[ANN] RubyStuff: The Ruby Shop for Ruby Programmers



The currency exchange is usually handled by the credit card company.
They add an FX fee for it as well so be aware of that in your price
calculations. I usually add it up something like this

total cost = (cost of goods + freight) * fx rate + fx fee

YMMV. You may be luck enough to be able to carry out the transaction in
your domestic currency which will make things a lot simpler.


ps FX = Foreign Exchange

Joel VanderWerf

wannes said:
maybe, but i was more thinking of something like
"Ruby programmers do it duck-wise" ;)

Oh, my, where will it all end?

"Ruby programmers do it with ducks."

"Ruby programmers do it ducky-style."

Ok, time for the knight with the rubber chicken to step in and crack
some heads.

Hal Fulton

Daniel said:

I'm still waiting for my, "Ruby programmers do it with class" t-shirt.

Ha... or maybe "Ruby: Get Treated Like An Object"

Yep, if I had infinite time, well, that would be a lot of



I know CafePress is easy, but the shirts look generic, the quality is
poor, and most of the money goes to CafePress not to supporting Ruby.

It really isn't that hard to get decent shirts printed up by a real
print shop that will look better, sell better, and raise more $$.
After all we're trying to convince people that Ruby is for real, yeah?

Nothing says just another obscure vanity project like a CafePress
shirt. :)


James Britt

kellan said:
I know CafePress is easy, but the shirts look generic, the quality is
poor, and most of the money goes to CafePress not to supporting Ruby.

True. But CafePress is providing a service, and I am unaware of a
better way to provide such goods.

BTW, CafePress offers a 30-day money back guarantee (minus shipping
costs, sadly) if one feels they have been sold crap.


It really isn't that hard to get decent shirts printed up by a real
print shop that will look better, sell better, and raise more $$.

Do you have details? Anything to show that a print shop run of 4 coffee
mugs and five shirts, with 3 different designs, will net me more than
using CafePress?

Really, I'd be happier using a local business for this, but my limited
experience with printing and such is that there is no way to get this
sort of ease of manufacturing, variety of designs, on-line credit card
processing, and distribution when dealing with sporadic demand.

Any specific information to the contrary is welcome.
After all we're trying to convince people that Ruby is for real, yeah?

No, not really. At least, I don't think T-shirts and coffee mugs do that
as well as the language itself, and that isn't the goal of the CafePress

Nothing says just another obscure vanity project like a CafePress
shirt. :)

Can I put that on a shirt?



http://www.ruby-doc.org - The Ruby Documentation Site
http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys

Randy Kramer

kellan wrote:
No, not really. At least, I don't think T-shirts and coffee mugs do that
as well as the language itself, and that isn't the goal of the CafePress

What is the goal (or, who is getting the proceeds from the Ruby Shop)?
Can I put that on a shirt?

I'd love to hear/see CafePress' reaction to that! ;-)

Randy Kramer

James Britt

Randy said:
What is the goal (or, who is getting the proceeds from the Ruby Shop)?

I'm using the money to help pay for Ruby sites I run:

I'd love to hear/see CafePress' reaction to that! ;-)


It's all the same to them.



http://www.ruby-doc.org - The Ruby Documentation Site
http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys

Hal Fulton

kellan said:
I know CafePress is easy, but the shirts look generic, the quality is
poor, and most of the money goes to CafePress not to supporting Ruby.

It really isn't that hard to get decent shirts printed up by a real
print shop that will look better, sell better, and raise more $$.
After all we're trying to convince people that Ruby is for real, yeah?

True enough, but then you have to worry about inventory, shipping,
credit card processing, and more.

If you have a good solution, let us know.


James Britt

Simon said:
My sister gave me this shirt for xmas.. maybe she can make some more?
(sorry for showoff :)

Oh, nice!
btw: I am considering buying a ruby mug for my job.



http://www.ruby-doc.org - The Ruby Documentation Site
http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys

Thomas Kirchner

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* On Jun 16 7:04 said:
My sister gave me this shirt for xmas.. maybe she can make some more?
(sorry for showoff :)

Please let us know if she can/will make more... I'd absolutely like one,=20
I've loved it since I first saw the picture you sent to the list a while=20
back :)
(note that I have no idea how it was made, this is only a proposition if=20
it was easy to make.)

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Simon Strandgaard

Please let us know if she can/will make more... I'd absolutely like one,
I've loved it since I first saw the picture you sent to the list a while
back :)
(note that I have no idea how it was made, this is only a proposition if
it was easy to make.)

Ok, I have send a mail to my sister, asking if she is interested in making
some more shirts with ruby logo on. What her prices are and stuff.
I will forward her reply to this thread.

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