[ASP/vbScript] Shopping Cart - removing items by quantity - theory..


Rob Meade

Hi all,

Ok - so I've got the array thing going on, and the session thing going on,
and up until now its all been ok.

I've got my view basket page which is displaying 3 rows (as an example) - I
have an input box on each row enabling the user to update the quantity.

If the enter a zero I need to remove the item from the array....

Without getting too much into code - I was hoping for an "in words" reply as
to how to get around my problem...

I have 2 loops - one outer, one inner, which are iterating through 2 arrays,
the outer array is that of the "quantities" as posted by the form, the inner
array is that of the items in the basket as populated from the session.

Now - I've tried implementing my code that removes items from the array, but
I've discovered a problem....because I need to remove the item I end up
using a temporary array to store the items that are NOT being removed, then
I resize the original array and pop 'em back in. Because the size of the
original array has now changed, if there are more than one item in the
basket which are being removed (by entering a zero for quantity) when it
gets to the next zero to deal with, the index has changed on the array -
thus buggering my loops a tad...

Any thoughts/theories on the approach to this - again, ideally in words
rather than code - its late and my eyes hurt :eek:(

Thanks in advance for any help.



Rob Meade

oooh...dont you just hate it when you have a good idea you think might be
the solution just AFTER posting to the group (or am I the only one that does
this - still nice to talk to myself!)..

Ok - how's this sound...

I iterate through the outer array (items in the basket), and the inner array
(quantities) - I update the quantities accordingly...

Then, I iterate through the basket items array again, this time, taking
products from it where the quantity is greater than zero and placing them
into a new array.

At the end of it I should have an array with just the basket items with a
quantity > 0 ...

Sound ok?



Anthony Jones

Rob Meade said:
Hi all,

Ok - so I've got the array thing going on, and the session thing going on,
and up until now its all been ok.

I've got my view basket page which is displaying 3 rows (as an example) - I
have an input box on each row enabling the user to update the quantity.

If the enter a zero I need to remove the item from the array....

Without getting too much into code - I was hoping for an "in words" reply as
to how to get around my problem...

I have 2 loops - one outer, one inner, which are iterating through 2 arrays,
the outer array is that of the "quantities" as posted by the form, the inner
array is that of the items in the basket as populated from the session.

Now - I've tried implementing my code that removes items from the array, but
I've discovered a problem....because I need to remove the item I end up
using a temporary array to store the items that are NOT being removed, then
I resize the original array and pop 'em back in. Because the size of the
original array has now changed, if there are more than one item in the
basket which are being removed (by entering a zero for quantity) when it
gets to the next zero to deal with, the index has changed on the array -
thus buggering my loops a tad...

Any thoughts/theories on the approach to this - again, ideally in words
rather than code - its late and my eyes hurt :eek:(

Thanks in advance for any help.



Have you considered not using arrays but using XML instead. You can safely
store a FreeThreadedDOMDocument in the session object.

Rob Meade

Have you considered not using arrays but using XML instead. You can
store a FreeThreadedDOMDocument in the session object.

Hi Anthony,

Thank you for your reply - I have to confess that I've not considered using
XML - at the time the array seemed the obvious way to go.

What would be the advantage of using XML? In addition -is this actually an
XML "file" or a string of XML elements? I only ask as potentially there
could be lots of carts being used at once and if files are involved I'm not
entirely sure how that would work.

Any further info is appreciated.



Bob Lehmann

What would be the advantage of using XML?
XML has a higher "cool factor".

The original intent behind XML was that it is simply text, used to
communicate between disparate systems, especially via HTTP.

Now-a-days, even if your application only communicates with itself, if your
app doesn't use XML, you run the risk of being found guilty of non-buzzword
compliance by the PHB or someone in Marketing & Sales.

Bob Lehmann

Rob Meade

XML has a higher "cool factor".


Nice reply :eek:D

I was expecting a reply more a long the lines of "arrays are more costly on
the servers resources" or something like that - hehe.. :eek:)


Bob Lehmann

I was expecting a reply more a long the lines of "arrays are more costly


Invariably, the usual flow with XML is ...

Load the XML document
Parse and loop through the tags and their children
Place values in an array
Loop through the array
Process the data


I'm not saying that XML doesn't have its place, but it *is* highly overused
/ abused.

Bob Lehmann

Bob Barrows [MVP]

Rob said:

Hi Anthony,

Thank you for your reply - I have to confess that I've not considered
using XML - at the time the array seemed the obvious way to go.

What would be the advantage of using XML?

1. Using the selectSingleNode and selectNodes methods combined with XPATH
queries, xml domdocuments () aka "xml documents" for shortare easily
2. Nodes can easily be removed from and inserted into the body of the xml

If you don't need either of these functions (as well as the other
functionality provided by the MS XML Parser), then use arrays. However, in
your case, xml documents seem to be what you need.
In addition -is this
actually an XML "file" or a string of XML elements?

No files need to be involved, although they can be.
An xml document is an object provided by the MS XML Parser library. It has
properties, collections and methods which can be used to work with the xml
contained in the document object. Its free-threaded version can be safely
stored in session or application. It has a Save method which can be used to
save its xml to a file, or to stream it to Response or an ADO Stream
(allowing it to be serialized into a recordset object). ADO recordsets also
have a Save method which allow their contents, metadata and data, to be
saved to a file as xml, or streamed into an xml document. I have an example
of this here:

Here is another example of using xml documents:

Bob Barrows [MVP]

Bob said:

Invariable? :)
the usual flow with XML is ...

Load the XML document
Parse and loop through the tags and their children
Place values in an array

Why would anyone ever do that?

I think you're exaggerating here to be funny.
I have made extensive use of xml documents and not once have I ever moved
data from a document into an array.
Neither have I ever seen any examples of anyone doing this.

Anthony Jones

Rob Meade said:

Hi Anthony,

Thank you for your reply - I have to confess that I've not considered using
XML - at the time the array seemed the obvious way to go.

What would be the advantage of using XML? In addition -is this actually an
XML "file" or a string of XML elements? I only ask as potentially there
could be lots of carts being used at once and if files are involved I'm not
entirely sure how that would work.

Any further info is appreciated.



Sorry Rob I went offline for a few days. I think Mr Barrows has pretty much
covered it though.

Here's a really noddy example of an order entry page. (Note I'm just
demonstrating FreeThreadedDOM, avoiding other techniques and other good
practices a real world solution would use.)

Create an empty default.asp file in a folder somewhere and paste in the

Option Explicit

Dim goOrderDOM
Dim goProductDOM

Dim goLine
Dim i

If IsEmpty(Session("OrderDOM")) Then
Set goOrderDOM = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.3.0")
goOrderDOM.async = False
goOrderDOM.loadXML "<order />"
Set Session("OrderDOM") = goOrderDOM
Set goOrderDOM = Session("OrderDOM")
End If

If IsEmpty(Application("ProductDOM")) Then
Set goProductDOM =
goProductDOM.async = False
goProductDOM.load Server.MapPath("Products.xml")
Set Application("ProductDOM") = goProductDOM
Set goProductDOM = Application("ProductDOM")
End If

If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then ProcessPost

<title>Simple Order Entry</title>
<form method="POST" action="default.asp">
<table rules="all">
i = 0
For Each goLine In goOrderDOM.documentElement.childNodes
<td class="quantity"><%=goLine.getAttribute("quantity")%></td>
i = i + 1
<select name="cboProduct">
<option>- Select Product -</option>
<td><input type="text" value="0" name="txtQty" /></td>
<input type="submit" value="Post" />

Function GetProductName(roLine)

Dim sProdID
Dim oProduct

sProdID = roLine.getAttribute("productID")

Set oProduct = goProductDOM.selectSingleNode("//product[@ID=""" & sProdID &

GetProductName = Server.HTMLEncode(oProduct.Text)

End Function

Sub DrawProductOptions

Dim oProd

For Each oProd in goProductDOM.documentElement.childNodes
Response.Write "<option value=""" & oProd.getAttribute("ID") & """>" & _
Server.HTMLEncode(oProd.Text) & "</option>"

End Sub

Sub ProcessPost()

Dim sProdID
Dim lQty
Dim oLine

sProdID = Request.Form("cboProduct")
lQty = CLng(Request.Form("txtQty"))

If sProdID <> Empty Then

Set oLine = goOrderDOM.selectSingleNode("/order/line[@productID=""" &
sProdID & """]")

If lQty > 0 Then
If oLine Is Nothing Then
Set oLine =
oLine.setAttribute "productID", sProdID
End If
oLine.setAttribute "quantity", lQty
If Not oLine Is Nothing Then
End If
End If

End If

End Sub

In the sample folder paste the following into a Products.xml file:-

<product ID="1">Widgets</product>
<product ID="2">Gizzmos</product>
<product ID="3">Thingamabobs</product>

That's it. Note that once a object holding the Order lines is added to the
session object it's never done again in that session. There's no need to
retrieve the object then put it back when finished (like you do with an
array). Most of the time a simple object pointer is retrieved from the
session object.

Note also the list of products is held in the application object. Hence
this in only done once for the whole application and all sessions can share
the same instance of the product list.

FWIW, I don't use standard HTML forms at all. If I were to develop an
application like this in the real world the order XML would be built client
side and only posted to the server on completion (XMLHTTPRequest). The
receiving ASP page might to do some pre-processing/validation of the XML
then passed to SQL Server batch or SP as a NTEXT parameter which is parsed
up with OPENXML.


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