Uploading multiple pics



First of all, my apologies for the xpost. I realise the netiqute, but this
query seems to cross the boundaries of both these groups.

Basically I have created a small ASP site that allows a user to upload their
own pics via ASPupload so that they can be used on their site. I use a very
simple form with a INPUT file box to allow them to browse, select and upload
the picture. I then use ASPupload to save the file, get the file params and
then store these details in an Access DB as I can page through data far more
easily using a DB over a FileSysObj.

This works fine, but a number of users that use this site want to be able to
upload a large number of pics en masse. At this point, my knowledge of
problems to do with this are as follows:

a) ASPupload together with the trigger-happy ISP that I'm using means that a
total upload size at one time is really only about 800KB - 900KB at best
before the ISP triggers their script time out.

b) You cannot manipulate the INPUT file box in anyway, so you can't say
upload a text file of filepaths and names, eg:


and then with a combo of meta refresh and this form reiterate through each
file path/name to upload them automatically. This is because the INPUT file
will not accept pre-defined data - correct?

c) Creating mutliple INPUT file boxes on the page is a bit crap.

I think my best bet is to give them FTP access to the pics folder in
question, allow them to upload en masse and then create an ASP filesysobj(?)
page that reiterates through what has been uploaded and update my DB (this
holds things such as name, width & height) with all of these entries.

Can I obtain the width & height params using the filesysobj?

Is there another way to do all of this?



Phillip Windell

Laphan said:
I think my best bet is to give them FTP access to the pics folder in
question, allow them to upload en masse and then create an ASP filesysobj(?)
page that reiterates through what has been uploaded and update my DB (this
holds things such as name, width & height) with all of these entries.

This is what I had though about when I was faced with it. I never had to
actually do it because I ended up being the only one doing the uploads, but
this is also how I thought of doing it.

It was just an image gallery and if they upload the files into the proper
directory the ASP page would just loop through the file names, then use the
file names and create the HTML with the links for the "page".

Phillip Windell [MCP, MVP, CCNA]
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