly speaking, it is not
necessary to hand-terminate the string if it is a ``static''
variable or if it was allocated via calloc() since such strings
are zeroed out when allocated. However, relying on this feature
is generally confusing to those persons who must later maintain
the code.

There is also an implicit assumption that converting code from
strcpy() and strcat() to strncpy() and strncat() causes
negligible performance degradation. With this is true of
strncat(), the same cannot be said for strncpy() since it zero-
fills the remaining bytes not used to store the string being
copied. This can lead to a measurable performance hit when the
size of the destination string is much greater than the length
of the source string. The exact penalty for using strncpy() due
to this behavior varies by CPU architecture and implementation.

The most common mistake made with strncat() is to use an
incorrect size parameter. While strncat() does guarantee to
NUL-terminate the destination, you must not count the space for
the NUL in the size parameter. Most importantly, this is not
the size of the destination string itself, rather it is the
amount of space available. As this is almost always a value
that must be computed, as opposed to a known constant, it is
often computed incorrectly.

How do strlcpy() and strlcat() help things?

The strlcpy() and strlcat() functions provide a consistent,
unambiguous API to help the programmer write more bullet-proof
code. First and foremost, both strlcpy() and strlcat()
guarantee to NUL-terminate the destination string for all
strings where the given size is non-zero. Secondly, both
functions take the full size of the destination string as a
size parameter. In most cases this value is easily computed at
compile time using the sizeof operator. Finally, neither
strlcpy() nor strlcat() zero-fill their destination strings
(other than the compulsatory NUL to terminate the string).

The strlcpy() and strlcat() functions return the total length
of the string they tried to create. For strlcpy() that is
simply the length of the source; for strlcat() that means the
length of the destination (before concatenation) plus the
length of the source. To check for truncation, the programmer
need only verify that the return value is less than the size
parameter. Thus, if truncation has occurred, the number of
bytes needed to store the entire string is now known and the
programmer may allocate more space and re-copy the strings if
he or she wishes. The return value has similar semantics to the
return value of snprintf() as implemented in BSD and as
specified by the upcoming C9X specification [4] (note that not
all snprintf() implementations currently comply with C9X). If
no truncation occurred, the programmer now has the length of
the resulting string. This is useful since it is common
practice to build a string with strncpy() and strncat() and
then to find the length of the result using strlen(). With
strlcpy() and strlcat() the final strlen() is no longer

Example 1a is a code fragment with a potential buffer overflow
(the HOME environment variable is controlled by the user and
can be of arbitrary length).

strcpy(path, homedir);
strcat(path, "/");
strcat(path, ".foorc");
len = strlen(path);

Example 1a: Code fragment using strcpy() and strcat()

Example 1b is the same fragment converted to safely use
strncpy() and strncat() (note that we have to terminate the
destination by hand).

strncpy(path, homedir, sizeof(path) - 1);
path[sizeof(path) - 1] = '\ 0';
strncat(path, "/",
sizeof(path) - strlen(path) - 1);
strncat(path, ".foorc",
sizeof(path) - strlen(path) - 1);
len = strlen(path);

Example 1b: Converted to strncpy() and strncat()

Example 1c is a trivial conversion to the strlcpy()/strlcat()
API. It has the advantage of being as simple as Example 1a, but
it does not take advantage of the new API's return value.

strlcpy(path, homedir, sizeof(path));
strlcat(path, "/", sizeof(path));
strlcat(path, ".foorc", sizeof(path));
len = strlen(path);

Example 1c: Trivial conversion to strlcpy()/strlcat()

Since Example 1c is so easy to read and comprehend, it is
simple to add additional checks to it. In Example 1d, we check
the return value to make sure there was enough space for the
source string. If there was not, we return an error. This is
slightly more complicated but in addition to being more robust,
it also avoids the final strlen() call.

len = strlcpy(path, homedir, sizeof(path);
if (len >= sizeof(path))
len = strlcat(path, "/", sizeof(path);
if (len >= sizeof(path))
len = strlcat(path, ".foorc", sizeof(path));
if (len >= sizeof(path))

Example 1d: Now with a check for truncation

Design decisions

A great deal of thought (and a few strong words) went into
deciding just what the semantics of strlcpy() and strlcat()
would be. The original idea was to make strlcpy() and strlcat()
identical to strncpy() and strncat() with the exception that
they would always NUL-terminate the destination string.
However, looking back on the common use (and misuse) of
strncat() convinced us that the size parameter for strlcat()
should be the full size of the string and not just the number
of characters left unallocated. The return values started out
as the number of characters copied, since this was trivial to
get as a side effect of the copy or concatenation. We soon
decided that a return value with the same semantics as
snprintf()'s was a better choice since it gives the programmer
the most flexibility with respect to truncation detection and


Programmers are starting to avoid strncpy() due its poor
performance when the target buffer is significantly larger than
the length of the source string. For instance, the apache group
[6] replaced calls to strncpy() with an internal function and
noticed a performance improvement [7]. Also, the ncurses [8]
package recently removed an occurrence of strncpy(), resulting
in a factor of four speedup of the tic utility. It is our hope
that, in the future, more programmers will use the interface
provided by strlcpy() rather than using a custom interface.

To get a feel for the worst-case scenario in comparing
strncpy() and strlcpy(), we ran a test program that copies the
string ``this is just a test'' 1000 times into a 1024 byte
buffer. This is somewhat unfair to strncpy(), since by using a
small string and a large buffer strncpy() has to fill most of
the buffer with NUL characters. In practice, however, it is
common to use a buffer that is much larger than the expected
user input. For instance, pathname buffers are MAXPATHLEN long
(1024 bytes), but most filenames are significantly shorter than
that. The averages run times in Table 1 were generated on an
HP9000/425t with a 25Mhz 68040 CPU running OpenBSD 2.5 and a
DEC AXPPCI166 with a 166Mhz alpha CPU also running OpenBSD 2.5.
In all cases, the same C versions of the functions were used
and the times are the ``real time'' as reported by the time

cpu architecture function time (sec)
m68k strcpy 0.137
m68k strncpy 0.464
m68k strlcpy 0.14
alpha strcpy 0.018
alpha strncpy 0.10
alpha strlcpy 0.02
Table 1: Performance timings in seconds

As can be seen in Table 1, the timings for strncpy() are far
worse than those for strcpy() and strlcpy(). This is probably
due not only to the cost of NUL padding but also because the
CPU's data cache is effectively being flushed by the long
stream of zeroes.

What strlcpy() and strlcat() are not

While strlcpy() and strlcat() are well-suited for dealing with
fixed-size buffers, they cannot replace strncpy() and strncat()
in all cases. There are still times where it is necessary to
manipulate buffers that are not true C strings (the strings in
struct utmp for instance). However, we would argue that such
``pseudo strings'' should not be used in new code since they
are prone to misuse, and in our experience, a common source of
bugs. Additionally, the strlcpy() and strlcat() functions are
not an attempt to ``fix'' string handling in C, they are
designed to fit within the normal framework of C strings. If
you require string functions that support dynamically
allocated, arbitrary sized buffers you may wish to examine the
``astring'' package from mib software [9].

Who uses strlcpy() and strlcat()?

The strlcpy() and strlcat() functions first appeared in OpenBSD
2.4. The functions have also recently been approved for
inclusion in a future version of Solaris. Third-party packages
are starting to pick up the API as well. For instance, the
rsync [5] package now uses strlcpy() and provides its own
version if the OS does not support it. It is our hope that
other operating systems and applications will use strlcpy() and
strlcat() in the future, and that it will receive standards
acceptance at some time.

What's Next?

We plan to replace occurrences of strncpy() and strncat() with
strlcpy() and strlcat() in OpenBSD where it is sensible to do
so. While new code in OpenBSD is being written to use the new
API, there is still a large amount of code that was converted
to use strncpy() and strncat() during our original security
audit. To this day, we continue to discover bugs due to
incorrect usage of strncpy() and strncat() in existing code.
Updating older code to use strlcpy() and strlcat() should serve
to speed up some programs and uncover bugs in others.


The source code for strlcpy() and strlcat() is available free
of charge and under a BSD-style license as part of the OpenBSD
operating system. You may also download the code and its
associated manual pages via anonymous ftp from
in the directory /pub/OpenBSD/src/lib/libc/string. The source
code for strlcpy() and strlcat() is in strlcpy.c and strlcat.c.
The documentation (which uses the tmac.doc troff macros) may be
found in strlcpy.3.

Author Information

Todd C. Miller has been involved in the free software community
since 1993 when he took over maintenance of the sudo package.
He joined the OpenBSD project in 1996 as an active developer.
Todd belatedly received a BS in Computer Science in 1997 from
the University of Colorado, Boulder (after years of prodding).
Todd has so far managed to avoid the corporate world and
currently works as a Systems Administrator at the University of
Colorado, Boulder blissfully ensconced in academia. He may be
reached via email at <Todd dot Miller at cs dot>.

Theo de Raadt has been involved with free Unix operating
systems since 1990. Early developments included porting Minix
to the sun3/50 and amiga, and PDP-11 BSD 2.9 to a 68030
computer. As one of the founders of the NetBSD project, Theo
worked on maintaining and improving many system components
including the sparc port and a free YP implementation that is
now in use by most free systems. In 1995 Theo created the
OpenBSD project, which places focus on security, integrated
cryptography, and code correctness. Theo works full time on
advancing OpenBSD. He may be reached via email at
<deraadt at openbsd dot org>.


[1] Aleph One. ``Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit.''
Phrack Magazine Volume Seven, Issue Forty-Nine.
[2] BugTraq Mailing List Archives. This web page contains
searchable archives of the BugTraq mailing list.
[3] Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie. The C Programming
Language, Second Edition. Prentice Hall, PTR, 1988.
[4] International Standards Organization. ``C9X FCD,
Programming languages \*- C'' This web page
contains the current draft of the upcoming C9X standard.
[5] Andrew Tridgell, Paul Mackerras. The rsync algorithm. This web page
contains a technical report describing the rsync program.
[6] The Apache Group. The Apache Web Server. This web page contains information
on the Apache web server.
[7] The Apache Group. New features in Apache version 1.3. This web
page contains new features in version 1.3 of the Apache
web server.
[8] The Ncurses (new curses) home page. This web page
contains Ncurses information and distributions.
[9] Forrest J. Cavalier III. ``Libmib allocated string
This web page contains a description and implementation of
a set of string functions that dynamically allocate memory
as necessary.

Mike Wahler

Dan Pop said:
In <[email protected]> "Mike Wahler"
Handy when you're putting items consecutively into a buffer.

'strcat()' handles that just fine.
But rather inefficiently, due to the need to find the end of the
target string.

char buffer[100] = {0};
char *p = buffer;
p += sprintf(p, "%s", "Hello");
p += sprintf(p, "%s", " world\n");

I'm missing the usage of strcat in your code, despite your previous claim
that it handles the job "just fine".

I responded to Alan's objection about finding the end of the string
by suggesting the 'sprintf()' alternative. It might or might
not be 'faster'. By 'just fine', I meant simply 'it will work'
not that it's 'better' than some other way.
For all you know, sprintf might implement %s with a strcpy and a strlen
call, so the sprintf solution need not be as efficient as it looks.

Small things like strcpy usually get implemented in hand optimised
assembly, which is virtually never the case with monsters like sprintf.
So, a strcpy returning a pointer to the terminating null character would
be, possibly by far, the best solution for multiple string concatenation.

imo that should be "...would possibly be..."

The only way to know is to measure.


jacob navia

CBFalconer said:
Dan Pop wrote:

... snip ...

This is one more reason that strlcpy (and strlcat) are the right
answer. They return the length of the resultant string, after
which locating the end is a single indexing operation, but
probably not needed. My implementation (public domain) is
available at:


and a version of the original Miller & de Raadt paper follows:

This is a text version of the original at:


That paper doesn't address the fundamental problem of C strings:
an inefficient and unchecked data representation.

Strings (text mainly) is represented as sequences of bytes followed
by a terminating zero.

Changing that to length prefixed strings would improve both
security and efficiency.

A standard representation for length prefixed strings is
possible in C. In the implementation of length prefixed
strings in lcc-win32, I propose a similar syntax, but with
improved data representation.

A string is prefixed with the bounds of the enclosed data.
Very simple. A 32 bit representation allows lcc-win32 to
get 4GB maximum length strings, but we could agree that the
specific length of the maximum string is implementation defined.

I tried to keep a compatibility library with Strcpy Strcat, etc.

All those functions work with length prefixed strings. I used
operator overloading to do that, since it is a more general
solution, but it can be hardwired in the compiler in the
same way as the handling of zero terminated strings is hard
wired now.



jacob said:
CBFalconer said:
Dan Pop wrote:

... snip ...

This is one more reason that strlcpy (and strlcat) are the right
answer. They return the length of the resultant string, after
which locating the end is a single indexing operation, but
probably not needed. My implementation (public domain) is
available at:


and a version of the original Miller & de Raadt paper follows:

This is a text version of the original at:


That paper doesn't address the fundamental problem of C strings:
an inefficient and unchecked data representation.

Strings (text mainly) is represented as sequences of bytes
followed by a terminating zero.

Changing that to length prefixed strings would improve both
security and efficiency.

A standard representation for length prefixed strings is
possible in C. In the implementation of length prefixed
strings in lcc-win32, I propose a similar syntax, but with
improved data representation.

However in this newsgroup we deal with things found in standard C,
which includes a whole library of functions to deal the 'string'
format, which in turn is detailed in the standard. Any compiler
dealing with your format as a built-in is not following the
standard, and code written for it is non-portable. As you may
have noticed we deal only with portable code here, and have no
wish to alter that focus.

Note that strlcpy and strlcat are perfectly standard, apart from
their names. They are implemented (at least my implementation) in
purely standard C, and their purpose is to live with the existing
string representation and greatly reduce the prevalence of errors.

If the user wants to take my published code and change the names
to say str_lcpy and str_lcat he is free to do so, and he can use
the result in completely conformant code. He doesn't have to
learn anything new.

Keith Thompson

Joona I Palaste said:
Jason Lee <[email protected]> scribbled the following
on comp.lang.c: [...]
abandonware slandered indepth gawdamned acquintance inbuilt chegwin

(snip about fifty lines of this crap)


I think you just plonked a spammer. The previous article was posted
only to comp.lang.c; the followup was cross-posted to comp.lang.c,, sci.agriculture,, and Killfiling is certainly appropriate, but
announcing it seems superfluous.

jacob navia

CBFalconer said:
[The user] doesn't have to
learn anything new.

Yes, but there is no free lunch. If you do
not learn anything, the old stuff continues
to produce the same bugs.

As you know Chuck, I do not use a 486 any more.

String representation is a problem that
needs fixing. Only a change of representation
can *really* take the burden of making a
mistake in text handling away from the programmer
at each step.

Mistakes will not disappear magically of course.
But we must address this problem. I am convinced
that C has a *future* and that means innovation.


Kenny McCormack

CBFalconer said:
[The user] doesn't have to
learn anything new.

Yes, but there is no free lunch. If you do
not learn anything, the old stuff continues
to produce the same bugs.

As you know Chuck, I do not use a 486 any more.

String representation is a problem that
needs fixing. Only a change of representation
can *really* take the burden of making a
mistake in text handling away from the programmer
at each step.

Mistakes will not disappear magically of course.
But we must address this problem. I am convinced
that C has a *future* and that means innovation.


Innovation is OT here (*). I thought you understood that by now.

(*) "here" beinc clc.

Default User

Matt said:
I have 2 questions:

1. strlen returns an unsigned (size_t) quantity. Why is an unsigned
value more approprate than a signed value? Why is unsighned value less

How can a length be negative?
2. Would there be any advantage in having strcat and strcpy return a
pointer to the "end" of the destination string rather than returning a
pointer to its beginning?

No. It returns the pointer to the start so you can chain calls:

char str[80];

strcat(strcpy(str, "Hello "), "World!");

Brian Rodenborn

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