Internet Explorer, Applets and multiple JVM versions



I'm using IE 6 and was wondering how you can force different applets to
use different JVM version plugins.

We have a situation whereby users need to use a 3rd party applet using
Java 1.3 (Jinitiator) and need to use an in-house applet using Java
1.5. Users will use both applets simultaneously. What can we do to
ensure that each browser session uses its own specific JVM without
polluting the other browser sessions?

Many thanks in advance.

Andrew Thompson

I'm using IE 6 and was wondering how you can force different applets to
use different JVM version plugins.

Is 'IE 6' a specific and non-negotiable requirement?

The reason I ask is that it might be easier to achieve
what you want by launching two separate browsers, as in..
(1 x IE 6) + (1 x FireFox)

What are the exact requirements that lead to wanting the
applets open _simultaneously_. And perhaps most importantly,
why can your web-app not be run within a single page as a
'linear' application?


Having both applets open simulataneously is non-negotiable. The users
work in a contact centre and require both applets to deal with requests
from members of the public. Applet1 is a 3rd party contact centre
product which can be configured to launch parameterised URLs.

We use Applet1 to log calls from the public. A service area is then
selected and a parameterized URL is invoked launching applet2 which
deals with the specific details of the request. When the request is
dealt with, applet2 is closed and the user continues with applet1. A
new call is taken, the details are logged in applet1, which then
invokes applet2 ad infinitum.

In an ideal world we would ditch applet1. However, we cannot as it has
been paid for and it is too political to ditch it.

On the subject of launching two separate browsers, that is a goer if
and only if applet1 running in IE can invoke a URL which causes say
Firefox to open with the applet2.

Pete Barrett

I'm using IE 6 and was wondering how you can force different applets to
use different JVM version plugins.

We have a situation whereby users need to use a 3rd party applet using
Java 1.3 (Jinitiator) and need to use an in-house applet using Java
1.5. Users will use both applets simultaneously. What can we do to
ensure that each browser session uses its own specific JVM without
polluting the other browser sessions?

Many thanks in advance.

I think there's an attribute or a parameter in the OBJECT tag for
invoking an applet which can specify the JVM version. If there isn't,
have a look at the JSP tag for invoking an applet. (I remember it's
somewhere, but don't have my documents here at the moment - these are
the likely places.)

Of course, it may be no more than a request to use one particular JVM
- I've never had to use it, so don't know how well it works.

Pete Barrett

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