Use .css to insert small "Donate" one-liner on top of all pages?



Jonathan N. Little said:
OP: X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.5931

I don't think so.

See OPs later posts. But if you and Dennis want him to
\/^[/\])-sed and maybe throw in some funny finger movements and
chants said:
Okay now you have done it, you got me on a tear!



I like the OS to look nice, but ultimately I *need* to get stuff done.
Icons may be pretty but I still believe data stored in a hierarchical
structure and browsed by sortable tabular lists is by far more efficient
than piles of icons and tagged searches. I have no trouble finding stuff
with 570GB over 2.5TB of drives.

Perhaps you seriously misunderstand Macs and see only the screens
of very amateur users through the windows of their houses? In a
Mac, the *least productive* view of directories is in icons
(except now and then when searching for images, their previews
are shown).

Unix geeks are right at home on a Mac via *Terminal* where lies a
whole Geek Superpower. C'mon Jonathan, you would love it to bits
and all this ranting is maybe your last protest before succumbing
to temptation.
And now EVERYBODY is trying to emulate a bleeping MAC (oops worse, a

Yes, this worries me too.

See now you did it! ;-)

Yes, I *do* see!

Beauregard T. Shagnasty

I.N. Galidakis said:
WhoOps! How the heck did they validate?

The appropriate time to add it, then.

Sure. You could use Denis's command and modify it to include a new <body>
tag to start. Use </head>.

sed -i 's|\(</head[^>]*>\)|\1<body><p><a href="/donate.htm">Please
Donate</a></p>|' *.htm

Jonathan N. Little

dorayme said:
Jonathan N. Little said:
OP: X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.5931

I don't think so.

See OPs later posts. But if you and Dennis want him to
\/^[/\])-sed and maybe throw in some funny finger movements and
chants, fine by me!<g>

I have sed, grep and awk installed on my Windows box...see
SourceForge... I cannot live with out them, also Perl installed...
Perhaps you seriously misunderstand Macs and see only the screens
of very amateur users through the windows of their houses? In a
Mac, the *least productive* view of directories is in icons
(except now and then when searching for images, their previews
are shown).

Perhaps, but your snipped the deal-breaker: 'Why would I buy a computer
with a price premium with diminished specs and limited choice of
software saddled with DRM that makes Microsoft-ware look like "Open Source"'
Unix geeks are right at home on a Mac via *Terminal* where lies a
whole Geek Superpower. C'mon Jonathan, you would love it to bits
and all this ranting is maybe your last protest before succumbing
to temptation.

Don't think so. I can get it with Linux without the chains...
Yes, this worries me too.

Yes, I *do* see!

Yes most worrisome.

Denis McMahon

About your replacement, yes, you can do the above as long as you catch
what is on each page. I noticed, as did another motorcyclist here, that
there is no "<body> on some at least of your pages. So while at it,

Wouldn't it be better to insert "<body>" after "</head>" rather than
after "<html>" ?


Denis McMahon

Denis McMahon

Sure. You could use Denis's command and modify it to include a new
<body> tag to start. Use </head>.
sed -i 's|\(</head[^>]*>\)|\1<body><p><a href="/donate.htm">Please
Donate</a></p>|' *.htm

Could probably drop the "[^>]*" bit if you're going after the "</head>",
but there's a gotcha here too .... what if some documents have "<body>"
already - you need to not add an extra one if there's already one present.

Might be safest to first of all delete any existing body tags, and then
run your sed over the tree.

Except that will lose any existing attributes on body elements .....


Denis McMahon


Jonathan N. Little said:
dorayme wrote: ....

Perhaps, but your snipped the deal-breaker: 'Why would I buy a computer
with a price premium with diminished specs and limited choice of
software saddled with DRM that makes Microsoft-ware look like "Open Source"'

You would not unless you knew and liked some Mac software and the
OS. For me, it is only limited in the sense of there was not
*every* type of apple in the Garden of Eden. But there were
enough to get into serious trouble with.

There is something you have *completely* overlooked, maybe this
is a redeal-maker, you can run Windows on Intel Macs. I do in
VirtualBox for my browser check purposes and the occasional need
for software. But you can simply run it for free, full throttle
(without the limitations of VirtualBox) out of the box if you
have a Win OS to install. There is the free Bootcamp comes with a
Mac, and there are cheap enough quality other programs that will
allow Win to run side by side with X.


Denis McMahon said:
Wouldn't it be better to insert "<body>" after "</head>" rather than
after "<html>" ?

Yes, it would! Just as it would been better to quote my actual
mistake. You are being too polite. I like public humiliation, I
am sicker than you can even imagine, Denis. <g>

Anyway, I am most sorry for my brain typo and now please imagine
the sort of humble apology you see at:


Jonathan N. Little

dorayme said:
You would not unless you knew and liked some Mac software and the
OS. For me, it is only limited in the sense of there was not
*every* type of apple in the Garden of Eden. But there were
enough to get into serious trouble with.

There is something you have *completely* overlooked, maybe this
is a redeal-maker, you can run Windows on Intel Macs. I do in
VirtualBox for my browser check purposes and the occasional need
for software. But you can simply run it for free, full throttle
(without the limitations of VirtualBox) out of the box if you
have a Win OS to install. There is the free Bootcamp comes with a
Mac, and there are cheap enough quality other programs that will
allow Win to run side by side with X.

How hypocritical! I can buy and *legally* run MS Windows on a Mac box,
but I am *BANDED* from buying Leopard or Lion and running it on my
custom-made NON-Apple hardware! So I have to be stuck with Mac-Tax?
People dump on big Bill, but Steve was a real piece of work.

I am not sure what of Mac software I would want that I don't already
have access to, (and more!)? And Why would I want proprietary-mangled
version of Linux when I can get choices of many mangled. I just said how
I am not very pleased with the current version of Ubuntu. If I find it
intolerable and can easily dump it for Mint, basic Debian. Although I
think that will only delay the inevitable as support of GNOME2 fades.
Hopefully more flexible shells and DEs for GNOME will be developed for
the power-users.

I have been testing out this VirtualBox. Impressive. Already found it
runs XP on Seven better than MS's VirtualPC XP-mode. And runs Ubuntu
well. Seamless mode it pretty cool.


Jonathan N. Little said:
dorayme wrote: ....

How hypocritical! I can buy and *legally* run MS Windows on a Mac box,
but I am *BANDED* from buying Leopard or Lion and running it on my
custom-made NON-Apple hardware! So I have to be stuck with Mac-Tax?
People dump on big Bill, but Steve was a real piece of work.

Apple have traditionally been a hardware company, they have
mainly made software to sell their hardware.

I am not sure what of Mac software I would want that I don't already
have access to, (and more!)? ...

Well, since you think of Mac OS as just a lot of little pretty
icons, it is no wonder you don't want it! It is not the software
that you can get to run on Macs that is so greatly appealing, it
is the OS itself, its interface etc.

And, something I have not mentioned before, the most important of
things these days, the relief from the truly burdensome need to
protect the OS and programs with antivirals, that is such a
constant in the Win world. When on Windows, I feel like I am
walking in the dark in a dangerous suburb, I have to carry

1. Personal alarm
2. High tech legs.
3. Electric running shoes
4. A simple joke that even an attacker would be disarmed by.

and above all,

5. Magnum .44

With a Mac it is like going to the beach for a swim, you leave
all in the boot of your car and with just swimmers, goggles and a
bathing cap you run the lower risk of sharks.

I expect things would change if more Mac were around but for the
moment, this is how it is.
I have been testing out this VirtualBox. Impressive. Already found it
runs XP on Seven better than MS's VirtualPC XP-mode. And runs Ubuntu
well. Seamless mode it pretty cool.

You are not wrong about this. I am really impressed by
VirtualBox. One of the most impressive things I found was the
easy set up and how it just seemed to grab all my settings and
get online. I am running XP. I am wondering if I really need 7,
will investigate how much it costs, I guess to run IE9 to see
what is what...

Jonathan N. Little

dorayme said:
Apple have traditionally been a hardware company, they have
mainly made software to sell their hardware.

For their little collection of iGadgets yes, but in the area of the PC
once they switched to Intel they are just a VAR. Again why would I want
to lock myself in with "Apple" hardware? Stick that little icon on it
and the price goes up.
Well, since you think of Mac OS as just a lot of little pretty
icons, it is no wonder you don't want it! It is not the software
that you can get to run on Macs that is so greatly appealing, it
is the OS itself, its interface etc.

Such as? I mentioned a couple of things that didn't make sense to me,
the worst was the unified menu for app windows which are disembodied and
placed at the top panel? How the hell is that better or intuitive? The
study used when Apple made this UI decision was back when multitasking
was a dream and a 15 in. monitor was extravagant. What is more intuitive
or efficient than to have the controls for a window actually connected
to *that* window? I kind of understand Ubuntu's adoption in Unity for
use on weak-CPU small screen smartphones and tablets where you only do
one thing at a time and real estate is so small, but it stinks for a
full size desktop. With multiple large widescreen monitors it is
absolutely absurd! It just may be a fool's errand to try and make a UI
common for ALL devices. If you want to maximize application window
content space, I would think that keeping the window menu in its
tradition location but auto-hide it like the Chrome browsers status bar.
Only have it appear when a small widget is clicked or pointer hovered.
At the very lease don't lock desktop users to a GUI more suitable to a
And, something I have not mentioned before, the most important of
things these days, the relief from the truly burdensome need to
protect the OS and programs with antivirals, that is such a
constant in the Win world. When on Windows, I feel like I am
walking in the dark in a dangerous suburb, I have to carry

1. Personal alarm
2. High tech legs.
3. Electric running shoes
4. A simple joke that even an attacker would be disarmed by.

and above all,

5. Magnum .44

Most of that is BS. Most folks now get infected not with viruses but
because they are idiots! Come on! You cannot will a lottery that you did
not enter, nor will you get a commission laundering millions for some
deposed African|Arab|Alien king... The vulnerability is with the user
not the OS, and it is hubris to think otherwise.

That said anti-virus software and Windows' security is royal
cluster-****. Symantec, McAffee, et al., need viruses to sell their
wares. Damn stuff now tries to second-guess every app launch, keystroke,
mouse click...worse than a virus...much could be avoided if MS would
just make some simple changes. Seven's security is a joke. Windows still
allows you create an admin user with NO password. While most accounts
are admins, all the security is to make changes to your system is a new
additional set of nag dialogs that you merely have to click yes! Phfft!
No password, nothing, just have to be logged in. Leave your W7 laptop
unattended for a moment and anyone can trash it. Not so with my Ubuntu
laptop unless you know my password which you won't. Linux "sudo" is far
superior to the UAC.
With a Mac it is like going to the beach for a swim, you leave
all in the boot of your car and with just swimmers, goggles and a
bathing cap you run the lower risk of sharks.

Hold on to that fantasy. Viruses are not problem but the invited scams.
Being fooled into giving up credentials at a fraudulent site is
OS-independent. And any OS can be compromised if couple with
human-engineering to get you to install it. When the Dutch CA was hacked
think how that could compromise anyone...OS-independent.
I expect things would change if more Mac were around but for the
moment, this is how it is.

Jobs realized the Mac as a PC was a loser. Couldn't compete with the PC
and anyway was too fussy and generalized, not his minimalist style.
Remember the success of the one-button mouse? Jobs preferred more
focused narrowly-scoped sleek and stylish appliances. Did well with
them, iPod, iPad, iPhone (Although Android still has them beat there).
But then again no worry, there is still pressure to turn the PC into an
appliance. Hopefully the geeks that rally under the Linux flag make keep
the PC as a flexible untethered tool alive.
You are not wrong about this. I am really impressed by
VirtualBox. One of the most impressive things I found was the
easy set up and how it just seemed to grab all my settings and
get online. I am running XP. I am wondering if I really need 7,
will investigate how much it costs, I guess to run IE9 to see
what is what...

Yes by default the adapter is set on a subnet via a virtual router. Set
it to bridge mode if you want to be a peer node on your LAN.


Jonathan N. Little said:
dorayme wrote: ....

For their little collection of iGadgets yes, but in the area of the PC
once they switched to Intel they are just a VAR. ...

Their minis, pro boxes, laptops are hardware and they make money
from them, at least that is what their intention was. I know
little about their gadgets except I found an mp3 shuffle at
Bronte beach once, the battery is not good and it plays music and
podcasts, but I prefer using my ex-mobile-phone Sony Ericsson
that has a wonderful speaker to hear podcasts.
Such as? I mentioned a couple of things that didn't make sense to me,
the worst was the unified menu for app windows which are disembodied and
placed at the top panel?

Always made sense to me, I find it irritating to see a menu
attached to each app window in addition to the other controls
like bookmarks, search boxes, tabs that are there. Mac's unified
approach is good: File, Edit, View, ... are always in the same
place. This does not exclude invariants of the Finder like the
Apple menu, the clock, etc.

Sometimes there are things about things that are to do with style
that are not easily argued. A Bentley feels superior to a Ford
and it is not just snobbery. Me, I liked Fords and trashy cars,
but I don't argue with friends who have quality cars. I accept
it, its their dough. You may be a bit unwise to be thinking that
folk with Macs are just wasting their theirs. It is not like
dresses or hats, people do things with their machinery and they
will pay more for more quality.
How the hell is that better or intuitive?

Less clutter on the app windows, simple enough, and always in the
same place. Of course it is better. Why, in my wildest dreams,
would I want my BBEdit text editor be weighted down with this
stuff, you cannot operate the Finder properly while operating in
the text editor so it is a waste not to use the unusable bits of
Finder menu space at the complete top. Good to have the main
relevant BBEdit menu items. Less clutter, less unhelpful

Jonathan, you cannot know any of these things until you have
*really* tried them. You are too passionate and one-eyed, these
are things that shock me to see in others, I thought only dorayme
had these qualities!


Most of that is BS. Most folks now get infected not with viruses but
because they are idiots! Come on! ...

What can I say? You go on to say about the vulnerabilities of Win
below. I know that every time I use Win, I am having hour glasses
and all sorts of things to do with security going on for ages,
sometimes I don't even know if it is safe to look at a site in
IE8 before the lady in the cute American voice tells me my Virus
software is now updated. There simply is not that level of
caution needed in the Mac world. This may be due to some extent
in that Macs have been a tiny proportion and any trouble there is
not going to be as satisfying or rewarding for those who would
prey on folks.

Jonathan N. Little

dorayme said:
Their minis,

Oh yeah they had some popularity on campus, they could be duel-purposed
as a space heater or hot plate in the dorm room... ;-)
pro boxes, laptops are hardware and they make money
from them, at least that is what their intention was.

Yes making money on units sold, but for the mere fraction of the market
share it is hard to call it a success. Now their other products they
made an impact.
I know
little about their gadgets except I found an mp3 shuffle at
Bronte beach once, the battery is not good and it plays music and
podcasts, but I prefer using my ex-mobile-phone Sony Ericsson
that has a wonderful speaker to hear podcasts.

Always made sense to me, I find it irritating to see a menu
attached to each app window in addition to the other controls
like bookmarks, search boxes, tabs that are there. Mac's unified
approach is good: File, Edit, View, ... are always in the same
place. This does not exclude invariants of the Finder like the
Apple menu, the clock, etc.

Well if you have several windows open there is *no* ubiquity as to which
window the menu belonged. I usually have multiple windows and apps going
at the same time. Having to bounce and forth to window to far upper left
for each menu...oops wrong window in focus, back to the window click to
focus and back to the top...crazy.

Like I said, if content space is such a premium than make it auto-hide.

Sometimes there are things about things that are to do with style
that are not easily argued. A Bentley feels superior to a Ford
and it is not just snobbery. Me, I liked Fords and trashy cars,
but I don't argue with friends who have quality cars. I accept
it, its their dough. You may be a bit unwise to be thinking that
folk with Macs are just wasting their theirs. It is not like
dresses or hats, people do things with their machinery and they
will pay more for more quality.

True, if the premium price is for premium product. They is why I build
my own. I can select the quality components to fint my need, and I have
the flexibility to configure and install what I wish.
Less clutter on the app windows, simple enough, and always in the
same place. Of course it is better. Why, in my wildest dreams,
would I want my BBEdit text editor be weighted down with this
stuff, you cannot operate the Finder properly while operating in
the text editor so it is a waste not to use the unusable bits of
Finder menu space at the complete top. Good to have the main
relevant BBEdit menu items. Less clutter, less unhelpful

It is not less, Mac just displays it in the top panel disconnect from
the app window. The app code has the same support code for the menu.
Application widgets, menus, modal dialogs are referenced by shared
libraries in the OS's API, basically the same in Windows, Gnome, KDE,
OSX...the difference is where and how it is displayed.
Jonathan, you cannot know any of these things until you have
*really* tried them. You are too passionate and one-eyed, these
are things that shock me to see in others, I thought only dorayme
had these qualities!

Well I will let you know if I can find it useful. I will be testing
similar features in Unity.

What can I say? You go on to say about the vulnerabilities of Win

Yes, poorly implemented security procedures. Microsoft has finally
patched|changed Windows to prevent the unattended, so called drive-by or
passive virus infections. Methods require user action. But where
Microsoft fails is their security is based upon "pester dialogs" that do
not require much challenge. Too easy to trick folks into untended
I know that every time I use Win, I am having hour glasses
and all sorts of things to do with security going on for ages,
sometimes I don't even know if it is safe to look at a site in
IE8 before the lady in the cute American voice tells me my Virus
software is now updated. There simply is not that level of
caution needed in the Mac world.

You may have a different outlook reviewing the Pawn2Own contents...
This may be due to some extent
in that Macs have been a tiny proportion and any trouble there is
not going to be as satisfying or rewarding for those who would
prey on folks.

The door won't protect you if you let the devil I said the new
threat is not viruses but malware spread by human-engineering. Well it
is Turkey Day on this side of the orb, for which I am about to partake.


Jonathan N. Little said:
dorayme wrote: ....

True, if the premium price is for premium product. They is why I build
my own. I can select the quality components to fint my need, and I have
the flexibility to configure and install what I wish.
I used to do it another way, I would buy a premium product like
my old Quicksilver Powermac for a song on eBay and deck it out
with further from Seagate, Belkin. When I got my QS box, there
was nothing easily obtainable that was so damn good in terms of
easy access, you just open a side that was a door. On this door
and inside all the bits easy to get to. Just sheer quality. It is
still going strong after 10 years and only in the last year did I
stop using it regularly (because it is not Intelled). Now, I
don't know, but I agree it is more flexible that you can go build
your own from every kind of bit in the PC world.

It is not less,

So when you have multiple same app windows open on Win, there is
no duplication of the File, Edit...? Look again. It's like every
football team that uses the local footy ground must bring their
own goal posts. I mean, C'mon!


Look, like with a Ford, even a rusty old one like my last, you
can have fun and get anywhere if you know what you are doing,
same with PCs, I have seen some of the best work ever done on Win
PCs and terrible stupid things done on Macs.


Jonathan N. Little said:
Well it
is Turkey Day on this side of the orb, for which I am about to partake.

Across the road from where I am living is a track, you go down
this track into bushland and there are plenty of bush turkeys I
see. I talk to them as they scuttle off, "You know its Xmas soon!
I don't blame you for hurrying off. You *do* know how Xmas and
turkey are related? Don't you?" And so on. I feel bad afterwards.

Gene Wirchenko

So when you have multiple same app windows open on Win, there is
no duplication of the File, Edit...? Look again. It's like every

Sure. And sometimes, the functionality is different from app to
app. Some apps have file groups so a Save All is a good idea. Others
do not. Forcing it all to one way sounds 1984ish to me.
football team that uses the local footy ground must bring their
own goal posts. I mean, C'mon!

Replace "goal posts" with "goalie", and reread.

Why argue preferences? It is a losing game.



Gene Wirchenko


Gene Wirchenko said:
So when you have multiple same app windows open on Win, there is
no duplication of the File, Edit...? Look again. It's like every

Sure. And sometimes, the functionality is different from app to
app. Some apps have file groups so a Save All is a good idea. Others
do not. Forcing it all to one way sounds 1984ish to me.

There is no forcing, and the menus native to the apps are *kept*
and are a little different for different apps. Your point seems
based on a misunderstanding? The fact that they are developed for
Macs ensures a certain consistency of course, but Firefox and
Fireworks and BBEdit and my newsreader have rather different

Why argue preferences? It is a losing game.

We are not doing that. We are talking deep religious differences
and what could be more important? It will all come out at the
Gates of St Peter, it is best to be prepared.

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