Dave Stallard
I'd like to have sets of references (I'm from Java; I'm a Set guy). I
understand that you cannot use a reference as a hash key, and that it
gets stringified if you try. So, to make my Set object, I've been
hashing the reference to itself (or more properly, hashing the
stringification to the reference).
I would like to not reinvent the wheel, however, and have found
Set::Object. But it doesn't work when I try to 'use Set::Object',
claiming it can't find something (even though the module is in the
path). The doc for Set::Object refers to XS code, which I gather is
lower-level C stuff. Do I need to link to a DLL or Shared Object or
something? Or worse yet, build it? BTW, I'd like this to run on both
XP and Linux.
Thanks, and sorry for the elementary question.
understand that you cannot use a reference as a hash key, and that it
gets stringified if you try. So, to make my Set object, I've been
hashing the reference to itself (or more properly, hashing the
stringification to the reference).
I would like to not reinvent the wheel, however, and have found
Set::Object. But it doesn't work when I try to 'use Set::Object',
claiming it can't find something (even though the module is in the
path). The doc for Set::Object refers to XS code, which I gather is
lower-level C stuff. Do I need to link to a DLL or Shared Object or
something? Or worse yet, build it? BTW, I'd like this to run on both
XP and Linux.
Thanks, and sorry for the elementary question.