Android App Help Required

Jun 9, 2020
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Hi all,

I've been given a project at work for which I am entirely unsuited. I've been asked to create an Android app that will act as a database for a registration system.

The concept is that an employee will scan an NFC card which contains their employee number, name, time, etc and this will be logged. Not necessarily saved as the data will be on a tablet and will need to be manually entered into an existing database. It's like a way of making sure paperwork isn't being fudged.

I've got to show a proof of concept in around 2 weeks and I'm genuinely at a loss how to start. I have basic coding knowledge but nowhere near this level. Any help or pointers appreciated.
Jun 9, 2020
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What language and database you planning to use?

In terms of language, whichever is easier for this task. I know some basic java but I've never developed an app with it. Happy to listen to suggestions for languages etc as long as I can create a functioning app with it.
The database may be a bad choice of words. The concept is to store fields such as employee names, departments etc onto an NFC card and then this app would scan the card and populate associated fields. This data has to be manually entered into a seperate database on a secure system so there's requirement for long-term storage, just a placeholder to replace the existing paperwork.

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