Argument Processing


Dan Pop

In said:
Just a question - were parentheses EVER required on a 'return'
statement in C?

What if we wanted count to return a value, say the number of
characters read? The return statement allows for this too:

int i, c, nchar;
nchar = 0;
while( (c=getchar( )) != '\0' ) {
if( c > size || c < 0 )
c = size;

Any expression can appear within the parentheses.

This is a strong implication that, by the time this tutorial was written,
4 years before K&R1, returning a value *required* the parentheses.

Even K&R1 consistently uses them when returning values, although the
syntax specification in Appendix A doesn't require them. It must have
been a very recent change to the language syntax.


John Bode

Mike Wahler said:
"Daniel Rudy"
Thanks to everyone who replied. The code now looks like this:

strata:/home/dcrudy/c 1047 $$$ ->cat argtest.c

just echos the command line arguments onto the screen
tests the format of argument processing


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i; /* generic counter */

if (argc < 3)
printf("error: need more arguments.\n");
printf("argc = %d\n", argc);
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv);

/* return to operating system */

So now when I run it, instead of core dumping, I get the following output:

strata:/home/dcrudy/c 1046 $$$ ->./argtest arg1 arg2 arg3
argc = 4
argv[0] = ./argtest
argv[1] = arg1
argv[2] = arg2
argv[3] = arg3

Now there is something about this that I do not understand. What
exactly is the nature of argv? I know it's an array,

Actually, it's not. Arrays cannot be passed to or returned
from functions.
but is it an array
of char?

No. It's a pointer (to an array of pointers (to char)).
This allows for arguments of varying lengths.

Actually, it's just a pointer to pointer to char, not a pointer to an
array of pointers to char (otherwise it would have to be typed char

Right. Logically speaking, you're passing an array of strings to
main(). Physically speaking, this translates as a pointer to a
pointer to char:

int main (int argc, char *argv[])


int main (int argc, char **argv)

Here's why. Remember that a "string" in C is a 0-terminated array of

char a[6] = "Hello"; /* a == {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 0} */

Therefore, an array of strings would be an array of 0-terminated
arrays of char:

char b[2][6] = {"Hello", "World"};

Now, remember that when you pass an array as an argument to a
function, what actually happens is that you pass a *pointer* to the
first element of the array. In other words:

void foo(char *arr) {...}
foo(a); /* a == &a[0] */
foo(b[0]); /* b[0] == &b[0][0] */
foo(b[1]); /* b[1] == &b[1][0] */

Even though the actual *types* of a, b[0], and b[1] are "6-element
array of char", when an array identifier appears in any context other
than as an operand to sizeof, it is evaluated as a pointer to the
first element in the array.

Now, since b is itself an array of something, when we pass it to a
function, we are actually passing the pointer to the first element:

void bar(char **arr) {...}
bar(b); /* b == &b[0] */

In the context of a function prototype, a[] and *a are equivalent;
both indicate that a is a pointer to something. *b[] and **b are also
equivalent. Since this tends to cause no end of confusion, I stick
with the *a, **b syntax exclusively.

Old Wolf

Mike Wahler said:
Nils O. Selåsdal said:
Daniel said:
What exactly is the nature of argv? I know it's an array,

argv is char *argv[] .A n array, of pointers to char.

No, 'argv' is *not* an array, it's a pointer.
Think of it as an array of pointers to C strings.

No. It's a pointer to such an array.

If we're going to this level of ped^H^H^H detail,
it's actually a pointer to the first item of such an array.

Tim Rentsch

In said:
Just a question - were parentheses EVER required on a 'return'
statement in C?

What if we wanted count to return a value, say the number of
characters read? The return statement allows for this too:

int i, c, nchar;
nchar = 0;
while( (c=getchar( )) != '\0' ) {
if( c > size || c < 0 )
c = size;

Any expression can appear within the parentheses.

This is a strong implication that, by the time this tutorial was written,
4 years before K&R1, returning a value *required* the parentheses.

Even K&R1 consistently uses them when returning values, although the
syntax specification in Appendix A doesn't require them. It must have
been a very recent change to the language syntax.

This combination of observations explains a lot. Thanks Dan.

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