Which libraries for Python 2.5.2


W. eWatson

I'm trying to restore Python 2.5.2 on an old XP PC for a particular
application from 4-5 years ago that uses it .

According to the latest manual on it, the following should be installed.


When I install them, and try to run the app program, Sentinel.py, some
part of matplotlib complains (error msgs) and the program quits.

The program begins with:
from Tkinter import *
from numpy import *
import Image
import ImageChops
import ImageTk
import time
import binascii
import tkMessageBox
import tkSimpleDialog
from pylab import plot, xlabel, ylabel, title, show, xticks, bar

I tried numpy-1.2.0 and matplotlib-0.98.3 and had the same difficulty.
What are wiser choices?

Here's the traceback.

Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.

Personal firewall software may warn about the connection IDLE
makes to its subprocess using this computer's internal loopback
interface. This connection is not visible on any external
interface and no data is sent to or received from the Internet.

IDLE 1.2.2 ==== No Subprocess ====Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Sentinel\Sent_user-20080716.py", line 16, in <module>

(SEE THIS from the above list of imports, and the from)<*****-------<
from pylab import plot, xlabel, ylabel, title, show, xticks, bar
File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\pylab.py", line 1, in <module>
from matplotlib.pylab import *
File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\pylab.py", line 206,
in <module>
from matplotlib import mpl # pulls in most modules
File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\mpl.py", line 1, in
from matplotlib import artist
File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\artist.py", line 4, in
from transforms import Bbox, IdentityTransform, TransformedBbox,
File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\transforms.py", line
34, in <module>
from matplotlib._path import affine_transform
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

Lie Ryan

Here's the traceback.

The traceback seems to imply that matplotlib is not being installed
properly. Have you tried uninstalling then reinstalling matplotlib?

Ian Kelly

 File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\transforms.py", line 34, in
   from matplotlib._path import affine_transform
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

Do you not have the file
C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\_path.pyd? It's in the
installer archive, so you should be able to just open it up with a zip
program and extract it manually. If that's missing, then there may be
other things wrong with your installation, though, so I would
recommend a full reinstall.

W. eWatson

The traceback seems to imply that matplotlib is not being installed
properly. Have you tried uninstalling then reinstalling matplotlib?
I believe I have, but I'll give it another go.

W. eWatson

Do you not have the file
C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\_path.pyd? It's in the
installer archive, so you should be able to just open it up with a zip
program and extract it manually. If that's missing, then there may be
other things wrong with your installation, though, so I would
recommend a full reinstall.
The path exits. _path.pyd exists.

W. eWatson

The traceback seems to imply that matplotlib is not being installed
properly. Have you tried uninstalling then reinstalling matplotlib?

I just did, and the results are this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Sentinel\Sent_user-20080716.py", line 16, in <module>
from pylab import plot, xlabel, ylabel, title, show, xticks, bar
File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\pylab.py", line 1, in <module>
from matplotlib.pylab import *
File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\pylab.py", line 204,
in <module>
from matplotlib import mpl # pulls in most modules
File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\mpl.py", line 1, in
from matplotlib import artist
File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\artist.py", line 4, in
from transforms import Bbox, IdentityTransform, TransformedBbox,
File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\transforms.py", line
34, in <module>
from matplotlib._path import affine_transform
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

I'm suspicious of this line, and maybe even the app program. There may
have been a change to the code that required the later two versions of
numpy and matplotlib. In fact, I'm using the later version here, so I'll
see if I can back up to the first Python app they produced.

from pylab import plot, xlabel, ylabel, title, show, xticks, bar

W. eWatson

I'm suspicious of this line, and maybe even the app program. There may
have been a change to the code that required the later two versions of
numpy and matplotlib. In fact, I'm using the later version here, so I'll
see if I can back up to the first Python app they produced.

from pylab import plot, xlabel, ylabel, title, show, xticks, bar

I found what I thought might be the original, but that got changed in a
later version on July 16, 2008, which became what I continued to use.
The libs are as in my first post. I looked at the original Python app,
and it used Python 2.4.2 but sure doesn't use the same lib versions as
the 2008 version.

The puzzler for me is why I can find numpy and matplotlib on my PC
slightly latter than shown in the first post. It's like another release
of the app came later. Unfortunately, I'm stuck on that, since our
sponsors seem to be out for the entire holiday season.

W. eWatson

I realized that I had a working copy of the app on another XP PC, so I
looked at what I had installed for Python.

It was not what I had posted the first time. There must have been some
shift after the July 16, 2008 date. One lib that was missing was scipy.

I just collected the three libs I saw there.


Scipy uses as its installer.

I replaced numpy and matplotlib, and added scipy. I still get errors,
but perhaps because the install order is now wrong. It was

Does anyone know the right order?

The complaint msgs were very close to what I posted before, and
matplotlib was again the last of the bunch. DLL for it not found.

Possibly I need the dependencywalker that Christian mentioned.

W. eWatson

Am 27.12.2011 17:03, schrieb W. eWatson:

You are missing one or more DLLs that is required to load the _path.pyd
module. You can use http://www.dependencywalker.com/ to track down
missing DLLs.

OK, I installed it. Is there an easy way to go to track down this dll.
There's a Help, but I can't print it from the PC I have it on.

Ian Kelly

I replaced numpy and matplotlib, and added scipy. I still get errors, but
perhaps because the install order is now wrong. It was

Does anyone know the right order?

The order (numpy, scipy, matplotlib) reflects the dependencies, but
since the installers are just fancied-up self-extracting zips, I don't
think it should matter.
OK, I installed it. Is there an easy way to go to track down this dll.
There's a Help, but I can't print it from the PC I have it on.

It should be reasonably self-explanatory, I think. Just start
Dependency Walker, open up the _path.pyd file, and it will show you
the full dependency tree. Below that is a list of all the modules,
and any missing dependencies should helpfully show up right at the top
of the list.

Note that missing delay-load dependencies (those with an hourglass
icon) are not necessarily problems. Since the error occurs at
load-time, you're looking for a missing module that would be loaded

W. eWatson

The order (numpy, scipy, matplotlib) reflects the dependencies, but
since the installers are just fancied-up self-extracting zips, I don't
think it should matter.

It should be reasonably self-explanatory, I think. Just start
Dependency Walker, open up the _path.pyd file, and it will show you
the full dependency tree. Below that is a list of all the modules,
and any missing dependencies should helpfully show up right at the top
of the list.

Note that missing delay-load dependencies (those with an hourglass
icon) are not necessarily problems. Since the error occurs at
load-time, you're looking for a missing module that would be loaded
I was too timid. When I saw File->Open, I thought I was going to have to
open a file, thinking what file could it be?

Well, it found several problems. These DLLs

There may be 100 file.

Issues found:
required dependency not found
delay-dependency not found
one nodule unresolved ... missing delay-dependency module

Perhaps the next step is to download a fresh version of matplotlib?

Ian Kelly

Well, it found several problems. These DLLs

I'm guessing MSVCP1 is a typo for MSVCP71? If that is missing then
that is probably the culprit. That DLL is the C runtime library. It
is supposed to be shipped with applications that need it, but it is so
ubiquitous that it is often assumed to be present or forgotten. You
can download it from
http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?msvcp71 (or just
find it on another Windows XP PC) and copy it into
C:\Windows\System32. Don't forget to run regsvr32 to register it.


W. eWatson

I'm guessing MSVCP1 is a typo for MSVCP71? If that is missing then
that is probably the culprit. That DLL is the C runtime library. It
is supposed to be shipped with applications that need it, but it is so
ubiquitous that it is often assumed to be present or forgotten. You
can download it from
http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?msvcp71 (or just
find it on another Windows XP PC) and copy it into
C:\Windows\System32. Don't forget to run regsvr32 to register it.

You are very likely right about the spelling. I wrote it down, and
carried it to this PC. Sometimes I can't read my own writing.

I've never used regsvr32, but I would guess it's entered into the Run
(simple dialog for MS tools like regedit) selection off the Start menu.

Dave Angel

You are very likely right about the spelling. I wrote it down, and
carried it to this PC. Sometimes I can't read my own writing.

I've never used regsvr32, but I would guess it's entered into the Run
(simple dialog for MS tools like regedit) selection off the Start menu.

Of course not. You run it from the same command window (aka DOS box, or
cmd window) you've been doing all your other testing from. And like all
good commands, it has built-in help so you can see what the argument
list looks like.

W. eWatson

You are very likely right about the spelling. I wrote it down, and
carried it to this PC. Sometimes I can't read my own writing.
Well, thing went slightly awry. The link gave me two choices. Download
msv...dll fixer, and download fixer. I took the latter. However, just
checking on the other one, found that I got the same exe file. I
installed it on the XP PC, and pressed what looked like a reasonable
place to start. It would download the dll, and register it.

Well, it seemed more interested in the registry. It scanned four areas
of the registry, and found 123 problems in total. To fix them would
require buying something.

I noticed a large button near the top that said download dll. It found
one the internet, and guess what? More purchase for the download.

It seems like dll-fixer has a corner on the market.

I found this
but he almost has too much to say. He issues a warning about getting a
dll off the web. He does offer this.

Run the sfc /scannow System File Checker command to replace a missing or
corrupt copy of the msvcp71.dll file. If this DLL file is provided my
Microsoft, the System File Checker tool should restore it.

I guess I'm missing something here.

OK, I'm borrowing one from my XP laptop. Back later.

W. eWatson

A new dilemma. The PC XP in question with Python has the the msvcp71.dll
file in System32. The one I took off my other laptop has a slightly
newer one. Feb 2003 vs Aug 2003.

Perhaps the (python PC) has a corrupt one?

Ian Kelly

Well, thing went slightly awry. The link gave me two choices. Download
msv...dll fixer, and download fixer. I took the latter. However, just
checking on the other one, found that I got the same exe file. I installed
it on the XP PC, and pressed what looked like a reasonable place to start.
It would download the dll, and register it.

Well, it seemed more interested in the registry. It scanned four areas of
the registry, and found 123 problems in total. To fix them would require
buying something.

I noticed a large button near the top that said download dll. It found one
the internet, and guess what? More purchase for the download.

It seems like dll-fixer has a corner on the market.

Definitely don't download that spamware fixer program -- who knows
what that does? You want the grey "Download zip-file" link, not the
not the flashy "Download fixer" ad links. Anyway, it sounds like
you've found another copy of the DLL.

If I were you, I would uninstall that fixer ASAP and then run an
anti-malware and anti-virus tool or two, just in case.
Run the sfc /scannow System File Checker command to replace a missing or
corrupt copy of the msvcp71.dll file. If this DLL file is provided my
Microsoft, the System File Checker tool should restore it.

I don't believe it is provided by Microsoft, but it wouldn't hurt to try.
A new dilemma. The PC XP in question with Python has the the msvcp71.dll
file in System32. The one I took off my other laptop has a slightly newer
one. Feb 2003 vs Aug 2003.

Weird. Try registering the existing dll, try replacing it with the
other one (be sure to back up the original first), etc.

W. eWatson

Definitely don't download that spamware fixer program -- who knows
what that does? You want the grey "Download zip-file" link, not the
not the flashy "Download fixer" ad links. Anyway, it sounds like
you've found another copy of the DLL.

If I were you, I would uninstall that fixer ASAP and then run an
anti-malware and anti-virus tool or two, just in case.

I don't believe it is provided by Microsoft, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Weird. Try registering the existing dll, try replacing it with the
other one (be sure to back up the original first), etc.

I haven't installed the newer version yet, Aug 2003. I thought I'd see
what happened if I entered sfc /scannow. Whatever, happened the black
window flashed by in a split second.

Somehow this doesn't seem helpful
Although, 20 lines down or so it says:
If sfc discovers that a protected file has been overwritten, it
retrieves the correct version of the file from the
%systemroot%\system32\dllcache folder, and then replaces the incorrect

I'm going to run this by a XP NG.

W. eWatson

I haven't installed the newer version yet, Aug 2003. I thought I'd see
what happened if I entered sfc /scannow. Whatever, happened the black
window flashed by in a split second.

Somehow this doesn't seem helpful
Although, 20 lines down or so it says:
If sfc discovers that a protected file has been overwritten, it
retrieves the correct version of the file from the
%systemroot%\system32\dllcache folder, and then replaces the incorrect

I'm going to run this by a XP NG.
That certainly didn't help.

I'm going to save the msvcp71.dll from the Python laptop somewhere, then
insert the one from my other XP laptop. Finally, I'll register it.
regsvr32. Just to review, I presume not from cmd, but Run?

Benjamin Kaplan

That certainly didn't help.

I'm going to save the msvcp71.dll from the Python laptop somewhere, then
insert the one from my other XP laptop. Finally, I'll register it. regsvr32.
Just to review, I presume not from cmd, but Run?

It should work from either but I prefer to use cmd in case there's an
error message.

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